Employee Welfare Facilities

Category: Motivation, Welfare
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2022
Pages: 33 Views: 1158

The principle source of any organization is the people managing its people are the most important aspect of managing organization. No longer is manpower one of the resources in industries or business and establishment. It is the most important of all resources. Manpower is that resource through which the management directs and controls resources like material, money, machines and others.

A. Human resource management: Personnel management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of HR to the end that individual, organizational and societal objective and accomplished." Objectives of Human Resource Management a) Effective utilization of human resources in the achievement or organizational goals. b) Establishment and maintenance of an adequate organizational structure and desirable working relationships among all members of the organization. ) Securing integration of the individual and informal groups with the organization and there by their commitment, involvement and loyalty. d) Recognition and satisfaction of individual needs and group goals. e) Provision for maximum opportunities for individual development and advancement.

f) Maintenance of high morale of human organization. g) Continuous strengthening and appreciation of human assets. 2. Scope of HRM: The scope of HRM is very vast, all the major activities in the working life of the employee from the time of his/her entry in to the organization until he/she leaves.The organization come under the purview of HRM, it includes activities like human resource planning, training and development, performance appraisal and job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration, motivation and communication, welfare, safety and health, industrial relations and prospects of HRM. 3. Importance of human resources: Human resources may be through of as the total knowledge skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes values and attitude of the people who from the organization workforce human resource needs to be achieving organizational and individual goals.

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It is the most valuable asset to an individual goal. It is an economic resource, covering all human resources organized and unorganized, employed/ capable of employment. Working at all levels, hence the importance of human resources. Effective management of manpower is the key to a successful organization. Since it is the factor responsible for performing of the organization goals. The essential for accomplishment of the organizational goals. The dynamic natural of man poses a challenge to the task of personnel management.

4. Objectives of HRM:In one word, the main objective of HRM is "empowerment of employees" in broader terms however the objectives of HRM are to secure the following: Industrial peace: with peace, prosperity is not possible, excellent union management relations; healthy interpersonal relationship, promoting participative management style and good individual and Labour relations can secure peace. Achieve high productivity: the underlying objective here is to increase the quantity or volume of the product or service for a given input. Increasing the capital investment, by innovating, learning and by motivating the employees, does this.Improve quality of work life of employees: quality of work life means improving the "intrinsic" and extrinsic factors connected with work. To improve quality of work life, there should be: ? Autonomy: extent of freedom of action available in the job such as delegation of authority, flexibility of timings in the work. ? Recognition: appreciation of the good work done by the employees.

? Sense of belonging: it refers to commitment to the organizations objectives ? Career prospects and self development: it is a condition when individual expectations and organizational objectives of growth, both meet together ?Rewards and benefits: there are external rewards in the form of wages, salaries, benefits and services 5. The function of HRD at EXIDE: The basic function of the department is to achieve result through effort of people employed by it: this can be achieved smoothly only if cooperation on the part of the employee is generated for achieving the objective of management. The effort of human being can't be directly controlled as a process of machine can be, hence we must create an environment in which co-operative action is spontaneous. Current issues: ? Pay and other benefits ? Promotional policy ? Job evaluation Manpower planning (recruitment-reservation-induction placement, service record-merit rating-transfer-promotion-resignation/ retirement) ? Training (in-house training, external training programmes ? Management development programmes 6. Employee welfare: Definition: Welfare means faring or doing well. It is a comprehensive term, and refers to the physical, mental, moral and emotional well being of an individual. Labour welfare also referred to as betterment work for employees, relates to taking care of the well being of workers by employers, trade unions and governmental and non-governmental agencies.

It is rather difficult to define the term Labour precisely because of the relativity of concept. Merits and demerits of welfare measures: Labour welfare is justified for several reasons. It is desirable to recollect the services of a typical worker in this context. The social and economic aspects of the life of a worker have a direct influence on the social and economic development of the nation. There is every need to take extra care of the worker-to provide statutory and nonstatutory facilities to him/her. Another argument in favor of employee welfare is that the facilities help motivate and retain employees.Most welfare facilities are hygienic factors.

Which according to Herzberg, create-dissatisfaction if not provide. Remove dissatisfaction, place an employee in a favorable mood, provide satisfies and then motivation will take place. Welfare facilities, besides removing dissatisfaction, help develop loyalty in workers towards the organization. Welfare may help minimize social evils, such as alcoholism, gambling, prostitution, drug addition, and the like. A worker is likely to fall a victim to may have there if he/she is dissatisfied or frustrated. Welfare facilities tend to make the worker happy, cheerful and confident looking.A further argument is favor of welfare is that a reputation for showing concern helps improve the local image of the company as a good employer and thus assists in recruitment.

Welfare may not directly increase productivity, but it may add to general feelings of satisfaction with the company and cut down Labour turnover. Arguments against Labour welfare are obvious. Welfare implies' dogooding the private affairs of employees and their off-the job interests should not be the concern of their employers. If welfare services are used at all. They are taken for granted. Gratitude is not a prime motivating factor.In fact, gratitude is a thing of past remembered for a short time and forgotten soon after.

Types of welfare activities Welfare measures are classified into two broad groups namely: ? Welfare measures inside the work place ? Welfare measures outside the work place B. Welfare measures of work environment 1. Conditions of the work environment Cleanliness Up keeping of premises: compound wall, passages and doors, white washing of walls and floor maintenance Room sanitation and cleanliness, temperature, humanity, ventilation, lighting etc Convenience and comfort during work, that is, operatives posture, seating arrangementsDistribution of work hours and provision for rest hours, mealtimes and breaks Notice boards, posters, and slogans: information or communication. 2. Conveniences: ? Urinals and lavatories, washbasins, provision for spittoons: waste disposal ? Provision of drinking water ? Management of workers cloak rooms, rest rooms, reading room and library 3. Workers health services ? Dispensary, emergency aid, health education 6. Economic services: Health insurance, bonus schemes, transport services, provident fund, gratuity and pension, rewards and incentives, workmen's compensation for injury.

