An Analysis of Freak the Mighty
Freak the Mighty is a novel about two young boys who are both challenged going through life. Freak is crippled and Max is a dysfunctional retard. When they get together, they become Freak the Mighty and go on quests, as Freak rides on Maxs shoulders.
Maxwell Kane- He is a very caring person. He may be a dysfunctional retard, but when Freak comes along, he begins to understand and do better. He has another problem, which is he grows so fast that during the story people are either afraid of him or making fun of him.
Kevin (Freak)- He is very intelligent. He practically knows the whole dictionary. Freak has a problem with his body. His mind grows, but his body doesnt. He has to use crutches or a wheel chair. Thats until he starts to ride on Maxs shoulders. I think the only problem he has is hes too bossy.
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Grim and Gram- They are Maxs grandparents. They are scared of Max, because he is so big and he reminds them of his father Killer Kane. They do love Max and want the best for him.
Gwen-She is Freaks mother. She is a very caring woman, especially about her son. Shes tall and skinny. From Maxs obsession, shes probably pretty.
Kenneth David Kane (Killer Kane)- He is Maxs father. He is in jail through most of the story. When he does enter the story, the only thing that he wanted to do was be with his son and prove to him that he didnt killed his mother.
At lunch, Freak is eating his food so fast that he begins to choke. The school called the ambulance and took Freak away.
The next day, Max stayed home to wait for Freak to come home from the hospital. When freak came home, his mother told Max that he couldnt go outside until he was better, so they went to his room. The first thing Freak did was start bossing him around like he never was sick.
At home, Max is in his room when he hears Grim and Gram arguing. It seems that Maxs father might be getting out of jail on parole. Grim wants to protect them by using a gun, but Gram doesnt want him to use a gun, because she has been having dreams about Kenny using the gun against him.
Later, Grim goes down into Maxs room to talk to him. He asks Max to do him a favor and stay in the house for a couple of days.
During Christmas Eve, Gwen and Freak join Max and his grandparents for dinner. After supper, they sit around talking and opening one present. Everyone likes their presents, especially Max. Grim is amazed at the box Freak made Maxs present in. It was rigged, so that when Max pressed a button, it would open. Inside was a dictionary that Freak made for Max. It had all his favorite words, but with definitions Max would understand.
That night Max got a surprising present, his father. Kenny had snuck into the house. He put his hand over Maxs mouth and told him not to say a word. Kenny tells Max to put on his shoes. They left the house and go to Loretta and Iggys house. They are shock with the presence of Kenny in their house. Yet, they dont stay their long. Iggy had another place for them to stay. I guess he broke into some old womans house, because max says that it smelt like an old woman and cats.
At the house, Kenny takes a bible and swears on it that he didnt kill Maxs mother. Then he takes a rope and ties it to him and Max, so he can make sure Max will not runaway.
In the morning, Loretta coming in through the back way awakens Kenny. She said that nothing was open, so she brought some left over pizza. Kenny kept insisting to see Iggy and for her to leave. When she did leave, he told Max not to eat anything she touches. Therefore, they went into the kitchen to find something to eat. All the found were prunes, cereal, and spoiled stuff in the refrigerator. So Max just ate some cereal with water. It didnt bother him, because he was so hungry.
When Iggy arrived, he told Kenny that the cops had came by his house looking for Max. Kenny told him that he needed a gun and transportation. Iggy left to get what he wanted.
Just to be safe, Kenny moves them into the basement of an old burned building. Now he stuffs a gag into Maxs mouth and goes out to see Iggy. When he is gone, Loretta enters the basement to free Max. Next thing you know Kenny has his hands around her neck about to kill her, then Max jumps between them saying that he remembers Kenny killing his mother. Kenny them grasps his neck.
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