To Kill a Mockingbird: Characters’ True Identities Revealed

Last Updated: 31 Mar 2023
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To Kill A Mockingbird Essay Introduction: * Thesis: In To Kill A Mockingbird, characters such as Calpurnia and Boo Radley are not who they are made out to be in the beginning of the play to both the readers and Scout. * Point 1: Jem and Scout learn that Calpurnia, their housekeeper, is not who they thought she was. * Point 2: The Finchs and the people of the town realize that Boo Radley is not the same man they thought he was. Scout and Jem is not the well-spoken servant they made her out to be all these years in their house.

Her role is the household is much different compared to other families. Calpurnia has pretty much taken the role as the “mom,” in the house. This one time, she disciplined Scout at the dinner table when they had Walter over for dinner and Scout made a rude comment. However, Scout’s and Jem’s view of Calpurnia changed when they went to church with her when Atticus could not take them. When they arrived at the church, Calpurnia was confronted by Lula for brining “white chillun” (Lee 119) in a black church. They heard Calpurnia use slang and words they had never ever come out of her mouth.

This newly discovered side of Calpurnia confused the children. They could not understand how their well respected and well-spoken housemaid could be so “dirty. ” When Scout questioned her about it later on, Calpurnia explained herself “folks don’t like to have somebody around knowin’ more than they do. ” It aggravates ‘em. You’re not gonna change any of them by talkin’ right, they’ve got to want to learn themselves, and when they don’t want to learn themselves there’s nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language. (Lee 126) Calpurnia’s explanation really answered Scout’s question as to why she had to “talk nigger-talk. ” (Lee 125) The people of Maycomb do not have the right perspective of Boo Radley. The rumor that have surrounded him and his family have caused him to stay within the confines of his home. The rumors say that he killed his mother and stabbed a family member with a pair of scissors. Over the summer, the kids (Scout, Jem, and Dill) acted out the story of Boo Radley and his family over the summer.

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Also, when Jem and Dill rolled Scout down the hill in the tire, they refused to help Scout get out since she had landed in his (Boo Radley’s) property. However, the children have it all wrong. In the beginning of the book, Jem and Scout start finding gifts in the hole of the oak at the edge of his land which he had been placing there. Another instance where they were proven wrong was when he gave Scout a blanket during the fire that took out Miss Maudie’s home. Again, no one had any idea he had done this.

The biggest reason as to why everyone has made out Boo Radley all wrong was when he saved Jem and Scout from Mr. Ewell. Conclusion: * Thesis: In To Kill A Mockingbird, characters such as Calpurnia and Boo Radley are not who they are made out to be in the beginning of the play to both the readers and Scout. * Point 1: Jem and Scout learn that Calpurnia, their housekeeper, is not who they thought she was. * Point 2: The Finchs and the people of the town realize that Boo Radley is not the same man they thought he was.

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To Kill a Mockingbird: Characters’ True Identities Revealed. (2017, Jun 12). Retrieved from

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