. Worker's education: Library, literary classes, adult education, daily news review, company news bulletin. 2. Welfare measures outside the work place ? Township ? Bank ? Transport ? Health and medical services Labour welfare officer Schedule 49 of the act provides that in every factory where in 500 or more workers are ordinarily employed, the employer shall appoint at least one welfare officer. The officer is expected to act as on advisor, counselor, mediator and liaison officer between the management and the Labour. Specifically, his/her duties include the following: ) Supervision of the safety, health and welfare programmes like housing, recreation and sanitation services, working of joint committees grant of leave with wages and redressal of worker's grievances. 2) Counseling workers in personal and family problems: adjustment to their work environment and understanding their rights and privileges.

3) Advising management in matters of formulating welfare policies, apprenticeship training programmes, complying with statutory obligations to workers, developing fringe benefits and worker's education. ) Liasioning with workers so that they may appreciate the need for harmonious industrial relations in the. plant, resolve disputes, if any: understand the limitations under ethic they operate and interpret company policies correctly 5) Liasioning with the management so as to appraise the latter about worker's viewpoints an organizational matters Administration of welfare facilities Administration of welfare involves decisions on: ? Welfare policy ? Organization of welfare ? Assessment of effectiveness Welfare policy The first step in welfare administration is to have a clearly defined policy towards it.The policy must cover willingness of the management, objectives sought to be achieved, range of facilities to be provided and the timing of the facilities. The question of unwillingness has only academic interest because, every employer is compelled to provide welfare either by a statute or precedence already established by rivals or out of genuine interest to wards employee welfare Objective of welfare must be to enhance efficiency of employee. Organization for welfare: In most organization welfare is the responsibility of welfare officers.Legal provisions in variably stipulate that certain minimum facilities should be provided to employees in industrial establishments.

The minimum facilities are in adequate to protect the welfare of workers. Assessment of effectiveness Effectiveness of welfare must be assessed periodically. Feedback. Thus obtained, must act as the basis for initiating remedial actions where desired results have not been obtained. There are two methods of assessment they are: ? Trend analysis: welfare is sought to be justified because of its impact on efficiency, turnover and social evils.HR experts must assess the impact of each of these, before and after particular welfare activities is being introduced. If post implementation shows a substantial improvement, the welfare is worth continuing.

The scheme deserves to be discontinued. It there is no improvements of if there is a fall in any of the area ? Opinion survey: the most effective assessment technique 7. Evaluation and growth of Labour welfare in India Initial stages Labour was confined to annual bonus. Festival advance and presents on festivals like birthdays etc. mployee federation of India carried out a study in 1961 and observed that welfare measures constituted 20 t030% of the wages bill in the 1960. It varies from industry to industry. Welfare activities were largely influenced by humanitarian approach enshrined in Indian philosophy that was initiated by philanthropic and social workers.

In the initial stages condition of Labour welfare was very miserable: 1881-lndian factory act 1890-Recommendation by Bombay factory commission on in 1890 1891- the factories ( amendment) act 1919- ILO was established 1920-AITUC was formed 1922- India factories act 944-End of IInd world war brought about for reaching welfare measures to Labour 1947- Indian independence has given a new dimension to Labour welfare measures post 1947-Emergence of central trade union organization gave further boost to the growth of Labour welfare movement. 8. Objectives of employee welfare: There could be multiple objectives in having an employee welfare programme. The concern for improving the lot of workers and internal social responsibility, a feeling of concern, of caring by providing some of life's basic amenities, besides the basic pay packet.This helps to build up a sense of loyalty on the part of the employee towards the organization. The welfare package by taking care of basic living frees the worker to devote his time and attention to the organizations task and thus enhance efficiency and output. An attractive package, which provides benefits without the course of on employee's career, serves to attract and retain the 'better employees and simultaneously enhance their moral.

The organization is also eligible to certain tax concessions by spending on employee welfare. 9. Theoretical perspective The factories act, 1948 applies to the EXIDE.Hence, it is essential to study a few important features of the act that are applicable to the company. The broad areas of converge under the act are health, welfare, safety, working hours, annual leave with wages and employment of women. ? Cleanliness ? Ventilation and temperature ? Drinking water ? Latrines and urinals ? Lighting Cleanliness Every factory shall be kept clean and free from effluvia arising from any drain, privy or any other nuisance and in particular. Ventilation Effective and suitable provision shall be made for securing and maintaining in every work room.

Adequate ventilation by the circular of fresh air. Drinking water In every factory, sufficient latrine and urinal accommodation of prescribed types shall be provided conveniently situated and accessible to workers at all times during their working hours. Separate enclosed accommodation shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. Sweepers shall be employed whose primary duty it would be to keep clean latrines, urinals etc. Lighting In every factory or establishment where workers are working there shall be provided and maintained sufficient and suitable lighting natural or artificial or both.In every factory effective provision shall, as is practicable, be made for the prevention of- glare, either directly from a sources of light or by reflection from a smooth surface. The formation of shadows to such an extent as to cause eyestrain or the risk of accident to any worker.

First aid appliances There shall in every factory be provided and maintained so as to be readily accessible during all working hours first-aid boxes or cupboards equipped with prescribed contents and the number of such boxes and cupboards to be provided and maintained. Intervals for rest The period of work) of adult workers in a factory each day shall be so fixed that no period shall exceed 5 hours and that no worker shall work more than 5 hours before he has had an interval for rest of at least half an hour. Welfare Measures ? Medical Check up for employees ? Housing facilities ? Transportation facility ? Uniform ? Shoes, Caps ? Loans are provided ? A safety register is maintained in each department ? Better norms for the best incentive earner ? Encouraging employees in participating in suggestion scheme Safety Measures ? Fire fighting equipment Hand Gloves, cotton, rubber surgery gloves are provided for the workers who are working in the production department. ? Ear pluck to eliminate the unwanted noise. ? Gum boots are provided HR Driven Workforce 1. Highly Motivated young team of workmen 2. Stage - wise self inspection of processes instead of "Inspectors" 3.

Total Involvement of workmen in Corrective and preventive actions. 4. Frequent training/awareness sessions for workmen (internal/external) on quality, safety and self-improvement. 5. Exposure to International work practices from APC/ Toyota/Hyundai for global competitiveness.Research design and methodology Introduction After the employees have been hired. Trained and remunerated.

