Informative Outline (Anxiety)

Last Updated: 17 Aug 2022
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Introduction I. Think about a time when your breathing quickened, your muscles tensed, and your heart pounded with a sudden sense of dread. II. Was it when your car almost went off the road from the rain? Or maybe when your teacher announced you had a test? III. Anytime you face wheat seems to be a serious threat to your well-being, you may react with the state of immediate alarm known as fear. IV. You may not always be able to pinpoint a specific cause for your alarm, but still you feel tense and edgy. V.

I’m going to inform you all on what it’s like to live a day in a person’s life who has anxiety disorder. VI. Thesis: There are a few things you should know to truly be able to understand someone who has anxiety disorder: A. What anxiety is. B. Symptoms of anxiety C. The causes of anxiety D. The effects of anxiety E. Treatments for anxiety Body I. Anxiety is usually defined as a vague sense of being in danger. A. It has the same features as fear; including increase in breathing, muscular tension, perspiration, and so forth. B.

Sometimes anxiety keeps people on their toes meaning; we may drive more cauciously in a storm, pay attention to due date more, and leaving your house in enough time to be where you need to be a little early. C. However, some people experience such disabling fear and anxiety that they cannot lead a normal life. 1. Their discomfort is severe which sometimes last too long or is triggered easily. 2. These are people who are said to have anxiety disorder. D. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders in the United States. transition; People with generalized anxiety disorder experience constant worry. ) II. Because each person has a unique chemical make up; the type number, intensity, and frequency of anxiety symptoms will vary from person to person. A. Symptoms of anxiety; feel restless, keyed up, or on edge; tire easily; have difficulty concentrating; suffer from muscle tension; and have sleep problems. 1. The symptoms last at least six months. 2. Usually it appears in adolescence or childhood. 3. Women diagnosed with the disorder out-number men 2 to 1. . Studies have found that people in highly threatening environments are indeed more likely to develop this disorder. a. For example months and even years following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the rate of generalized anxiety disorder and other anxiety disorders were twice as high of residents who lived through the disaster than people who lived elsewhere. B. Other anxiety symptoms are described as being like a hypochondriac in other words have constant worry over: 1. Having a heart attack. 2. Having a serious undetected illness. 3.

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Losing control of thoughts or actions. 4. And being alone. C. It’s not uncommon with anxiety disorder to also suffer from depression or vice versa. Nearly one half of those diagnosed with anxiety are also diagnosed with depression. (transition; With anxiety disorder some people can hold a job and function socially, where others can’t even leave their homes. ) I. The exact cause of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is unknown however, evidence that biological factors, family background, and life experiences, particularly stressful ones, play a role.

A. Anxiety could be genetically inherited or also something that we create. B. Parents can also mentally cause or pass their own anxiety on by the ways they have raised you and the way they have taught you to interact with the world. (transition; Only about 1/3 of those suffering seek treatment. ) I. While medications and other therapies reduce symptoms and help diminish anxiety, we shouldn’t consider it a cure. A. Learning what anxiety is, what it does to the mind and body, and more importantly, what you can do to eliminate it IS the cure. B.

Anxiety is a condition that has the potential to return again and again unless you receive the proper information, help, and support from your loved ones. 1. Knowledge is the power to recovery. C. Relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, exercise, and other alternative treatments may also become part of the treatment plan. 1. If you have co-occurring conditions such as anxiety and depression it should also be treated appropriately. (transition; 40 million adults ages 18 and older suffer from this disorder making it the most common mental illness in the United States.

Conclusion I. I am one who experiences this disorder. A. Because I do experience this disorder, I understand it intimately. B. If you have any questions about your anxiety it can be helpful to not only talk with a therapist but also to someone who has actually experienced the disorder because we aren’t going to be stumped, or puzzled by your symptoms and you don’t have to feel embarrassed. II. I hope after learning more about Generalized Anxiety Disorder you can use the information I provided to help and support someone you know that is experiencing this terrible disorder.

Adults with Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental disorders in the adult stage. Anyone can develop anxiety and depression but its not something to worry about since both can be cured with medication or therapy. It may be caused by different factors and adults more often experience this mental condition.

Anxiety and depression are two conditions that should be addressed immediately because it affects people's social life and other life processes. There have also been documented cases that adult who suffered from these commits suicide. This paper discusses the meaning of anxiety and depression among adults and at the same time describe how to get medical treatment before something worse happens.

Defining Anxiety

“Anxiety, in the simplest sense is defined as a form of response or reaction” (Callanan, 1992, p.50). It is one state of emotion wherein individuals tends to feel lesser or more anxious toward a particular event in their life (Callanan, 1992, p.50). Anxiety can be seen as an extreme state of shyness indicated by blushing.

