American Renaissance

Category: Renaissance, Writer
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2022
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The American Renaissance period is widely acknowledged as the country's richest time in literature. It was during this years that legendary writers like Emerson, Thoreau, and Hawthorne lived and made their contributions. According to Woodlief (2001), calling the time between 1840-1865 a renaissance or rebirth is a misnomer because there was no rebirth of greatness in American literature or culture. This period was, in fact, the first era of maturity for American literature. For the first time, literary figures sought and established their marks in the world. Literary works of great value were published and influenced society.

Writers of this time were struggling to establish the American identity as opposed to the British and other Europeans. They were looking for ways to realize their potentials in order to satisfy individual egos and rise above what they perceived as social concerns. The search for identity was deeper for it delves into the individual's place and role in society. Considering the short period that American literature blossomed and flourished, one would wonder what brought on the sudden burst of literary enthusiasm. There are no distinct and clear-cut explanations for this, only speculations.

Some believe that literature became popular because at this point, America was well established as an independent nation. The society was ready to indulge its senses as practical matters were settled. Publishers became available to print and distribute materials for a public that was ready to embrace new thoughts and expand its experience and knowledge. The societal structure, perhaps, also contributed to this golden age in literature. There were many clashing ideas and realities that gave rise to many American Renaissance 2 inspirations for writers.

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The society was also rich enough to afford patronizing writers, and a new class emerged who sought cultural enrichment. American writers during the Renaissance struggled to be original and different from Europe's acclaimed literary figures. Because of this desire to establish identity, the writers questioned and found wanting established norms. The questions and wonderings turned into a distinct style of writing that was exclusive to America. Literary writers of this time sought new roots that would require personal involvement in a meaningful level. They wanted to escape the cloying tendencies of tradition and the increasingly materialistic drive of their time.

In a way, the renaissance writers could be considered rebels. They rebelled against restraints imposed by classic dogmas and traditions. Society and literary cultures were full of clashing moralities and ambiguousness that literary responses became expected and natural. In literature, the classic school advocated form more than the emotion or the senses, a practice that the Renaissance writers changed. In short, individualism was embodied in this period. American Renaissance writers' style of writing exhibited less restraint and fewer adherences to traditional styles and forms. They wrote according to how they think they should.

In their works, the writers were more focused on inspiration and emotion rather than following conventional styles. The American way of writing was centered on human nature and the person as an individual. From Emerson to Dickens, the individual was always encouraged to be the best he can be. Emotions and the reactions against realities in the society were also favorite subjects among writers. Writers also often talked of nature and how it was lost to industrialism and modernism. American Renaissance 3 The writers used literature to explore and discover the wonder of what had been lost to progress.

They turned to nature for inspiration and ideas. Writers also wrote reactions and opinions about slavery and its abolishment. The writers even declared their independence from Britain. By doing so, the American writers showed that their writings were distinct and have their own brand. The writers during this time knew and influence each others' thoughts and works. They wrote and respond to each others' writings, but they would insist that each was an individualist. Literary forms included tales of slavery; novels whose themes were moralistic or political; poetry; and the transcendentalism began by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

These writings affected society in great measures. Some dictated proper behavior for women and men. Some were intended to affect political issues and help fuel the movement for the abolition of slavery, Despite the public opinion opposing emancipation, writers supported and advocated for abolitionism. Many writings were also published to allow Americans to think back on their past in order to establish their individualism. To thoroughly understand the American Renaissance's style of writing and its characteristics, it is necessary to discuss some of the great ones who graced the era.

Abolitionism Ralph Waldo Emerson was considered by many literary scholars as the proverbial match who sparked the literary creativity of his time. Many of his contemporary writers followed his doctrines and his influence remained long after he died. As an essayist, poet, and philosopher, he made the famous "The American Scholar" speech, which is deemed to be the formal declaration American Renaissance 4 of America's intellectual independence, presumably, this means the establishment of American literary writers as serious writers comparable to their peers in Europe.