They need to be retained and maintained to serve the organization better. Welfare activities are designed to take care of the well being of the employees. They do not generally result in any monetary benefit of the employees, nor do the employers alone provide there facilities. Government and non-government agencies and trade unions too. Contribute towards the employee welfare. Title of the study The study title is "A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE WELFARE FACILITIES. This study on basically study on workers welfare, like health, finance, education and there rights on the company.

Need for the study Employee welfare which is understood to include such series of facilities and amenities may be established in or in the vicinity of undertaking to enable the persons employed in them to perform their work in healthy, congenial surrounding and to provide them with amenities conductive to good health and high morale. The project report title "Employee welfare measures at EXIDE" has been mainly prepared to know the awareness of welfare facilities and find out the level of satisfaction by the employees.The employees should be given more benefits for the work they do. It motivates them for the work they do. It motivates them to perform well and also leads to employee morale. Statements of the problem The social and economic aspects of the life of a worker have direct influence on the social and economic development of a nation. The industrial workers are indeed soldiers' safe guarding the social and economic factors of the industrial development.

The economic development of any country depends upon the rapid growth of an industry. The success of any organization in turn depends to the workers.Who are working for the organization? So the organization must motivate and retain its workers for its better productivity by providing better employee facilities. In this context the study of "employee welfare" has been taken to analyze and evaluate existing welfare facilities in EXIDE. Objective of the study ? To know the awareness of welfare facilities ? To know the level of satisfaction of the workers by the welfare a facilities provided by the company. ? To get the opinion of employees about the facilitates provided by the company. To finds out whether statutory welfare measures are being adopted.

? To identify any non statutory measures being adopted and obtain suggestion for their improvement ? To suggest improvements for better provision of welfare measures ? To evaluate effectiveness of welfare facilities in organization ? To know about importance of welfare facilities in modern industries. Scope of the study The study is not confined to the EXIDE main house. It involves interaction with the employees and the HRM so as to determine the welfare measures adopted. The time frame of this study was 1 month.Research design Purpose The main theme of this chapter is to know the source of the data; the researcher has collected the data or information. The data are raw facts of observations. Typically about physical phenomena.

Thus, data are usually subjected to a value added process where: ? Its forms are aggregated, manipulated and organized. ? Its content is analyzed and evaluated ? It is placed in a proper context for a human user So, information is processed data placed in a context that gives value for the reader. It is basis for analysis and interpretation.This helps in making note of findings, conclusions and also helps to give suggestions. So data should be accurate, correct and clear. If it is inaccurate or not in proper orders the whole output gets affected and it may lead to confusion. Methodology The researcher has a wide variety of methods to consider, either singly or in combination.

They can be grouped to as: ? Primary sources of data ? Secondary sources of data For this dissertation the data was collected from both the sources. Primary sources of data include questionnaire and personal interview. Secondary data includes textbooks, Internet and company past records.The title of the study employee welfare measures at EXIDE: Literature references were concentrated mostly on human resource management and welfare related books. Type of research The research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. A research design is a plan, which guides the data collection and analysis of the phase of the project.

Information to collect the source of data collection procedure. Data was collected form primary and secondary sources.Primary data source Primary data are those, which are gathered especially for the project at hand is directly through questionnaire and interview. It is the original source of data collected by the researcher. The primary data was collected by personally meeting the employees and through discussion with the HR manager. Secondary data source Secondary data sources are generally published sources, which are been collected. originally for some other purpose.

They are not gathered specifically to achieve the objectives of the particular research project at hand but all ready assembled.Sources of secondary data for this steady work brochures, company past records, research books and Internet. Sampling technique Sampling technique is a technique in which instead of every unit of the universe, only part of the universe is steady and the conclusions are deacon on that basis for the entire universe. The random sampling method was used to collect data for the study. Random sampling refers to the sampling technique in which each and every item of the population is given an equal chance of being included in the sample. The selection is.Therefore free from personal bias because the investigator does not exercise his/her discretion or preference in the choice of the items.

Since selection of items in the sample depends entirely on chance. This method is also known as method of chance selection. For the study fifty employees were selected random. Sample size: Sample size refers to the numbers of elements to be included in the study. The important decision to be taken while adopting sampling technique is the sample source. In this study the sample size of respondents was decided to be twenty. Sample descriptionNo research work can be undertaken with out the co-operation of respondents who were.

Interviewed from whom data was collected through questionnaire. Therefore respondents playa very vital role in this type of study. The data was collected through the questionnaire. The employees who have experienced more than, 4 years from different departments. Filled the questionnaire. The data regarding submissions were also through general talk. The following details of the respondents were collected.

1. Name 2. Qualification 3. Nature of the employment 4. Department 5. Experience in the particular department Limitations Survey limited to factory and the head office only. ? Findings are based on the assumption that the respondents have given true and correct information without being biased towards the organization or having a sense of fear or insecurity.

? The survey was conducted generally among the employee category and did not including people and managerial or executive post, so their opinion was not included at all. ? Though it intended to be 100% employee survey-some employees did not take part in the survey as their job required them to be in the field, and hence they were not present during the time of the survey.Time was the major constraint. CHAPTERISATION The entire research work is given in IV chapter. Chapter - I This chapter covers the blue print of the study. Chapter – II This chapter is highlighting the profile of the company. Chapter – III This chapter is concentrating on analysis and interpretation Chapter – IV This chapter gives the summery of the data.

CHAPTER II PROFILE OF THE COMPANY INTRODUCTION Exide Industries Limited is a storage battery manufacturing company. It is one of the largest producers of batteries. It manufacture two types of batteries i. e. Automotive and industries batteries.Automotive batteries are meant for cars. Vehicles, tracks house etc.

industrial batteries (i. e. VRLA Vall Regulated lead Acid) are meant for stand by power Railways, Telecommunication system etc. Exide was born in 1946 at Shamanagar near Kolkata and having branches all over India it is amongst oldest players in the storage lead acid batteries sector. Storage batteries are basically used as secondary source of power in industrial applications and four wheelers and two wheelers. Very long back with the scarcity of electricity the demand for an alternative power supply has also increased.This is possible through there sources- Generator and uninterrupted power supply.

