Demonstrative Speech Fitness Program
General purpose:
To persuade my audience to perform my quick workout program for the amazingly fast and effective results CENTRAL IDEA: My workout program consist of a 15 minute morning and night exercise schedule, focuses on all the major muscle group areas, and includes a simple diet plan that leads to a lean, muscular, and sexy body, fast!
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I. Fellas envision your self with a toned six-pack and muscular physic grabbing all the ladies attention while at the beach.
II.Ladies envision yourself looking like this, and think of all the jealous and envious girls who will hate on you because every guy breaks their neck when they see you.
III. Hi, my name is Pierre Earlington, and Today I will be talking about a simple diet and exercise program, that will get you in shape, healthy, and sexy as ever in no time.
IV. I am an athlete and model that is currently studying to become a personal trainer and have learned the incredibly quick and easy secrets to a sexy and healthy body.
V. I will first talk about… a. The scheduling time to perform the workout, . Next I will describe the workout activities to be done, c. And finally I will explain a simple way of dieting to keep your body fatless and looking good.
Body I.
Many of us live extremely busy lives racing constantly against time and an increasing To-Do list that seems to never end, leading us to believe that we have no time to fit exercise in our schedule. a. What makes my exercise program so amazing is that it is broken down into two segments, Morning and night. Taking only 15 minutes in each segment, it can fit into anyone's schedule. i.
You start by simply setting your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier than you normally awake in the morning ii. And going to bed 15 minutes later than you normally do at night
- As soon as you awake in the morning. Before you even head to the bathroom to brush your teeth, roll over on to that floor, and perform my workout.
- When you end your day, right before you go to sleep. Hit the floor again and take 15 minutes to do the workout. Think of it as a nightcap. iii. Routinely done your body and mind will get use to this morning and night exercise program, and it will become a habit that you wont even think twice about it. Transition: Now here comes the fun part)
II. In my exercise, we are targeting three sections of the body. The upper body, which consists of the arms chest, and upper back. The mid section, which consists of the abdominals and lower back. And finally the lower half of the body, your legs. iv. Now for the upper body we will perform Push-ups. Three sets of three different types that shred the fat from your upper body and leave you ripped. 3. First Set, Regular push ups 4. Second Set, Diamond push ups 5. And the Third set, Wide push ups v.
Now the for the mid section and getting that tummy tight 6. First set Crunches. This targets the upper AB section 7. Second set, Leg lifts. This targets the lower AB section 8. Third set, Side crunches on both sides. Love handles, “Poof be gone. ” vi. Finally the lower half, Legs. 9. First set: Lunges 10. Second set, Squats - Fellas this gets the Hamstrings right and ladies this gets that butt tight 11. The final set, Toe raises – This works out those beautiful Calves vii. Guys perform 20-25 reps of each exercise, and increase as desired. viii.
Ladies perform 15-20 reps of each exercise, also increase as desired (Transition: Now that you’ve worked so hard for that beautiful body, you want to keep it don’t you? So lets talk dieting)
III. There are many questionable diets and theories out there. This Here is the most simplest and effective way to diet. e. Cut out Carbs and excess sugar. ix. Carbs are things like bread, pancakes, doughnuts and etc... 12. Carbohydrates turn into sugar when consumed in your body. 13. Sugar is then converted into fat. (Transition: I know this may seem like an impossible task since we all love to please our taste buds, but its not that bad. f. Especially because my workout comes with a cheat day. x. One day out of the whole week you are free to eat all the sugar and carbohydrates that you want. You pick the day! (Transition: Your body will still be on the path to becoming marvelous. )
I. In conclusion, I showed how my workout can fit into anyone’s schedule,
II. Described the specific exercises to perform,
III. And explained a simple diet to keep you in shape.
IV. So ladies and gentleman follow these easy steps, break everyone’s neck, and lets get sexy for the summer.
Diabetes Demonstrative Speech Outline
DiaPurpose By the end of my speech and demonstration, the audience should be able tocheck there own blood sugars and be able to inject themselves with insulin. Introduction Diabetes the silent killer. Doesn’t sound very scary does it but don’t be fooled. This disease is very deadly. Could you see yourself engaging in any normal everyday activity, then all the sudden a major organ or organs began to fail and shutdown without any warning sign? And the cause is because you have high blood sugars that go unchecked and unregulated for so long it was silently putting stress and damaging your insides.
