Value of science
Richard Funnyman Is a world renowned physicists, he is known especially for his help In the development of the atomic bomb. Considering that he Is the creator of the worlds most dangerous weapon, The Value of Science can be interpreted on an entirely different level as Funnyman goes back and forth on the concepts of good vs.. Evil as a way to reflect his moral conscience. Richard Funnyman' morality can be seen through his passages about good and evil in the world of science and the world outside of science.
During Funnyman' opening point he states that when good things re created because of science It Is because "moral choice" (Funnyman 64) led them to that discovery. In other words, when someone makes something beneficial in science it is simply because while they were making it they were considering what is right and wrong. He continues by saying that each scientist is given the power "to do either good or bad" (Funnyman 64). However, there are no instructions on how to decipher which one you are doing.
Therefore, you could create something disastrous due to the lack of direction. In addition, he references a Buddhist proverb, "To every man Is given the key to the gates of heaven; the same key opens the gates of hell" (Funnyman 64). He is relating this quote to the good and bad choices that can be made in science. For example, in the proverb the "kef' would be the science, "heaven" would be the good that can come from science, and "hell" would be the bad that can come from science.
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However, whether it be the power to do something good or bad or the key to heaven or hell there are never and instructions on which choices will lead you here. If you don't have Instructions, "the key may be a dangerous object to use" (Funnyman 64). Based on the diction he uses In this section It suggests that he Is feelings guilty for the effects of the atomic bomb since he is using words such as "bad", "evil", and "dangerous". It suggests that perhaps Funnyman feels as if he opened the gate to hell rather than the gate to heaven through his invention.
His guilt is further shown with his comparison of science to the world outside of science. Richard Funnyman uses things outside of science to compare and Justify his morals about what he has done In science. For example, he states that education, communication, and applied science can be a "strong force, but for either good or evil" (Funnyman 69). It can be interpreted that he is referencing the atomic bomb by the repetition of the words "strong force" because the atomic bomb is the most feared bomb in the world due to how much power it is has.
Also, when he says that these strong forces can be used for "good or evil" (Funnyman 69) it could mean that the mob could be used for good, In which cases It wouldn't harm any civilians, or It can be used for evil, like how It was used In World War II where the bomb was used and killed 80,000 people instantly. He is using these examples outside of science as a way to show that, yes, science can create horror, but there are so many other things in the world that can create the same outcome. Following this further, he states that "nearly everybody dislikes war and continues by saying that "our dream today is peace" (Funnyman 69).
However, he further explains this point by giving an example of how eventually peace turns Into a bad thing also. This rationale used by Funnyman war. If this is the case, his example of peace being a bad thing would reference the fact that, the atomic bomb ended the war, but there was so much horror in the way it ended that it is impossible to actually have peace. The passage "Education, for Good and Evil" as a whole suggests that he is trying to take attention off of science alone being bad, by bring other things into the equation.
This section of his writing shows his morality through his diction and repetition, if there were no remorse for his decisions the whole piece would take a completely different purpose. Origin, an ancient theologian, once said, "the power of choosing good and evil is within the reach of all. " Richard Funnyman shows that this is entirely possible to do, given that the person making the decision is in touch with their morals. Good things can be created from knowledge, but the biggest part of creating something great is the use of moral choices.
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