While small generators started manually the generators of highly capacity need batteries to start and in case of ups the main source of power is the battery, so the need for batteries arouse. In 1920, chloride Electrical storage company (CESLO) U. K set up trading operations in India as an import house. After few years' battery manufacturing industries were started in India itself. Exide industries limited was born in 1946 the factory was set up in Shamnagar near Kolkata and thereafter over years 8 others units were set up one after the other all over India.In 1969 the second factory set up in Chinch wad, Pune and in 1976 R 7D centre established at Kolkata and 3rd factory was at Holdi west Bengal in 1981 and factory at Hosur, Tamilnadu in 1997 was set up. Acquisition of 4 plants through merger of standard batteries was done in 1998.

Now the headquarter of the industry is at Kolkata. Background On January 31, 1947 Associated Battery Makers (Eastern) Ltd was incorporated to purchase business of Chloride Electric Storage company Exide is headquartered in Kolkata. It has nine manufacturing plants. Exide is amongst the oldest players in the storage Lead acid batteries sector.Exide derived more than 90% of its revenue form the sale of storage business. It also sells containers and separators which have always contributed less than 1 % to the revenue. Exide also manufactures industrial batteries for niche market such as miner's cap, lamp batteries and submarine batteries.

The industrial batteries division accounts for around 40-45%of the sales of the company. Industrial Profile Established:1947 Products:Lead Acid storage Batteries. Automotive, Motorcycle, Gensets. Capital : Rs. 357 Million (US$7. 3 Million) Turn over :Rs. 9848 Million in 2001-2001 (US $201 Million) Employees :Over 4000Market Share: 33% Market Share in overall domestic, Auto Battery market.

Industrial batter Market share is 50%. SUMMARY Exide Industries Limited (EXIDE) is India's largest storage battery company. The company holds 90% of the automotive original equipment (OE) market segment. However, due to a flood of cheap imports from Bangladesh, Korea and Japan, which has not been able to wrest the full share of growth in replacement market. There are two types of storage batteries, industrial and automotive industrial batteries are of three types- Conventional batteries, VRLA batteries and Nicke-Cadmium batteries.Automotive batteries are SLI (Start, Light and Ignition) batteries. Storage batteries are basically used as secondary source of power in four wheelers, vehicles and industrial applications as telecommunications network and Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) in computer networks and railways.

The demand for automotive batteries is dependent on the automobile growth that OEMs and the replacement market growth in the industrial batteries segment in driven by - infrastructure and technology related industries. Exide continues to be the preferred choice of all new vehicles including Honda Accord, Hyundai Sonata, Maruthi Esteem and Opel Corsa.The company has bagged orders from Indian Railways and Indian Navy. Project Haryana has stated Yielding results with replacement fitments of tractors batteries 'going up. In the new environment the company is constantly considering quality and at the same reducing the cost through better management. The company has tried to nationalize product and products-mix, in order to explore export potentials. The company has acquired 100% of Chloride Batteries South East Asia Private Ltd.

Singapore. Origin Growth and Development of the Industry The Exide Industries was born in 1920, under the name Chloride Electrical Storage Co, (CESCO) U.K in Shamnagar, West Bengal. In 1947 the Associated Battery Makers Eastern Limited (AMBEL) was formed which look over the mechanical operations. In the year 1972, AMBEL' s name was changed into Chloride India Ltd. The renaming as Exide Industries Ltd was in the year 1995. At present there are nine manufacturing's units all over India.

Being the pioneer in Battery technology in India and the leader in packed power. Exide Industries Ltd, today is the largest manufactures of the storage batteries in the country. The company is known for its range of international reputed battery.A tie up with the Shine-Kobe Electric Machinery Co Ltd of Japan, leading global manufacturers of renowned Hitachi, gives us the technology edge; recognition for pursuit of R WTUV Germany awarded the ISO 9001. Technology and quality combine together in Exide batteries gives the best. Leaders in power storage solutions Exide Industries Limited, India's flagship of the storage batter industry – is also the largest power storage solutions company in South and South East Asia. |Capital |Rs.

712 Million (USD$ 15. Million) | |Turnover |Rs. 12182 Million III 2003-04 (USD$271 Million ) | |Employees |Over 4000 | |Market Share |33% Market share III overall domestic Auto Battery Market and | | |90% Market Share in Automotive OE. Industrial Battery Market | | |Share 50%. EIL is the market leader in the organized sector in both the automotive and industrial segments. 'EXIDE' and 'SF (Standard Furukawa)', the flagship brads of the company, are also the leading battery brands in the country. The company has the dominant share in the original equipment segment for automobiles.

It powers almost all the cars which have been introduced in India such as Honda City. Honda Accord, Hyundai Santro, Hyundai Accent, Hyundai Sonata, Suzuki Baleno and Suzuki Wagon R, Mitsubishi Lancer, Tata Indica, Tata Indigo, Fiat Palio, Opel Corsa, Toyota Qualis, Mahindra Scorpio and Mahindra Bolero.EIL also has the dominant share in the organized sector replacement segment for Automobile batteries. The industrial applications of EIL batteries extend to Power, Telecom. Motive Power, Mining, Railways, Emergency Lighting and Non Conventional Energy Sources. The company is the largest manufacturer of cap lamp batteries in the world. It is also one of the five companies in the world, which has the capability to make submarine batteries for both Russian and German types.

EIL is the first battery company in the country to introduce polypropylene case batteries and maintenance-free batteries.It is also the pioneer of several new technologies like flat-plate, and tubular plate batteries. By virtue of being the largest Sealed Maintenance Free (SMF) batteries in Asia outside Japan, the Company has earned the status of a global supplier to American Power Conversion, the largest UPS manufacturer in the world. Besides, it also caters to other multinationals operating within the country i. e. Siemens and Ericsson and other major players such as TVSE, HTL, Tata Liebert, Numeric and ITI.The company has always believed in working closely with the Government in developing and sustaining applications which are best suited to the country's national interest.

It has tried to do its bit for the country by providing batteries specially tailored for Bofors guns, armored vehicles and tanks, wireless transmission, solar applications in remote areas and devising antipollution masks among others. The country's first battery powered electric boat, designed and developed by EIL is an extension of its social initiatives and it contributes towards building and eco- friendly and pollution free nation.In an agrarian economy such as India, the farm sector is one which cannot be ignored. Accordingly, Exide's avowed objective was to cater to the tractor segment ~s a thrust area. Its major initiative, Project Kissan, has made steady inroads into the rural regions, particularly those of the North and West. This has helped to spread Consciousness among the rural populace on the need to use eco friendly and technologically superior batteries. Exide has made extension use of Kissan Melas and Dhabas to promote this scheme and has introduced "Jai Kissan" battery to cater to the replacement market in this segment.

