Nazi Propaganda IWA

Last Updated: 23 Mar 2023
Pages: 3 Views: 462

The Nazi party, or National Socialist German Workers' party of Germany, attempted, and were almost completely successful in wiping out the entire culture of the Jewish, and the population of homosexuals, gypsies, disabled, and Slavic people, all due to his simple dislike of them. In his attempt to obliterate all of the people that he thought weren't worthy of life, his regime and he used several different types of propaganda - in this case, visually, through a poster- to try to brainwash everyone to have the same views as him and support his prosecution of them.

Him and his brutal regime tried their hardest to manipulate everyone's opinion of certain groups so that they could achieve his sadistic and horrific goal. In the Anti-Semitic cartoon by Sepal Josef Plank), it appears that an octopus with a Star of David over its head has its tentacles encompassing a globe, seemingly sucking the color off of the globe. The cartoon is presented on a white, grayish background with a centered globe facing Africa, Europe, and Asia with no color whatsoever.

Possessing the globe is a gigantic blue octopus with the Star of David floating above its head with its tentacles wrapped round the globe, seemingly sucking the life and color out of the world. The octopus also appears to be Injecting a black substance, may be toxic, Into the Earth, poisoning it. The strikingly visual and dramatic cartoon, used as Nazi propaganda, Is very easy to comprehend and extremely memorable.

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The purpose of the poster was an attempt to convince German citizens and other citizens In Europe that the Jewish people are going to ruin all life on Earth and are going to poison the population and anything they touch. The Nazi regime hopes that the poster will give everyone a reality check ND make them realize that exterminating the Jews will better everyone's life and improve the world. The Nazi's believe that the Jewish are nothing but a waste of space and that they're not worthy of being around other kinds and races that are superior to them.

The Nan government hopes the audience will support their efforts In persecuting the "less superior" races and Join In their movement. They hope that people will Join In on the extermination process and make their efforts a lot easier and faster. This Is an extremely effective poster due to the simple colors -gray, black, white and blue- and lack of words, making It understandable for all different ages. Nan propaganda was a huge part In their success -If you can call It that- of getting rid of the "vermeil" that they thought were In the world.

Nazi Propaganda IOWA By champion Nazi Propaganda By definition, anti-Semitic is a person who discriminates against or is prejudiced or also appears to be injecting a black substance, may be toxic, into the Earth, poisoning it. The strikingly visual and dramatic cartoon, used as Nazi propaganda, is very easy to convince German citizens and other citizens in Europe that the Jewish people are period to them. The Nazi government hopes the audience will support their efforts in persecuting the "less superior" races and Join in their movement.

They hope that people will Join in on the extermination process and make their efforts a lot easier and faster. This is an extremely effective poster due to the simple colors -gray, black, white and blue- and lack of words, making it understandable for all different ages. Nazi propaganda was a huge part in their success -if you can call it that- of getting rid of the "vermin's" that they thought were in the world.

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Nazi Propaganda IWA. (2018, Sep 21). Retrieved from

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