Shame occurs when one sees himself as being responsible for negative outcomes or for failing in public. Anxiety is also characterized by a discomfort when performing in front of an audience (stage fright) which can lead to an inhibition of speech.

This is one good way to test anxiety because the individual is afraid of being under the scrutiny of others. Both kinds of apprehension in face of tests and interactions share this aspect of evaluation anxiety. The state of anxiety refers to the acute feeling in the process of emotional experiencing.

The trait of anxiety refers to a proneness to respond with state anxiety in threatening situations. It can also be defined as excessive worrying which involves fearful reaction (Callanan, 1992, p.50).

Although the aforementioned statements cited negativity about the definition of anxiety, Margie Callanan on her book entitled “Anxiety. In Adult Psychological Problem” (1992) stated that anxiety is also vital for adult's life survival (Callanan , 1992, p.50).

“It also seems to be a feature of being successful since classic laboratory studies shows that people with moderate levels of anxiety leads them to optimizing task performance and that too much little of anxiety leads to worse performance” (Callanan , 1992, p.50).

Defining Depression

Depression is not merely feeling lonely or down. Feeling lonely at times is normal for any person but when this mood persists for weeks or even months, this is no longer a simple case of loneliness. The person experiencing this is under a depressed state (Yip and Lee, 2003, pp.5-11). Depression is a common illness but is also severe.

Many people fail to get treatment for this kind of disorder but with proper consultation and treatment, even the worst cases of depression can be cured. Depression in its own meaning is not life threatening but it could have drastic effects on the patient's life as well as the lives of the people around him (Yip and Lee, 2003, p. 157).

There are different types of depression but the most common are major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder (Yip and Lee, 2003, p. 7). Other forms of depression are psychotic depression, postpartum depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and bipolar disorder (Yip and Lee, 2003, p. 19).

Describing Adults who experiences Anxiety and Depression


No matter what aspects caused the anxious or depressive state among adults, it is no mere state if mind and it may be traced to some physical changes as a person ages because the brain as undergoes an imbalance of neurotransmitters, which is known as the chemical that carries from in the brain and in the nerves (Goroll,, 2003, p. 807).

Trauma and stress from financial problems, failed relationships, the death of someone dear, and other extreme life changes are factors that could result in either anxiety or depression. Pessimistic people are also more prone to these (Goroll,, 2003, pp.50-58).

Other medical conditions such as heart ailments, obesity, HIV and cancer may also lead to anxiety and depression (Goroll,, 2003, pp.49-54). It may also worsen some medical conditions since it weakens the immune system. Some medications may also constitute depression. Moreover, other psychological disorders like schizophrenia for example have been noted to accompany anxiety and depression (Goroll,, 2003, p.79).


Magnetic Resonance Technology (MRI) indicates that the brains of depressed people look different from the brain of normal people (Goroll,, 2003, p.300). The area of the brain that is responsible for mood and behavior do not function normally for adult people with anxiety and depression.

Talking to the patient is the best step in the diagnosis of anxiety and depression. The doctor should try to find out if symptoms have began to manifest to figure out if there is anxiety and depression and what stage has been reached.

The symptoms could last for the adult's remaining years and may inevitably affect his/her personality and work habits, in which case, other people could lose empathy for the patient. Depression also causes other various changes in behavior (Goroll,, 2003).


Treatment is never a problem for anxiety and depression patients since even the most extreme cases can be cured. One other disease has been ruled out, and the doctor is certain that the patient is suffering from anxiety and depression (Goroll,, 2003, p. 109).

Adult patients who experiences anxious and depressing conditions are usually given prescriptions for countering the said feelings. There are anti-depressants made in order to normalize the secretion of brain chemicals such as neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine (Goroll,, 2003, p.49).

These chemicals aid in regulating the mood of a person and as previously stated, neurotransmitters are secreted in abnormal levels under depression. Thus, normalizing the secretion of this chemical will help the patient recover from depression. These anti-depressants may however have side effects such as headache, nausea, insomnia and nervousness, agitation and sexual problems.

Psychotherapy or “talk therapy” is also another form of treatment for adult anxiety and depression. Cognitive behavioral-therapy and interpersonal theraphy are two forms of psychotherapy that have been proven to work for adult who has anxiety and depressio

n. These kinds of therapy may, however, only be effective for mild to moderate cases of adult anxiety and depression. More severe cases might call for both anti-depressants and psychotherapy (Callanan, 1992, pp.24-42).