In furthering its social commitment, EIL has planned to adopt select villages to improve social welfare. The company exports batteries which have captured niches in South East Asian and European Boards of Directors |Mr. S. B. Ganguly |: |Executive Chairman and Chief Executive officer | |Mr. T. V.

Raheja |: |Vice chairman and Non-Executive Director | |Mr. T. V. Ramanatham |: |Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer | |Mr.S. Chand |: |Director-Corporate Affairs | |Mr. G.

Chatterjee |: |Director-Industrial | |Mr. P . K. Kataky |: |Director-Automotive | |Mr. S. K. Mittal |: |Director (R;D) | |Mr.

R.G. Kapadia |: |Non-Executive Director | |Mr. H. M. Kothari |: |Non-Executive Director | |Mr. B.

Mitter |: |Non-Executive Director | |Mr. S. N. Mookerjee |: |Non-Executive Director | |Mr. A. H.Parpia |: |Non-Executive Director | |Mr.

S. B. Raheja |: |(Alternate D. S. Parekh) Non-Executive Director | |Mr. W. Wong |: |Non-Executive Director | |Mr.

V. Aggarwal |: |Non-Executive Director Compliance Officer. | Major Milestones 1920Chloride Electrical Storage Co. (CESCO) UK set up trading operations in India as an import House. 946 First factory setup in Shamnagar, West Bengal 1969Second factory setup in Chinchwad, Pune 1979R;D centre established at Calcutta 1981Third factory set up as Haldia, west Bengal 1997Fourth factory set up at Hosur, Tamilnadu 1998Acquisition of 4 plants through merger of standard Batteries 2000Batteries charging commenced at Bawal, Haryana 2002Launch of "Achieve 100PPM" at Hosur Plant. Research And Development In the era of intense competition, technological changes are putting extreme pressure to innovate or decline. Therefore contribution of innovation and technology is becoming a key success factor in many of the organizations.

Exide recognizes the importance of technology and innovations. In order to maintain technological leadership. Exide R;D has been actively developing differentiated battery technologies for tropical countries. The Exide R;D has been recognized by the Department of Scientific ; Industrial research, Ministry of Science ; Technology and Government of India since April 1977. R;D work is carried out on various facets of lead-acid battery technology, which include development of new products for applications such a Automotive, Motorcycle, VRLA, Telecom, UPS, Railways, Defense, etc. primarily to make the product range internationally competitive.In addition, the R;D is engaged in projects embracing process technology aimed at improving the product quality and consistency, production efficiency and material utilization.

Furthermore, R;D program includes improvement and indigenization of materials such as metals, alloys, plastics, etc. R;D emphasis is on studying and improving the environmental aspects associate with the manufacturing process. Infrastructure/La boratories Exide R;D Centre is also well equipped with a Tool-Room, CAD facilities, material testing and laboratories having the modern equipment for testing of the raw materials and components used fro manufacture of batteries.These include optical emission spectrometer, Particle Size Analyzer, Porosemeter, Image Analyzer Workstation, Profile Projector, Universal Tensile testing machine, etc. Product Testing Facilities Product testing department acts a nodal point for product validation through ultra R;D linkage with ? Automotive Design Department for Automotive, Motorcycle ; EV batteries ? Industrial Design ? Department for VRLA, Plant (Flooded), Tubular (Flooded). Submarine, Solar, Minars' Cap Lamp, etc. ? Process Development Department also interacts with all the manufacturing units i.

e. Shamnagar.Chinchwad, Haldia, Hosur, Taloja, Ahmednagar and Guindy for testing and quality assurance of their products from time to time and as per QS standards. ? In order to achieve Business Generation through Type Approval Tests of newly developed products, Product Testing Department keeps liaison with Industrial and Automotive Marketing Department and carry out Type Approval Tests Which is usually witnessed by the customer ultimate user at R&D Test House. Present Status Exide is now the largest manufacturer and exporter of storage batteries. It has entered into collaboration will 1.Shinkobe Electric machinery co.

Ltd, of Japan, leading global manufacture of renowned Hitachi brand of batteries. 2. The Furukawa Battery Co. ltd. , for automotive batteries at Tajola and 3. Oldham of U. K for Miner's cap lamps batteries Competitors The present competitors of Exide Industries Limited are: ? AMCO BATTERIES ? TUDOR ? PRESTOLLTE ? HYDERABAD BATTERIES LTD.

, ? AMARARAJANBATTEREIS ? PANASONIC Objectives and goals of the company ? To modernize, upgrade and improve facilities or higher production and productivity. ? To achieve better quality in products. To strengthen the marketing organization to effectively compete in National and International markets. ? To get ISO certification. ? To maintain and developed highly motivated human resources to achieve professional competence and ensure career development of its work force. ? To maintain market shares in industry. Quality Policy ? The aim of the company is to always provide satisfaction to customers.

? The company will Develop, Design, Produce and Market products and services to meet customers expectations through ? International Quality System ? Standard Procedure and System Variability elimination ? Periodic Audits ? HRD and Training It is the environment policy of the 'company to ? Ensure consideration of all environment aspects in the manufacturing and other related areas to minimize the adverse impacts of our activities, products or services and communicate with interested parties, as and when necessary. ? Continually improve and environment performance through waste minimization, conservation of energy and efficient utilization of natural resources. ? Comply with applicable national environmental standards/statutory requirementsTrain concerned personnel at all levels to mitigate environmental impacts. Exide Hosur: Foundation Laid:20th May, 1996 INDUSTRIAL FACTORY VRLA Plant Inauguration :April, 1997 VRLA Commercial Production started :June, 1997 ISO 9001 Certification :October, 1998 UL Certification :December, 1998 AUTOMOTIVE FACTORY Auto Project Commenced:October 1997 Auto Plant Inauguration:July 1998 Auto New Plant Projected Started:February 2000 New Plant Inauguration:December, 2000 Factory Profile Operation Started :June, 1997 Floor Space :50,000m square Employees:410 Water Consumption:250Kl/dayGreen Zone area:30% of total The plant was established in the year 1997 to produce VRLA batteries at a cost of 250 crores. The plant 'is located at Hosur at about 40 Km form Bangalore. The plant is manufacturing the two types of batteries that is: ? Industrial Batteries (VRLA Valve regulated lead acid) ? Automotive batteries The plant was in collaboration with Shine-Kobe of Japan, the manufactures of Hitachi range batteries. The factory has various departments: 1.

