Compare and Contrast Essay Argumentative Essay
Compare and Contrast Paper Students in high school search for the perfect college. Size of the school becomes a significant decision in narrowing the list. Luckily, the United States offer a huge variety of colleges, from little colleges with less than 1,000 students to huge state universities with more than 35,000 students. Finding a good match depends mainly on the students’ personality and academic goals. Although, large universities can be exciting or impersonal. A small school can be supportive or stifling. Among the most common reasons for transferring, size is near the top of the list, with too big and too small getting even play.
Small colleges commonly translate into smaller classes and more professor contact. They can, however, be lacking in specific major offerings. Large schools may offer opportunities such as editing a daily newspaper or studying Swahili that a smaller school cannot. Extroverts and self-starters may thrive on a big campus. Students who are shy or who lack the sel
f-discipline to work when there are endless temptations to do otherwise will probably be better served by a small college where they would not be as likely to fall through the cracks (Big Colleges vs.nSmall Colleges).
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When a student can decide being a part of a Big Ten school that offers everything from sport events being on television to numerous degree programs feels right they will more than likely apply for that college. If you pick a big university it is time to leave the feeling of the high school popularity and welcome the chance of namelessness that comes with being one of thousands of students. Then a big university is probably a comfortable place to apply for. Going to a big university has its ups.
Having a wide variety for major choices, which is good because some students do not have a good idea of what they want to be until their sophomore or junior year and that gives them time to try out a number of different majors. There will always be a way to find resources for homework because the libraries are stocked well with the up-to-date books. Students will never have to worry about housing because the campuses are so huge and dorm buildings are so big that they all have places for students to stay. Also if there is no homework to o, sports are such a big thing at university’s and gives the chance to go catch a football, baseball, volleyball, or basketball game during free time. But with up’s there will always be downs (Sizing Up Colleges: Big vs. Small). Sadly, big universities have huge class sizes. This means fewer students to professor interaction that is if the student gets a professor for their class and not a teacher’s assistant. Which another bad thing about universities is, professors will have their teacher assistants teach the class to give them experience.
But the student will not get the full knowledge since they do not know all of the material yet. Also there are more rules and procedures related to enrolling in and designing course study. This makes it harder for students to get accepted in to the university and to learn their major (Sizing Up Colleges: Big vs. Small) A student that enjoys classes with small-group discussions where active participation and hands-on learning take priority, will more than likely fit right in to a small college. Some good things about most small colleges are the class sizes which lead to more teachers to student hands-on learning.
Hands-on learning helps a lot because it gives the student a better idea of what is going on, which leads to quicker knowledge of the subject. They also have individually designed majors so students who are interested in a specific major can choose one of the smaller colleges that focus more on that major then others that they have within their program. Lastly the professors are teaching the classes instead of teacher assistants, un-like big universities, which give the student and professor a better chance of learning things about each other so they can understand how one learns and the other teaches.
Just like big universities though, every small college has their downs too (Sizing Up Colleges: Big vs. Small). Even though, Small colleges have harder times getting students into their colleges because they will run out of dorms to house their students which make it hard for some kids to attend college if they cannot afford the tuition of a big university. They do not have many majors to pick from either which also limits the student to types of work they could go into after graduating college. Although the students have a great deal of ands-on learning with the professors at small colleges, since there are fewer students that go to smaller colleges the student cannot seek out other resources such as other students to help them with questions they might have about a project of paper once class had ended and they do not know where their professor is after that class. Also they have fewer resources, book wise to find research for papers or big projects for classes since the libraries on small college campuses are much tinier then the libraries on bigger campuses.
Finally, small colleges do not tend to care about sports as much as the big universities do which might be a bad thing to some students that are big with sports and have great talent but could not afford to go to a big university even with scholarships they might have received. This could lead to fewer kids attending smaller colleges also which could keep some kids from going to school at all and earning a good education you can get from either big universities or small colleges (Sizing Up Colleges: Big vs.Small).
So being a student in high school, choosing a college to apply for, whether it is a big university or a small college. One of the main decisions that student needs to make that will help narrow the list is the size of the school. Then he or she will be able to decide on a university or small college based on personality and or academic goals they have for themselves. Large universities tend to have more name recognition than smaller private colleges.
For example, once someone leaves the west coast, they will find more people who have heard of Stanford University than Pomona College. Both are extremely competitive top-notch schools, but Stanford will always win the name game. Some other reasons why student prefer big universities over small are because their parents might have been an alumni from that university. Also most big universities have division I athletic teams which are televised and they would think that is cool to attend a school that is played on TV (Small College or Large University).
Most often, student’s think of college as a four-year undergraduate institution, but this is not the case. The official United States Department of Education definition shows that a college is more complex than that. In terms for Graduate Study, the real definition of college is given: “An institution of higher learning that offers undergraduate programs, usually of a four-year duration, that lead to the bachelor's degree in the arts or sciences (B. A. or B. S. ). The term "college" is also used in a general sense to refer to a postsecondary institution.
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