  If anti-depressants and psychotherapy do not work, electro convulsive therapy, also know as shock therapy is another treatment option. Shock therapy has gained a negative reputation in the past but it has been proven to provide relief for patients that have severe depression (Callanan, 1992, p42).

Herbal remedies such have been used by some people for some time but research indicated that it is not effective in the treatment of depression. Other research indicated that the plant has components that produce unfavorable reactions with other medications (Goroll,, 2003, p.641).


Anxiety and Depression are common mental disorders and yet, many fail to get treatment for it because it often goes undiagnosed. Adult people and their family should be aware that anxiety and depression should be taken seriously and whenever the symptoms occur, professional help should always be sought.

The two can easily be cured so enduring it should never be an option since it does not affect only adults, but also the people around them.


Callanan, M. (1992). Anxiety. In Adult Psychological Problems. Champion, L.A., & Power,        M.J. (Eds). New York: Routledge.

Goroll, A.H., Mulley, A.G., & Mulley, A. Jr. (Eds). (2006). Primary Care Medicine.         Amsterdam: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Yip, P.S., & Lee, D.T. (2003). Depression Among Elderly and Postpartum Women. In      Depressive Disorders. Maj, M. & Sartorious, N. (Eds). New Jersey: John Wiley and          Sons.

Coping with Anxiety

Kathrina is a 20-something professional with dilemmas that disrupt her from being productive in her career. It also gives her inconsistent sleeping habits, which results from an uneasy feeling from the anxiety that she feels. Furthermore, she feels that her way of coping with such is not improving at all. Such predicaments hamper her career as a real estate agent, which she finds a big deterrent in producing sales. Kathrina’s biggest dilemma is that her parents expect a lot from her.

She doesn’t want to leave home yet she already feels uneasy about her situation at home. With this in mind, she resorts to me, a behavioral psychiatrist. Kathrina opts to undergo a series of sessions that will give her the opportunity to deal with anxiety and stress. 1) As a behavioral therapist how would you proceed in therapy in the case of Kathrina? First, I would like the patient to describe her environment while she was growing up. This would help me ascertain what is it like to live in her environment during her childhood.

It will allow me to determine how she generates feedbacks and how she behaves in this type of environment. As a behavioral therapist, I have to make her understand that her environment is responsible for her apparent behavior. The environment she thrives in conditions her to be behaving in such way. The environment includes all the people around her and the behavior of this people. She has to understand that her behavior does not deliberately stems from her. In behavioral psychology, it is suggested that behaviors are attained through the environment’s conditioning (Wagner, 2008).

As the individual interacts with her environment more, the more she is conditioned to act accordingly to her environment’s standards. As the individual accommodates this conditioning into her system, the more she is influenced by her environment’s conditioning. As I proceed with the subject’s current situation, I learn that she really accommodates and tolerates the behavioral standards of her situation. She does not have a hand in her apparent behavior at all. The stress from her work is not responsible as well.

The environment which is her home is the primary stimulus that affects her behavior, and causes her numerous dilemmas. In a branch of behaviorism, classic conditioning is used to condition a subject to respond to a certain stimulus. Classic conditioning is a type of conditioning in behaviorism, which conditions a subject by instigating a stimulus in order to generate a favorable response (Van Wagner, 2008). In Kathrina’s case, her parents conditioned her in the most effective manner. This leads us to the speculation that Kathrina might not have received classical conditioning at all.

Another type of conditioning, Operant conditioning can be suggested as the possible culprit for the apparent behavior of Kathrina. Operant conditioning takes place whenever the subject is conditioned through punishment and reward reinforcements. In Kathrina’s case, she might have received more reward reinforcements than punishment reinforcements. Yet this brings to us the notion that she might have been conditioned by reward reinforcements even if her parents are wrong in giving her reward reinforcements.

With this in mind, Kathrina’s case will remain unsolved, and I will suggest further therapy sessions for her to be able to cope up with stress and chronic anxiety. 2) How does behavioral therapy fit, or not fit, with your own personal style? The behavioral approach to therapy is not proper at all. It is very subjective and not objective at all. It is one-dimensional because it simply analyzes the environmental factors that contribute to the individual’s behavior. Both operant and classical conditioning are subjective in approach, and analyzes a subject’s behavior in a bias manner.

In Kathrina’s case, her behavior is not really caused by her environment alone. She has also a hand in contributing to her mental tortures. With this in mind, she must shrug her dilemmas aside. Apt therapy can also aid her in this situation she faces. References Van Wagner,K. (2008). Behaviorism. Retrieved March 22, 2008, from http://psychology. about. com/od/behavioralpsychology/f/behaviorism. htm Watson,J. Behaviorism Explained. General Psychology. Published Diestro Ltd. 2000.

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