Accounts department 2. Customer Support and Services 3. Engineering Services 4. Materials department 5.Personnel and Administration 6. Production department 7. Technical department 8.

Marketing department (the head office is Peenya at Bangalore). Health and safety Policy ? Designing and developing process and plans which as far as reasonably practicable and encompassing all available knowledge and information are safe and free from risks to health. ? Operating and maintaining plants within designated safety criteria through their working life. ? Controlling hazardous processes through documented procedures. ? Maintaining high degree physical, mental and social well being of employees.Offering only such product, which are safe in use. Policies of the company The company believes that a clean and green environment is one of the prerequisites for ensuring that the employees of the company are able to impart their best efforts at maximizing contribution.

Shamnagar, Guindy, Haldia and Taloja are already certified to 180-14001 by RWTUV. The rest of the factories are in the process of getting certified. It is the environmental policy of the company too Focus For Exide Hosur Make a Hosur Factory a Global Player ? Quality ? Productivity ? Cost ? Delivery Safety And Cleaner Environment ? Highly Motivated Team ? Fast Response (Before And After Sales) ? Long Lasting Term Customer Relationship EXIDE Hosur-Dream To Be Realized ? To become a Formidable Global Enterprise Through manufacturing excellence. Product Profile Exide Eternity Exide has recently introduced the Exide Eternity battery, which offers a Lifetime Warranty to the Indian consumers. Lifetime Warranty The lifetime warranty ensures that once the customer owns the Exide Eternity, he will ever have to buy another battery for his car provided he retains ownership of that car. DesignExide Eternity has been specially designed to meet the tough conditions on Indian roads and the tropical climate. The battery boasts of special features such as: Special grid alloy system.

Polyethylene envelope separators, Double channel side venting, cold forged terminal inserts, Smart battery indicator, Fire-resistant gas filters and Retractable handles. Exide's Commitment Exide has also developed vast range of batteries through the Research and Development efforts and has a number of patents to its name. It has specific batteries for specific applications that tough the daily lives of millions of consumers in India.There is indeed no doubt that INDIA MOVES ON EXIDE. FEFO-38B20R(MF) Exide Freedom. India's only All Terrain Battery. Guaranteed to perform consistency on any terrain in extreme temperature.

Especially in India. Maintenance Free, Factory Charged ready for Fitment, Magic Eye, 3- Year warranty. FEFO-ET40 Exide Eternity, the truly Forgettable Battery. Maintenance Free, Factory Charged ready for Fitment, Magic Eye, Life long warranty. FEXO-MHD350 Exide Express range of batteries is specially designed with ability to withstand bumps, vibration and high ambient operating conditions as prevalent in India.Ensured Long Trouble Free Service. Maintenance Free, Factory Charged ready for Fitment.

, Magic Eye, 36 Months Pro-rata Warranty. DEMO-38B20RD Exide Max PP range of Batteries is made in strong, durable polypropylene container with heat-sealed lid offering Real Value for Money. Low Maintenance, Dry Uncharged, 18 Months Warranty. DEFO-12EF9-4B-l Exide Freedom range of Batteries has been specially designed to meet the arduous requirements of the new generation Two Wheeler riding. Low Maintenance, Dry Charged, I-Year Warranty. DEXO-12MX2. 5L-CExide MX Freedom range of Batteries has been specially designed to meet the arduous requirements of the new generation.

Two Wheeler riding. Low Maintenance, Dry Charged, I-Year Warranty. Vision To win our customers stake holders and employees by transferring quality in to a performance oriented business, which will secure market leadership and profitable growth through effective fulfillment of customers needs. Mission To become the preferred choice of storage energy system worldwide through: New paths ahead of time, every time. People whom customers like to deal with.Methods and systems for appropriate responses Service when and where needed. Product range and application |1 |Automobile batteries |For cars, jeeps commercial vehicles | |2 |Heavy duty batteries |For trucks and tractors | |3 |Light weight portable |For wireless transmission batteries | |4 |Traction batteries |For aterials handling equipments | |5 |Train light batteries |For railways coaches | |6 |Stationary batteries |For telecommunications, telephone, emergency lighting | |7 |Submarine batteries |For new generation submarine to the Indian Navy | international marketingExide Industries Limited is the largest battery exporter from India.

Batteries manufactured by Exide are across the world. To America, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, China, Chile, Columbia, Cyprus, Ethopia, France, Germany, Greece, Ivorycost, Italy, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, MauritiusMyanmar, Netherlands, Oman, Parauay, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Saudi, Arabia, SierraLeone, Rwanda, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Srilanka, UAE, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Company NetworkExide network spreads throughout India and its factories are geographically distributed at strategic locations around the country . Personnel and Administration Department Flow Chart Of Personnel Administration Department The company continues to believe that in a competitive world what distinguishes it form others operating in the same environment, is the company's policy of investing in a system of continues education for its employees on a functional need-based pasis. In such a scheme of things, quality is a priority and TPM almost a mantra.To this end, the company has migrated form the earlier ISO 9001, 1994 version to the ISO 9001 2000 version. Furthermore, as the QS 9000 standard is losing its relevance, the company' is moved to the new TS 16949,2002 standard which primarily meant for the automotive sector.

All this makes for a tighter quality management system including supply chain integration with manufacturing and marketing. Company's Taloja, Hosur, Shamnagar, Haldia, Guindy plants have already achieved the ISO 14001 certification for Environmental Management Systems.The basic job of the personnel and administration department is to manage the personnel and administration functions of various departments as per the guidelines of the Exide and various statutory requirements under the various Labour Acts. The following Activities are taken care by the Personnel and Administration department ? To recruit for the division and promotions to officers and workmen. ? To maintain proper personnel records of the employees of the division. ? To provide training as per the employees of the division. To meet the statutory requirements as per the various Labour legislations.