In his time, Emerson was the leader of the American Transcendentalist movement, which was a group of people who protested against the prevalence of materialism in the society. The members of this group embraced new literary, cultural, religious and philosophical ideas in rejection to societal norms and concerns. Among his many accomplishments, Emerson was notably known for his 1844 speech that described his thoughts and position regarding slavery in the country. This speech was the first time that Emerson admitted openly to the public that he was for abolition.

The abolitionist movement in the United States was in full swing by the time of the American Renaissance. As such, it was often used as subject for literary discourse and debates. Emerson, one of the literary giants of the period, was one of its biggest supporters. In his speech, the writer spoke against slavery even if public opinion was against abolition. Before Emerson made his famous speech, Henry David Thoreau helped convinced people to attend and listen to the speech. Lockard (2004) said that Thoreau went door-to-door to ensure attendance.

Emerson's public rhetoric traced the history of slavery and the horrors associated with it. In keeping with his advocacy for individualism and the sense of self, Emerson informed the public that he welcomed the participation of the African-Americans in political discourse and self-determination. His overall speech was centered on the emancipation of the slaves and welcoming them as equals in society. Emerson was criticized as a result of speech declaring his true position on slavery. But despite this setback, he did not lose his place as the foremost literary master of the time. American Renaissance 5 Individualism

Individualism was the central theme of the American Renaissance. It embodied the concept that a person must and always question the conventions of society. The individual should challenge accepted intellectual, as well as religious, ideals. Individualism requires a person to govern his thoughts and actions based on his personal standards rather than the dictates of society. It encouraged freedom of expression and the rejection of conventional ideas in order to foster growth. As an ardent follower of Emerson, Henry David Thoreau followed his philosophies and applied them to his own writings and in his personal life.

In relation to Emerson's doctrine on self-reliance, Thoreau expanded this thought and considered individual freedom as society's highest ideal. He explored individualism as a writer, a man, and as an intellectual. To do this, Thoreau left the society he knew and lived where he was in closer contact with the natural world. As an individual, Thoreau wanted to explore new aspects of his being and personality. By living along, he sought to discover a new self that was unencumbered by traditions and conventions. As an intellectual, he wanted to know how he would rebuild his life away from the established norms of a complex societal structure.

As a writer, Thoreau experimented with different styles that reflected his individuality. His writings were the product of careful study. His essays were his experiences; his poetry and prose reflected a thorough attention to languages nuances. Thoreau got his inspiration from nature. Studying nature and getting inspired by it later became a traditional mark of individualism. Thoreau's focus on nature was his way of moving away from the traditions of a materialistic society. By moving away and living in a place far from the so-called civilized American Renaissance 6 society, Thoreau escaped and transcended the lures of the world.

His voluntary exile and return to nature was also a form of sacrifice and self-renewal. By successfully turning to nature as his expression of individualism, Thoreau made his greatest legacy to the literary world. Human Nature and Morality Another person who was a part of Emerson's Transcendentalist movement was Nathaniel Hawthorne, who authored The Scarlet Letter. In his stories, he repeatedly expressed his views on human nature and morality. He explored the side of humanity that is normally hidden from society. Hawthorne used human psychology to explain morality issues and ambiguities.

Hawthorne did not believe that man is all good. His themes involved the wickedness of the human nature and how this weakness resulted to conflicts in society. His Puritan upbringing was also evident in the way he portrayed sinners in a strictly moral community. Hawthorne was a descendant of a Puritan New England family. In his exploration of human nature, Hawthorne questioned moral issues. Despite his background, he didn't believe in things like heaven or hell. Hawthorne's individualism could be seen through his use of modern ideas in his themes that opposed the conservatism of the nineteenth century literature.

Hawthorne used symbolism to express topics that were considered too radical in his time, like adultery and sexual conduct. Despite his being secretive and shy, he successfully wrote about sexual and moral guilt with depth. He also challenged, through his writings, the scientist and reformers of the time who dared experiment with nature. Reactions to Hawthorne's brand of writing differ. Many thought his work to be sensitive, sentimental and pure. Still, there are those who think his works as too gloomy and moralistic.

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American Renaissance. (2016, Aug 27). Retrieved from

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