My Precious Place

Category: Sound
Last Updated: 23 Mar 2023
Pages: 2 Views: 750

The place can be their house, school, or an amusement park. Everyone has a different special place with different feelings. My precious place Is a hill. The hill is located In Hondo where Is a small town In Japan. I have several reasons why It Is an Important place for me: view, atmosphere, and memory. The hill Is surrounded by many nature, so I can see many trees, bushes, and the ground. They are beautiful green, but they have different greens.

Some of them are pep green, and some of them are light green. From the hill, I can see the whole town of Hondo. In addition, this hill is located in the countryside, so there are always not many people. That is why, the hill is quiet. When I close my eyes, I can hear the bards singing. Moreover, I can hear cars sound which comes from far away but not so many. When a car through near hill, the sound become gradually louder, and when the car go away, the sound become gradually smaller. The sound is like ocean waves.

If I hear the sound at deferent place, I Just think car sound. However, hill's quiet atmosphere and the birds singing make the sound ocean wave to me. Finally, I have an unforgettable memory on the hill. When I go the hill for the first time, I went there with my friend whose I loved. I wanted to make a memory with him before I go to the united States, so I asked him to hang out. I thought it was the last time to meet him. The end of the date, he took me to the hill. The way to go there, we rode a bicycle together.

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When we arrived there, we could see a brilliant night view, and he said he loved me. The memory and the place are really important between my boyfriend and me. In conclusion, a hill is a precious place for me because there is beautiful green view, relaxing atmosphere, and it reminds me my best moment of my life. Nowadays, Japanese people are trying to make the countryside to the city, so nature is getting smaller. Because of that, the view is changing, but I hope the view from a thin hill never change.

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My Precious Place. (2018, Sep 20). Retrieved from

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