? To mange and administer all the welfare aspects to be provided for the employees. ? To maintain proper and peaceful industrial relations. ? To manage the various Legal issues related to Labour. ? To look after the security and administrative issues. Recruitment Sources of recruitment are 1. Advertising in Newspaper 2. Campus recruitment 3.

E-Recruitment 4. Employees reference Selection Selection involves various steps 1. Written test 2. Oral test 3. Physical Examination 4. Final selection by Chief Operating Manager . Induction/Orientation programmers for one/two weeks 6.

Put to actual Workstation. Training and Development Training is given to both new as well as the present employees. On the job as well off the job training is given. It is done in a regular basis. The company's aim is giving training by 2% of their attendance. The training needs for the managerial category of employees is assessed by the HR department at the beginning of the year and a number of programs are organized with both in-house and external experts to deliver need-based training. Performance Appraisal in ExideThe company has a system of annual appraisals with non-performance being singled" out for guidance and monitoring it ensure that performance have a fast career growth path.

Once in a year the employees appraised by the top management. Transportation Transportation facility has been provided for the employees in the company. F or the employees those staying at Hosur and Bangalore are provided with company bus and cabs. The managers of different department are provided with company cars etc. The employees who go out of station on a company work are provided with air and train tickets and company will bear the expenses.Attendance System There are four shifts in this company period is of 24 hours. For the workers attendance they will collect from the security department and for the employees they will collect the attendance data by the help of machine.

The machine will be having all the data when the employees came into the company and what time they leave the company. First they will take the data in the attendance registration and then they will store in the computer for easy reference Medial facility The medical facility has been provided for all the employees and workers those are working in this company.If any worker or employee is injured while working in the company, any accident takes place there is a separate medical department for this reason. This department is open round the clock. There is one doctor and three companies are working in this department. Medical camps are conducted for the social welfare of the people those are staying near to the factory. There is one Ambulance for any emergency cases for round the clock.

Canteen Assistant manager of HR department will take care the activities of the canteen. For all the employees' lunch, tea is provided in the canteen.For night workers milk is provided in the canteen. Legal matters Maintenance of legal and discipline matters of employees will be taken care by the Assistant manager of HR department Security Security people will look after the company's security matters. They check all the vehicles near the entrance gate. Assistant security officer will assist the security officer. Motivation Efforts will be made through divisional personnel and administration department for improving the motivation for good performance in the form of promotion and cash incentives.

Shifts timings of the company A Shift (1st Shift) - 6:00 am to 2:30pm B Shift (2nd Shift) - 2:00 pm to 10:30pm. C Shift (3rd Shift)- 10:00pm to 5:30pm General shift - 8:30am to 5:30pm. ANALYSIS OF DATA AND INTERPRETATION Table-l Educational Qualifications of the employees. |Qualification |Number of Respondents |Percentage | |SSLC |06 |30 | |I. T.I |10 |50 | |Diploma |04 |20 | |Total |20 |100 | Source: Primary Data Inference: The educational qualifications as per the tabulation showed that about 30%of the employees were SSLC, 50% are Diploma, majority of them are I. T.

I holders with figure of 20Chart - 1 Educational Qualifications of the employees. Table-2 Nature of employment |Qualification |Number of Respondents |Percentage | |Permanent |19 |95 | |Staff |01 |5 | |Total |20 |100 |Source : Primary Data Inference : The percentage of permanent employees was found to be 95% and contract based employees are only 5%. Chart -2 Nature of employment [pic] Table – 3 Age group of employees working at Exide Age limit in years |Number of Respondents |Percentage | |20-25 |01 |5 | |25-35 |16 |80 | |35-45 |02 |10 | |Above 45 |01 |5 | |Total |20 |100 | Source : Primary Data Inference :The above table depicts that 5% of the employees fall under the age group of less than 25 years and a large percentage of 80% lie in the age group of more than 25-35 10 employees fall under the age group of 35-45 Chart-3 Age group of employees working at exide [pic] Table – 4 Employees experience in the company |Years of experience |Number of Respondents |Percentage | |2-4 |2 |10 | |4-6 |6 |30 | |6-8 |9 45 | |8-10 |3 |15 | |Total |20 |100 | Source : Primary Data Inference : The tabulation regarding employees experience in the company shows that 10% of the employees have experience between 2-4 years. 30% of the employees have experience between 4-6 years, 45% of the employees have experience between 6-8 years, 15% of them have experience from 8-10 years. Chart-4 Experience in the company [pic] Table – 5 Awareness of welfare facilities among employees Awareness |Number of Respondents |Percentage | |Yes |19 |95 | |No |01 | 5 | |Total |20 |100 | Source : Primary Inference : A majority of 95% employees are aware of the welfare facilities of the company only 5% of the employees say they are not aware of it. Chart-5 Awareness of the welfare facilities among employees [pic] Table – 6 Satisfaction with promotion policy Satisfaction |Number of Respondents |Percentage | |Yes |05 |25 | |No |15 |75 | |Total |20 |100 | Source : Primary Data Inference : The table depicts that 25% of respondents are satisfied with the promotion policy of the company and 75% of them are not happy. Chart-6 Satisfaction with promotional policy [pic] Table – 7 Employees opinion for a need of welfare officer Satisfaction |Number of Respondents |Percentage | |Yes |16 |80 | |No |04 |20 | |Total |20 |100 | Source : Primary Data Inference : According to the survey, a strong majority of 80% says that they want to have a welfare officer.

20% of the employees say that they do not feel the need for a welfare officer. Chart-7 Employees openion of need of welfare officer [pic] Table-8 Level of satisfaction for the following facilities. Facilities |Satisfied |Partially |Not satisfied | | | |satisfied | | |Good working condition |62% |28% |10% | |Drinking water facility |62% |30% |8% | |Ventilation and light |68% |32% |0 | |First-aid facilities |60% |36% |4% | |Distribution of working hours |74% |26% |0 | |Sanitation |62% |28% |10% | |Notice boards |90% |10% |0 | |Cleanliness and general hygiene |60% |30% |10% |Source : Primary Data Chart -8 Level of satisfaction for the following facilities. [pic] Inference : ? Good working condition: The tabulated data shows that for good working condition the satisfaction level among the employees is high of 62% who say they are satisfied, 28% of the employees say that they are partially satisfied and 10% of them are not satisfied. ? Drinking water facility: 62% of the employees are satisfied with the facility provided to them and a very close percentage of 30% are partially satisfied and 8% of them are not satisfied. ? Ventilation and light: 68% of the employees are satisfied where as 32% of them is partially satisfied. First -aid facility: 36% of the employees are partially satisfied, 4% of them are not at all satisfied and 60% of them say they are satisfied.

