Returning to One’s Hometown: A Mix of Negative and Positive Reflections

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What does this cartoon suggest about belonging? The Image shown suggests that the talking cartoon character feels he needs to Isolate himself from the world until It Is a happy place gall that he wishes to live In. It is as if he only wishes to belong to places in which he believes are positive. II. What features of this cartoon suggest this message? The main reasons that suggest this is the text shown from the cartoon character and his body language.

The cartoons speech is very negative toward belonging not Just to place but also to self. The characters body language suggests to the readers that the image is of an unhappy and negative tone. Another feature that suggests this is the shading of the building this shows us a feeling of isolation which is created by the character In the way he Is locking himself away from society and the world. Question Two: Poem l. What reflections does the poem offer on returning to the place where on grew up? Support your answer with detail from the poem.

Wealth the poem there are feelings of different tones. These being negative and positive to returning to Darwin. It seems hat the author does not want to return when he say such quotes as "dragging my body behind", this give a sense of disappointment as he uses an unwilling tone to describe what he is feeling when he arrives back in Darwin after twenty five years of leaving. The metaphor "landfill" is also used in describing his negative view, it has been said that throughout the poem that he cannot escape Darwin, it is as if he needs to belong to Darwin to survive. It fills the nose like a childhood dunked in scented tea", Is another form of tone but in this cause takes on a positive perspective, his gives us a technique of emotive language. This technique gives the readers a better sense of what the character Is experiencing at the present time. It also shows experience past times. Question Three: Prose Extract l. How does the narrator evoke the experience of being at home in the landscape? In David Ireland's extract "The Chosen", Ireland shows the way the beauty of natural sceneries can fill a girl with impressions of belonging through a keen eye of discoveries of the natural world.

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The extract begins by using a metaphor of "She began to love the silence", this helps to indicate her somewhat as it seem previous fife with "silence". The girl further begins to explore the sceneries, which leads her to finally understand nature where she experiences tranquility of the sceneries and begins to "love the silence" once again, It Is as If every step she takes excites her more and more about future discoveries. "She listened to see If she could hear the crops growing" is used to suggest her unfamiliarity of being in mother natures arms, she an discoveries.

Question Four: Visual Text, Poem and Prose Extract l. In each of these texts, perceptions of belonging involve connections between people and places. Select and TWO of these texts and compare their portrayal of the connections between people and places. In the text "Darwin 1967-1992" and "The Chosen" perceptions of belonging are very much the same, both texts reveal a sense of wanting to belong to place but they also show a sense of not wanting to belong for particular reasons.

In "Darwin 1967-1992" the main idea is to show that past experiences can connect you to a place you may not particularly want to be, in this case Darwin. It is as if the author cannot escape, as it is truly where his sense of belonging is. It is like Darwin is the only place he can be his true self. The Chosen" can be taken by an audience as wanting to belong or not wanting to belong much like "Darwin 1967-1992". In "The Chosen" we can see she did not want to belong at first but soon grew to love the sceneries much like the author of "Darwin 1967-1992" loved Darwin as a place when he was younger.

The girls opening sentence soon tells us that she wishes to connect and belong to place by the way she somewhat lets herself fall into mother natures arms. The girl seem to disconnect from the people as she says "She began to love the silence" showing that she doesn't want to hear anything form the world outside of the sceneries she is connecting herself to, Just like the author of "Darwin 1967-1993" is aiming to disconnect himself form all the experiences and people of Darwin.

Essay: "Heat and Dust"- Ruth Brawler Cabala "Time and Tide"- Tim Winston Belonging is not Just defined by on specific definition but by many, this can be influenced from events people have endured in life or from views and perceptions told from others. Belonging means the feeling of acceptance, security and fulfillment, or the connection felt to people, places, communities and the world itself. These feeling can be identified through Ruth Brawler Cabala's novel "Heat and Dust" and Tim Window's 1997 feature article "Time and Tide".

Belonging to place is a very significant aspect to a persons feeling of being accepted and connected. In Cabala's "Heat and Dust" the narrator travels to India to reconstruct the story of Olivia and to find herself and where she belongs in Indian culture. Her first expectations of India are not what she envisioned at all she imagined India to be Just like or identical to the memoirs, prints and letters of Olive's she had received. The first view that is shown to backup the narrator's negative view of India is the loss of her watch.

