On Pathography

Last Updated: 28 Jan 2021
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Why do humans write them? Robert Maunder, a physicists and professor, illustrates an essay called, "On Photography," that presents meta-commentary stories In Body & Soul. The genre of literature called, "photography," describes his essay and Interest about being sick. Maunder establishes terms such as battle, triumph and survivor to reflect on the narratives of Illness. He describes his essay through elements of critical thinking by clarity, evidence of support and assumptions underlying the argument. As a result, Robert Maunder clearly manifest his main proposal successfully.

Maunder expresses the clarity of his main argument of photography through his beliefs. For several of patients, to triumph over sickness, signifies an important part of the experience. The best photographers, in Maunders eyes, are those "like the best novels and poems, {he} suppose, describe life with subtlety contradiction, emotion, depth, beauty and banality. But it helps to read the best" (Maunder, 2004). Sometimes, the most efficient teaching lad Is to analyze and read written accounts of one's aspect from sickness or facing death as It can receive empathy towards one another.

Patients who are diagnosed with a terminal Illness can evoke fear, depression and anger. However, Maunder also believes that the best photographers are those "who are curious and unashamed enough to write about what illness has done to their minds and preferences and relationships" (Maunder, 2004). It indicates that the existential truth is a familiar Indus of reflection for a sick writer, which the author compares to personal victory. The capability of understanding and connecting tit one and another is faint. Maunder argues how "a critically ill person needs above all is to be understood.

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Dying is a misunderstanding that you have to get straightened out before you go" (Maunder, 2004). Sickness cannot be acknowledged for understanding, until your friends and family, with love, recognize the absolute knowledge of your chronic disease. Thus, the clarity of his main argument Is pushed by his beliefs. He contributes his mall argument through personal observations, reflection, and anecdotes, as he not only try to convince the reader, but also himself. Maunder uses personal observation with his patients and students by reading photographers of other authors.

He begins with Robert Mason Lee's photography, of his pain of Chronic disease, where his audience was conveyed by "the experience of that particular pain very well to someone who has never felt it. " (Maunder, 2004). He explains how a powerful writer has the unique ability to express their connections to feelings and awaken our senses. These senses are within others and us, where it results to think in synthesizing ways. Maunder also uses personal, short and amusing vents to account his message across.

For example, he has read "few other essays where the author Is so completely alive and present In the text, in all his narcissistic, gleeful, annoying, contemplative splendor," such as Anatoly Broad (Maunder, 2004). Board's wrote a photography called, "Intoxicated by My Illness," as he was dying of prostate cancer. This photography captivated Maunder eye's due to his bright and insightful personality, where did not take sickness as a serious event, but by convinced that "illness is a test of relationship, of values, and of faith-but as Job caches us, it is a test that, once passed, continues nonetheless" (Maunder, 2004).

Illness and life are similar. However, illness can render as the greatest destroyer of denial where it has the power to reach a person's soul negatively. These personal experiences assist Maunders main argument. Maunder also apply his assumptions to propel his argument forward. He postulates how humans view their morality is recognized. He believes how "the battle metaphor of destruction is not appropriate in this instance either. What serious illness does to denial is make it obvious" (Maunder, 004).

Young children, teenagers and adults, are almost always solipsistic, that it affects their worldview. A sickness is Just to overcome, whereas older people, it becomes more of a challenge because they dwell on it, which can consume them. As a result, it changes their mindsets for the worst. Maunder continues his assumptions for how the society views on morality by providing the idea that one can truly live when they are faced with a death crisis. He brings "another version of the hope for redemption through illness" (Maunder, 2004).

Maunder imagines his hopes for others who have suffered through illnesses, where it might illuminate certain situations and help gain perspective. For a while, Maunder takes a step back from writing illness narratives and explores into the genre of literature, consisting of stories regarding the aspects of sick patients. He argues that "triumphant battles, how much they actually do convey an important part of the experience of being sick for many people," is an expectation (Maunder, 2004). Humans, who struggle with chronic illness(s), are the toughest of the tough.

They are able to continually face the struggles of life and battle a debilitating disease than those who appear to live with it. Consequently, Maunder takes granted for people who lack of the knowledge of being sick to drive his topic ahead. In summary, Robert Maunder proves his main idea thoroughly and distinctly. He uses clarity, evidence for support and assumptions to underlie the principle of the argument. Maunder narrates photographers about being sick and communicates an extraordinary manner to an incomprehensible audience who Just needs to understand.

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On Pathography. (2018, Sep 24). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/on-pathography/

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