? Distribution of working hours: the tabulation shows that 74% of them are satisfied, 26% of the employees are partially satisfied. ? Sanitation: 62% of the employees are satisfied with the maintenance sanitation in the company. 28% of the employees say that they are partially satisfied and 10% of them are not satisfied with it. ? Notice boards: the percentages of employees who say that they are satisfied with the facility are 90%, 10% of them are partially satisfied. ? Cleanliness and general hygiene: 60% of the employees are satisfied, 30% of them are not satisfied and 10% of them partially satisfy Table – 10 Provision of leave Level of Satisfaction |Number of Respondents |Percentage | |Highly Satisfied |4 |20 | |Satisfied |16 |80 | |Partially satisfied |0 |0 | |Dissatisfied |0 |0 | |Total |20 |100 | Source : Primary Data Inference : The employees who are highly satisfied are 20%, employees who are satisfied are 80%. Through there were other parameters such as partially satisfied, dissatisfied and highly dissatisfied, they were not made us of by the employees. Chart-10 Provision of leave [pic] Table – 11 Satisfaction for festival holiday Level of Satisfaction |Number of Respondents |Percentage | |Highly Satisfied |2 |10 | |Satisfied |11 |65 | |Partially satisfied |5 |25 | |Dissatisfied |2 |10 | |Highly dissatisfied |0 |0 | |Total |20 |100 | Source : Primary Data Inference : From the above table we can analyze that 10% of them are highly satisfied, 65% are satisfied,25% of them are partially satisfied, 10% of them are dissatisfied with the festival holidays provided by the company.

Chart-11 Satisfaction for festival holidays [pic] Table – 12 Employees opinion on the provision for following facilities. Provision for the following facilities |Respondents |Percentage | |Intervals |Yes |45% | | |No |55% | |Rest house |Yes |30% | | |No |70% | |Meal times |Yes |90% | | |No |10% | |Breaks |Yes |30% | | |No |70% | Source : Primary Data Inference : The above table shows the response of the employees towards following facilities.The above table shows that 45% say they are provided with the intervals and 55% say that they are not provided with sufficient intervals. The above table shows that 30% say they are provided with rest hours and 70% say they are not provided with the rest hours. The above table shows that a majority of 90% say that they are provided with sufficient time for meal and 10% say that they are not provided with sufficient time. The above table shows 30% of them say that they are provided with breaks and 70% of them say that they are not provided with breaks. Chart – 12 Employees opinion on the provision for following facilities.

[pic] Table – 13 Satisfaction for the rest of non-statutory benefits. Benefits |Satisfied |Partially satisfied |Not satisfied | |Medical Benefits |50% |30% |20% | |Conveyance |55% |25% |20% | |HRA |60% |30% |10% | |Personal accident scheme |60% |20% |20% | |Death relief fund |75% |15% |10% | |Gratuity |80% |10% |10% | Source : Primary Data Chart-13 Satisfaction of the rest of non-statutory benefits [pic] Table – 14Opinion towards improvement of work by provision of welfare facility |Opinion |Number of respondents |Percentage | |Yes fully |12 |60 | |Partially yes |6 |30 | |No |2 |10 | |Total |20 |100 | Source : Primary Data Inference : The question was based on whether facilities help employees to improve their work and the respondents who said that it encouraged and partially encouraged was 30% and the percentage who said it did not encourage them to improve their work were 10% Chart-14Opinion towards improvement of work by provision of welfare facility [pic] Table – 15 Employees opinion towards the need for future improvements |Respondents |Number of respondents |Percentage | |Yes |16 |80 | |No |4 |20 | |Total |20 |100 | Source : Primary Data Inference :The above tabulation of data depicts that 80% of the employees want future improvements or feel the need for introduction of new welfare facilities. 20% of them have a negative respondents towards this. Chart – 15 Employees opinion towards the need for future improvements [pic] FINDINGS My objective was to study the welfare measures that were adopted by the company ? The employers and employees were free to express their suggestions ideas without any barriers. ? Thee is no recognition of the individual job lack challenges there is o much scope for creativity. ? Most of the employees were happy about the cleanliness of the work pot and washing facility. ? Most of the employees are not satisfied with the promotional policy of the company.

Majority of the employees are highly satisfied with the work spot, disposable waste, lighting, and ventilation and drinking water facilities. ? All the employees are satisfied with their jobs. ? Employee's feel safe and secured working in EXIDE. SUGGESTIONS ? The management should provide better facilities for other jobs in the organization so that the employees can be shifted to another job and get rid of monotony. ? The management should individualize each person and recognize for what each one does. ? Seminars and workshops should also be conducted frequently so as to boost the employee's morale. ? Using of counseling methods to improve the absentee workers.

? Recreation facilities should be given to the employees as it is an opportunity for mental refreshments ?Promotion policy should be stream lined. ? Suggestions from workers can be invited and can be considered genuinely. ? All the welfare and safety measures provided must be made clear to all the employees, which make them feel more secured and motivated towards the company. All the above suggestions will lead to employee welfare that ultimately motivates them to work better. It improves their life style, working conditions, work environment and performance for the development of the company and achieves the goals. Conclusion Welfare is a total concept, which is durable state of existence comprehending physical, mental, moral, and emotional health.A person may be mentally brilliant, morally reliable and even emotionally stable, but as long and his physical health are poor and neglected his welfare could be physically strong and mentally unsound then the person will not be able to concentrate in his work.

Welfare activities are responsible to keep a person in a stable condition. The recent trends the world Labour is loosing its existence and the new concept workmen show that is emerging so employer should carefully analyses the strength and form welfare measures accordingly. Considering all the factors it can be concluded that EXIDE has adopted sound welfare and safety measures for the betterment of the company and its employees. Questionnaire on employee welfare facilities Name : Qualification : Permanent [ ] Trainee [ ] Staff [ ] Age

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Employee Welfare Facilities. (2018, Dec 07). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/employee-welfare-facilities/

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