She uses empathic tone in the line "Not already' to suggest the expectation of things being taken. The narrator somewhat starts to forget about her first views of India and become diverted into the India culture, she does this by opening up her windows and door to let the heat and dust which brings her into the realization of what Indian culture is and what she wishes to do to make a connection to India and belong to India and its people.

The narrator's sense of belonging to the people of India truly starts when she Joins and feels connected to the Ender La's family this is shown through the metaphor "Joined the Ender Ala line". This use of this metaphor is to show the narrators deep and true feeling for the Ender Ala family and their culture. The narrator soon become intensely involved in Indian culture after she is introduced to how they live, eat, sleep and dress. She begins to live like the Indians by only sleeping in a small room with minimal furniture and resources. She also begins to eat traditional Indian food and wear the traditional Indian clothing.

The narrator become so involved and in love with India as the days go on this can be seen in the line "l lie awake for hours: with happiness", the use of the colon helps to add and emphasis positive tone of the narrator and show us that she is keeping with a positive state of mind. The narrator soon become pregnant to Ender Ala in a secret affair of which only they know of. The narrator makes the decision and tries an abortion to help keep her love affair secret to the Indian culture. The narrator allows Magi to proceed with the abortion until he is suddenly stopped by the narrator's rods of "l suddenly cried out, No please stop".

The narrator makes the individual choice of not to abort the baby this is seen in the line "It was absolutely clear to me now that I wanted my pregnancy'. When the narrator leaves Cabala uses evocative language such as " brilliant light" and "light steamed in" to describe the landscape that the narrator is entering after her procedure. The landscape somewhat seems to match the narrators feeling and thoughts, it is as if India is happy with her decision and accept. Notion of belonging can be questionable. The British in Cabala novel see India as Mathew of a remote outpost.

They brought their own British culture with them. They lived in gated and isolated settlement which where within the Indian towns. With their culture they also brought their own fashion, foods, furnishing and religion. The British more or less didn't open themselves up to India because they where unsure and uncomfortable about the many unfamiliar sights of many things such as the weather, disease, colors, foods and insects. They did not come to see this as tourists they mention, but they come as rulers. Throughout the novel there are many ententes that give the readers a sense of the British not wanting to belong.

For example they are completely opposite to the narrator who is willing to let herself open to India. They keep their windows and doors shut to make the heat and dust stay ways from them unlike the narrator who keep hers open because it helps her to connect to the Indian culture. They are also very different in the way that they don't try to live in the Indian culture like the narrator, they never try any of the Indian food, clothing or furnishings. People desire relationships to provide or create a sense of connection or belonging to place. Belonging to place is very important in Tim Window's article "Time and Tide".

Winston affiliate himself with the sea, the connection is so strong that he sees the sea as another home. The feeling of the sea being a home leads Winston to having a large feeling of idealization with the sea, this is very much seen when he refers to the sea as "The Big Blue". Window's strong affiliation is also shown in the metaphor of "l grew up" this show a technique of symbolism as the sea somewhat shows a view of his growth as he grew up. Vivid imagery is also used to advocate how connecting the sea is to IM and how connected he is to the sea.

Within the article we learn that Winston does not Just have a strong relationship to the sea but his family as well. Winston mentions many memories which he shares with his father but most important his mother. The relationship with his mother is most important through the piece as his mother soon realizes his connection to the sea and sees how it is somewhat of another nurturing mother to her son. His mother realizes him from Just her mothering and allows the sea to mother as well. The sea does not Just allow Winston to feel as if he belongs to lace but also allows him to show his sense of acceptance, and also his own sense of identity.

In Ruth Brawler Cabala's "Heat and Dust" and Tim Window's "Time and Tide", all character find themselves wanting to be involved in belonging to place or not belonging to place. Both sides are seen in "Heat and dust" where as only one is seen in "Time and Tide". There choices much belong to their attitude and willingness to the culture or society. It is as if to truly feel a sense of belonging they need to have a sense of a relationship with somebody or something from the place they are at the time.

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Returning to One’s Hometown: A Mix of Negative and Positive Reflections. (2017, Nov 17). Retrieved from

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