Biblical Worldview Paper
A worldview is simply your view of the world and your interpretation of the events that happen in life. Christians when considering the world and life choices should have a biblical worldview based on the teachings and understanding of the word of god. As the same with secular worldviews, biblical world views vary vastly from person to person depending on your value system and views on religion.
Graham (2009) talks about these different views, “Well-meaning Christians reach different conclusions on the way they choose to interpret and use the bible” (p.14). The way you interpret the bible and God’s overall message has a big impact on the way you view the world. This world view has a impact on the way you teach and interact with your students and can affect the spirituality of the children you will have the opportunity to minister too dependent on your representation of a true Christian spirit and worldview. With a clear Biblical world view and a true Christian philosophy of education, it is possible to create young Christians filled with grace and a true understanding of the spirit of Jesus Christ.
To have a world view that is considered biblical in nature it can be seen as when you without question believe that the Bible is the truth of the world and when that happens “then you allow it to be the basis of which your behavior comes from. It is the belief that God is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and is the creator of all. As Israel Wayne best put it is to “ believe that believing in (John 3:15-19, 5:24), and obeying (Luke 8:21, John 3:20-21, John 14:21, 23-24), Jesus Christ is the only way to have eternal life or to be reunited with God (Acts 4:10-12)”(Wayne,N.A).
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Biblical Worldview is not simply how you view the world but how you interact with it as well based on the principle of the bible. Your actions, Thoughts and words must match the teachings of Jesus Christ. It requires accurate understanding of the teachings of God in order to interpret the correct actions to do in order to maintain a strong biblical world view. Without having a clear understanding of God’s word, Christians may put themselves at risk to adopt secular ideals and attitudes which will lead to a life of sin. By understanding God’s plan for our world and for our life as well as maintaining a strong relationship with God allows us to have a more meaningful and purposeful life full of grace.
In Graham (2009), the author speaks of true Christian education. He believes that in order to achieve true Christian education that “true Christian educating immerses students in the grace of the gospel”(p.42). This means to represent God in all of your actions so that God’s message becomes more than a lecture but is undeniably shown in the actions of believers. True Christian education involves not only praising students for doing the right things that seem to represent Christ but focusing on students overall spiritual health and being.
By administering praise by judging the right or wrong visible actions of students can then make right actions a way to attain praises therefore creating a unrealistic view of Christ and Christianity and could cause an increase of behavior to appease others. This also follows the scripture of Colossians 3:16 which speaks upon allowing the message of Christ to work within your teachings. If you allow Christ to flow through you then the children that you interact with will be ministered through proximity alone.
The philosophy of true Christian education should be based on understanding that human’s purpose for existing is to have a relationship with God and to nurture said relationship. It should also be based on the concept that every human has a purpose assigned to them by God and in order for education to thrive it must prepare students to reach God’s purpose for them. Christian education must embrace children with the spirit of God even when faced with children who do not acknowledge or act within his word.
Students must be seen as gifts from god and must be treated as children of God. Ephesians 6:4 talks about the philosophy you should have in education and as a father. “And, you fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord”( Ephesians 6:4). Similarly to the verse teachers should show compassion and God’s love in the nurturing and teaching of God’s children.
The implications of Christianity in education is that it has the ability to create strong, involved young Christians with a just and biblical world view. Without a good foundation that is well grounded and filled with the teachings of Jesus Christ, it has the ability to create Christians who are neither truly moral or pious. They do not live or represent god in their being but do acts of Christianity for their own selfish need for acceptance. Graham (2009) discusses this point in the text ,”We assume, by virtue of students’ outward conformity to our expectations, that internally they have an identity rooted in Christ”(p.34).
If we do not really believe in the teachings of God and live by it, then we will not truly represent Christ and be misleading in our actions. Having a secular world view has a unquestioning effect on their lives. Instead of having a world view galvanized by truth you can are taken "captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy…." (Colossians 2:8). This meaning being tied to a secular worldly philosophy.
The principles of man are fickle and will ultimately lead to a life of sin. A Christian world view is important to creating a future generations of moral and God fearing Christians who will carry the word of God into the world as they mature. By using the Bible as a moral guidelines you will decrease the disciplinary issues as well as decrease the desires to participate in secular behaviors. It will create attitudes and actions that match with the teachings of the Jesus Christ. This meaning treating others with respect and love that is in line with the being children of Christ. By viewing children as having a unique purpose and destiny assigned by God, then teachers will have more respect and honor for the children decreasing the epidemic of negative relationships between students and teachers.
In conclusion a biblical world view and a philosophy of true Christian education is necessary for the success of true Christian educators. In having a biblical worldview, Christians embrace the word of god as the truth and therefore try to live by the word. By immersing yourself in God’s word and adopting a Biblical world view you are following the word of Christ. It is the duty of Christian educators to be moral guides for their students. They must help lead there students to the “development and conscious direction of attitudes and habits appropriate to the man of God”( De Beer,2000).
As Christian educators our purpose is not simply to teach these behaviors but also live them and spread God’s love through their actions as well. Christian educators must model “standards of moral and ethical behavior consciously related to God's revealed standards”( De Beer,2000). God’s word should not just be a moral guide but a item of great important and held to strict obedience. If a philosophy of true Christian education is followed then there will be students who are of the spirit and represent God’s love and moral standards. They will be nurtured with grace and respect even when not living up to God’s standard for our behavior.
- Graham, Donovan. Teaching Redemptively: Bringing Grace and Truth into Your Classroom . Purposeful Design Publications. Kindle Edition.
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BibleGateway. (n.d.). Retrieved from 2:8&version=NIV - De Beer, J. (2000, June). Toward a Philosophy of Christian Education. Retrieved June 6, 2019, from
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