Childhood: Overview
EYMP1: Context and principles for early years provision 1. 1. Explain the legal status and principles of the relevant early years framework/s, and how national and local guidance materials are used in settings. (Relevant early years framework: This refers to the frameworks for early years provision used within the relevant UK Home Nation. ) The early years framework in England is the EYFS. The early year’s foundation stage consists of a statutory curriculum for children from birth to 5years.
All child care providers must use the early year’s foundation stage to ensure a consistent and flexible approach to children’s care, learning and development in order for the child to meet the five every child matters outcomes. The welfare requirement is enforced by Regulations made under Section 39, (1) (b) of the Childcare Act 2006. There are six area covered by the early learning goals and educational programmes. Which are:- -Personal, Social and Emotional Development -Communication, Language and Literacy -Creative Development -Physical Development -Problem-solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Knowledge and Understanding of the World These six areas are equally important; all areas are delivered through planning, child-initiated and adult-led activities. There are four distinct EYFS principles which guide the work of all practitioners. The elements of the principles into practice are, :- A unique child :-Positive relationships :-Enabling environment :-Learning and development These four elements underpin effective practice in the EYFS, put the requirements into context, and describe how practitioners should support the development, learning and care of young children.
The four aspects also underpin the five elements of Every Child Matters. The five elements of every child matters are staying safe, being healthy, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and achieving economic well-being. We achieve this by setting the standards for learning, promoting equality of opportunity, creating the framework for working in partnership, improving quality and consistency and laying a secure foundation for future learning. 1. 2. Explain how different approaches to work with children in the early years have influenced current provision in the UK. (Different approaches e. g. : Reggio Emilia Reggio Emilia’s approach has influenced our roles by combining parent’s roles and communities’ roles. Parents are encouraged to be involved with the child’s development and curriculum planning. Teachers are leaner’s too, as we are continually developing and enhancing our understanding. Reggio Emilia influenced how we lay out our rooms, with the use of open free flow spaces and using the children’s work for displays. * High/Scope * The high scope approach influenced how we organise our planning, implement, review and how we plan our next steps. * Montessori * Maria Montessori believed that children have a desire to learn.
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After many hours of observation she concluded that they learned best by experiencing things. * Steiner * Steiner influenced how we organise our setting and how we plan our environment, he also contributed to the five elements of every child matters. He believed nutrition, rest and play are very important. Steiner believed children learn through reparation. Steiner’s approach worked effectively at integrating special education need children into the setting and encouraged the other children to actively care about them. * common core * Common core skills and knowledge are essential to everyone who works on a regular basis with children.
The common core influences our practices and provisions by highlighting the skills and knowledge we as practitioner should have. It also promotes equality, respect, diversity and challenges stereotypes. * There are six areas within the common core skills and knowledge. * Effective Communication and engagement with children, young people and families. * Skills:- Listening and building empathy, summarise and explain and consultation and negotiation * Knowledge:- How communication works, sources of support and the Importance of respect * Child and young person development. Skills:- Observation and judgement and empathy and understanding * Knowledge:- Understand context, understand how babies, children and young people develop and be clear about your own role * Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child and young person. * Skills:- Relate, recognise and take considered action, communication, recording and reporting and personal skills * Knowledge:- Legal and procedural frameworks, wider context of services and Self understanding * Supporting transitions. * Skills: - Identify transitions and provide support. Knowledge: - How children and young people respond to change and when and how to intervene. * Multi - agency working. * Skills:- Communication, teamwork and assertiveness * Knowledge:- Your role and procedures and working methods * Sharing information. * Skills: - Information handling. * Knowledge: - The importance of information sharing and roles and responsibilities. * country specific: statutory or guidance) * See 1. 1 * 1. 3. Explain why early years frameworks emphasise a personal and individual approach to learning and development.
The emphasis is on the individual and how we can adapt to personalise activities and the care we offer. All children are individual and develop at different rates. Children have universal needs that are essential to survival (food, drink, sleep and shelter). The psychological needs are love, affection, stable relationships, intellectual stimulation and independence, meeting these needs is essential to the quality of life. 3. 1. Explain the partnership model of working with carers. The role of practitioners differs from parents but the one thing they have in common is they all want the best for the child.
Trust and respect is of upmost importance. Home visits, hands book and brochure are greatly appreciated by parents and carers. Also See 3. 3. A partnership model looks like this 3. 2. Review barriers to participation for carers and explain ways in which they can be overcome. As a practitioner my first duty is to the child, promoting their welfare, development and learning. Some situations are very sensitive and need to be approached with great care. Parents can be very defensive and sometime even hostile. Arrange any discussion in a confidential space, in a calm and supportive atmosphere.
Barriers| Ways in which they can be overcome. | Being a single parent| Offer times that are suitable for the parent to discuss any issues/child’s development. If this is not practical I would arrange a convenient time to phone home and discuss. In some cases a e-mail or text may be appropriate. | If English is not their first language| The parent/carer is encouraged to bring a member of the family or friend to translate, although we do have bilingual practitioners at my setting. | Work commitments| Offer alternative times or arrange a phone call home. If this is still not suitable I would send a letter/report home. Illness| Firstly I would be sensitive to their illness and provide an appropriate time suitable to for them. Sending a letter home/report and discussing any issues over the phone. | Disabilities | I would provide appropriate access. If the parent/carer is deaf I would write what I want to communicate. | Child’s health (over weight/ not in good health)| This is a hard situation to tackle, showing concern for the child and not criticising the parent is very important. Offering my help and support to the parents, suggesting alternative foods and making them aware of adequate exercise. Their child has special education needs| I would discuss my concerns and reassure the parent/carers that they will receive support and help not only for their child but for themselves too. | The child isn’t receiving support at home. | This is a sensitive matter as many parents do have a lot of time after they finish work. I would suggest just 10 minute a day of reading to their child will make a dramatic impact. I would not criticise the parent/carers as everybody’s home life is different. | 3. 3. Explain strategies to support carers who may react positively or negatively to partnership opportunities.
At my setting we offer opportunities for parents/carers to volunteer for any period of time, we hold open days for existing parents and children as well as new parents/carers and children. This helps the transition of starting nursery and gives parents and children to meet the staff, gain knowledge of our routine, how we work as a setting and what our aim is. At events like this we have stalls providing information about each staff member’s role, our policies and work from staff and children that display how diverse we and our multi-cultural workings.
Parents don’t always have time to attend open days, events or parents evenings and may feel guilty. At my setting we hold events on Saturdays and for parents evenings we arrange times to suit parents. We have bilingual staff members to help and translate if English is not the parent/carers first language or they are welcome to bring someone with them. Parents are always encourages to become more involved and we are open to new ideas. 3. 4. Explain how effective multi-agency working operates within early year’s provision and benefits children and carers.
A number of different services, practitioners and parents join forces, sharing information in order to prevent problems occurring. Parental permission will always be obtained before accessing these services, unless the child is deemed to be at risk of significant harm. Practitioners should assist parents and guide them in the direction of other agencies/services which could benefit them. Multi agency working enables services to work alongside one another to ensure the best possible outcome for the child, young person and their families.
Services are sometimes integrated to enable more effective care for the child/young person. Anyone who works with children should integrate, placing the child at the centre in order to improve their lives. Multi agency workings benefit the child and their families by identifying problems, providing information, their needs are addressed more appropriately and the family receive a tailor made support network. By working together and integrating the child’s outcome can be positive and can have a positive impact on the child health, development and learning. Every agency places the whole child at the centre.
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