Explain How Different Types of Transitions Can Affect Children

Last Updated: 24 Mar 2023
Pages: 2 Views: 672

‘Children and young people naturally pass through a number of stages as they grow and develop. Often, they will also be expected to cope with changes such as movement from primary to secondary school and, for children with disabilities or chronic ill health, from children’s to adults’ services. Such changes are commonly referred to as transitions. Some children may have to face very particular and personal transitions not necessarily shared or understood by all their peers.

These include: family illness or the death of a close relative; divorce and family break-up; issues related to sexuality; adoption; the process of asylum; disability; parental mental health; and the consequences of crime. It is important to understand a child or young person in the context of their life, to recognise and understand the impact of any transitions they may be going through.

It is also vital to recognise the role of parents and carers in supporting children and young people at points of transition and to understand the need for reassurance, advice and support that parents and carers may express at these points’ (Common Core of Kills and Knowledge for the children and young people’s workforce) Some of the transitions the children and young people in care include: -Changes in the body -Moving from home into care Starting/changing schools -Residential care to leaving care -Becoming independent Transition can impact on a child or young person’s development and it’s important they are supported through this helping them to prepare and overcome fears. The children and young people placed in care will experience many social changes in their lives and will need support to build self-esteem and confidence to fulfil their potential.

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Children and young people need strong attachments, consistency and trust; having someone they can trust will make transitions easier. Children and young people with positive relationships have the ability to cope better and be more resilient. If a child or young person feels secure with a carer they will not be afraid to ask for help or guidance on sensitive issues.

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Explain How Different Types of Transitions Can Affect Children. (2017, May 03). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/explain-how-different-types-of-transitions-can-affect-children-and-young-peoples-development/

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