Understanding Child And Young Person Development

Last Updated: 27 Jul 2020
Pages: 6 Views: 259

The rate of development is the speed of which a child develops but this can also vary a great deal in each child. For example one child may start walking unaided before their first birthday but another child may not start walking unaided until after their first birthday. It's important to know the difference between the sequence and rate of development as it helps to meet the children's individual needs. It helps you recognize if any children have special educational needs and helps you plan to make sure they are getting the help and support they may need. Case study 1 . All children occasionally display challenging behavior.

It Is natural for children to test their boundaries as they grow up and enter new stages of development. Pall's social and emotional development is not following the expected development as Paul is new to the nursery and the transition from home to nursery can be difficult for a child. Changes in routine or different environment may also affect him so he would be extremely quiet. Paul quickly becomes controllably upset when he gets something wrong this could be down to attention seeking. Children displaying this type of behavior may be feeling insecure and in need of adult reassurance.

However they ay simply be used to lots of adult attention 2. To help support Paul to overcome this you could reassure him that it doesn't matter if he gets things wrong and to praise positive behavior and try to ignore inappropriate behavior when possible. As he is quiet you could include him in activities where he doesn't have to communicate through speaking to his peers e. G. Puppets. Also give Paul the opportunity to undertake a range of castles In pairs or smaller groups, and then large groups when he becomes more aware of his peers. . Disability may affect development as children with learning or physical disability ay be exposed to prejudice or discrimination at school, for the reason that they could be treated differently than the rest of the children. They may be bullied or 1 OFF learning ability and development. Disabilities are categorized in different forms e. G. Learning or physical. Learning disabilities which affect development could be Autism which affects how a person relates and communicates with other people and the world around them.

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Children with this disability find it difficult to understand tones of a voice or facial expressions. They can feel lonely as they avoid social interaction which could then affect their ability to develop or interact in social settings. Dyslexia is a difficulty in learning to read so this is also is a learning difficulty which could affect development. Children suffering from this may become frustrated and problems could arise at home or in school, behavioral problems could also be seen. If dyslexia is undetected then this will affect their development at school and could spoil any chance of achievement.

Physical disabilities could include Cerebral palsy which is a condition which affects the movement and co-ordination of a person. A hill with this disability may only be affected physically while others could be affected by seizures, epilepsy or difficulties with speech and language. 4. There are many interventions that can help to promote positive outcomes for children and young people such as, speech and language therapist and they can help children or young people learn how to talk if they have developmental delay or speech and language problems.

When a child or young person is not following the expected pattern of development for whatever reason, they may be referred to a specialist who can help them overcome these development delays or problems, and hose interventions can include social workers, additional learning support and health visitors. By helping children gain the ability to use language they can help children gain confidence and self esteem I have seen this in my setting with children who have had communication and language needs.

These children have gained confidence and their language is now at a level that they can interact with other children and not show frustration. This is because they can now express themselves. 5. Speech and language can help children overcome most of their problems. By eloping children gain the ability to use language they can help children gain SENSE (Special educational needs coordinator) they are responsible for helping and advising other teachers on the best interventions for the particular child involved.

They can also be involved in training other teachers and providing support. Maintaining records of children with SEEN (special educational needs) and keeping in touch with parents of that child/young person. SENSE also ensures that the individual educational plans are set in place. Of services to help children who have certain specific educational needs. This might include people like teaching assistants or advisors to provide support and train staff. Youth Justice this is based on children with behavioral problems these people will work with them and social workers to help them.

Social workers are there to help vulnerable children and young people and their families this might include children on the child protection register or disabled children. Psychologist is a professional who helps support children who have learning or behavioral difficulties. They provide teachers and practitioners with aimed support programmer for that child once they have identified the child's needs. A specialist nurse provides support for the family and child especially if that child suffers from medical conditions that need specialist care Also health visitors come under this title for measuring and assessing a child's development.

A psychiatrist is a doctor who is trained in mental health problems this person works alongside other professionals to help diagnose or support children and young people with mental health problems. Physiotherapist this professional help children with their movement especially those who have little or no movement they are trained to get the maximum movement and kill level. Referrals can take the shape of common assessment form which are filled in then in my setting passed upstairs to the health visitor, speech therapist or other health professionals that are required after being checked by the SENSE in the room.

Speech and language also have their own referral forms which will be filled in and checked by the SENSE before being passed to the speech and language therapists. Early years action plans and plus plans are filled out and passed to the SENSE who will then speak to an education psychologist. With primary and secondary schools hey also have school action plans which will be run through their SENSE and the school run individual learning plans Assessment criteria 3. 1 2. During observations the behavior of children can change.

If they are aware of being watched, some children may feel anxious or excited, or they may try harder than usual. To counteract this, the practitioner may decide to be a 'non-participant observer'. This means that the practitioner will be unobtrusive- they will settle themselves somewhere suitable to watch the child without alerting them to the fact interact with the children. They will not speak and so there will be no need to make a cord of their own actions or words during observations. Alternatively, the practitioner can be a 'participant observer'.

The participant observer can directly ask or encourage children to do things. This technique works well with a 'checklist method' of observations, which is often used well with babies and young children. Participant observers can ask questions to find out a reason for a child's behavior. At HAD we use a checklist method to observe a child (See attached). The observer ticks and signs them off as they are seen. This method is frequently used to assess a child's stage of development. It is well suited to the observation of babies, whose physical development will typically progress rapidly.

The observation may be done over time or babies and children may be asked to carry out specific tasks. Not each child is going to be at the same rate of development and will develop at different stages according to their age and ability. Each parent has access to the development checklist to see how their child is getting on but we reassure them that if their child isn't at the stage the checklist shows that they should not worry as the checklist is just a rough guidance to the Practitioners.

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Understanding Child And Young Person Development. (2018, Sep 29). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/understanding-child-and-young-person-development-5/

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