Well today I’ll show you how a person with type one diabetes keeps there blood sugars in check. Central Idea Knowing how to check your blood sugars and inject yourself with insulin will help you with your health. Preview A person needs to know how to regulate their blood sugars so they won’t become anymore ill than they already are. Body Outline I. Checking Blood sugars a. First and foremost you need a Glucose meter and strips. Also if necessary code the meter. b. Second you’ll need to load you lancet machine or you may have finger pricks c. Third find a testing site on a finger or your lower arm.
I personally use my fingers and use an alcohol wipe to clean the area. d. Fourth prick your finger with the lancet and squeeze your finger until you produce a nice drop of blood. Then let the test strip such up the blood and wait for the reading to be displayed on the glucose meter. II. Administering Insulin to yourself a. First you’ll want pick an injection site with a lot of fat either your stomach, thighs or the back of your arm and clean it with an alcohol wipe. b. Second you’ll get your syringe and depending on how many units you’ll need you draw that much from the bottle.
Also make sure there are no bubbles in the tube of the syringe. c. Third inject yourself at the site where you previously cleaned and then after administering the insulin remove the syringe from your body. Make sure you’re not bleeding. Conclusion I’ve showed you today how to check your blood sugars and record your findings. And I’ve also taught/demonstrated how to inject yourself with insulin. And always remember to clean all testing sites and injection sites. Plus remember to practice safe disposal of all lancets and syringes.
Speech Outline: How to Start an Iv
How to Start an IV Introduction Attention Getter: How many people here have ever had to get an IV in the hospital? Was it a positive or negative experience for you? If you are one of the people that said yes then you know it can be a frightening and sometimes painful experience. What I am about to explain to you comes from my 8 years of experience as an emergency room nurse starting thousands of IVs. Some of the things I tell you could help you understand the process better and ease your anxiety for any future emergency room visit you or your loved one may have. Specific purpose: To demonstrate and explain the process of starting an IV
Credibility: As a registered nurse for eight years I start IVs on a daily basis and I am a resource nurse for nurses whose patients are difficult to start IVs on from pediatric to geriatric patients. Thesis: Today I want to share my expertise on establishing intravenous access by explaining the process from preparation to discontinuing IV access. Body I. Preparation A. Basic preparation/Standard precautions 1. Explain procedure 2. Wash hands 3. Apply gloves 4. Position patient 5. Procedure assistant (if needed) B. Locate vein 1. Apply tourniquet 2. Assess vein a. Length b. Depth c. Circumference d. Fullness 3.
Choose IV size 4. Remove tourniquet C. Pediatric Topical anesthetic 1. Time warranted 2. Topical EMLA Cream 3. Subcutaneous lidocaine II. Insertion (Demo) A. Prepare equipment 1. Set up supplies B. Insert IV 1. Clean site (Chlorhexadine) 2. Distraction 3. Insert angiocath a. 30 degree angle 4. Blood “flash” 5. Thread catheter 6. Remove needle a. Apply pressure 7. Attach T connector/extension tubing a. Secure device b. Apply tegaderm C. Assess patency 1. Blood collection a. Pull syringe (3 mL, 5 mL, 10 mL) b. Connect tube holder 2. Saline flush a. Educate patient b. Flush 5-10 mL NS c. Assess flow and site III.
Monitoring A. Ongoing assessment 1. Visualize site 2. Intact dressing 3. Intermittent flush 4. KVO fluids B. Infection prevention 1. Hospital start 72 hours 2. Rescue start 24 hours 3. Signs of infection 4. Medication administration C. Discontinuing IV access 1. Explain procedure 2. Apply gloves 3. Remove tegaderm/tape 4. Remove angiocath 5. Assess angiocath 6. Apply gauze with pressure 7. Apply tape Conclusion Today I have demonstrated the process of starting an IV on a patient. As you have seen the procedure requires expert skill and precision along with confidence and experience to achieve optimal results.
Following proper technique can prevent placement error, injury, and infection. It is also important to remember that patient education before and during the procedure can help reduce anxiety, stress, and fear. Memorable Ending: The next time you find you or your loved one on the other end of a needle having an IV placed remember this demonstration. If you have questions or concerns about the procedure don’t hesitate to talk to your nurse. Nurses usually welcome the opportunity to provide education because it demonstrates our skill and knowledge in addition to providing emotional support and compassion for our patients.
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