Promote Children and Young People’s Positive Behaviour

Category: Children, Teacher
Last Updated: 21 Mar 2023
Pages: 21 Views: 4266

The policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children’s and young people positive behaviour covers a range of six sectors these are

  • Behaviour policy
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  • Code of conduct
  • Rewards and sanctions
  • Dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour
  • Anti-Bullying
  • Attendance Behaviour policy

A guideline to all staff on how pupil’s behaviour should be managed. It is important that this policy is constantly being applied to ensure full safety of the pupils; this is why all staff must be familiar with this policy. Code of conduct A set of rules/guidelines for the pupils so they understand how they should behave and what is expected of them. It is important that the children are reminded of the code of conduct so that it becomes their routine and they fully understand it.

It is essential that positive behaviour is always promoted, praised and used as children notice when adults behaviour is out of character, if positive and professional behaviour is continually used it is more likely that the pupils will also behave in that way. Providing a school environment that is safe and stimulating for the children in our care. In order to ensure that this is so, there is a policy with set procedures to create a calm, secure and happy working environment for all.

There are, however, occasions when individual children exhibit behaviour that is unacceptable. As part of the Discipline Policy of rewards and sanctions, all staff use behaviour modification strategies to change an individual child’s behaviour. By using a positive system of rewards we reinforce good behaviour, we believe that setting high standards and expectations, and focusing on positive achievements. By using a positive system of rewards we reinforce good behaviour, we believe that setting high standards and expectations, and focussing on positive achievements.

All members of the school community should respect one another. Primary School expects children to be well-behaved, well-mannered and attentive. Children should walk (not run) within the school. All children should respect their own and other people’s property and take care of books and equipment. All children should show regard for their fellow pupils. If a child has a grievance against another child, it should be reported to a member of staff, who will take appropriate action. Children should wear the correct school uniform.

Jewellery and trainers should not be worn. Children should not bring sharp or dangerous instruments to school. . Foul or abusive language should never be used Chewing Gum is banned Mobile Phones are not allowed Rewards and Sanctions Physical violence is never acceptable, neither is retaliation. Repeated or serious incidents will lead to a managed moved which means the student will be transferred to another school. Although good behaviour is encouraged in schools, children will still behave inappropriate at times.

  • Consequences for bad behaviour
  • Name on the board (sad face)
  • Miss time out from golden time, break or lunch play.
  • Be sent to the head of year/deputy head
  • Be sent to the head teacher and a meeting arranged with parents

Continuous bad behaviour, the student is put on report these reports are filled in by the teacher in every lesson on the day, saying whether the student has behaved in class, the student can be on report for a week or longer depending on the response of the student producing good behaviour.

My response to inappropriate behaviour on a daily basis within the classroom. Examples continuous disruption to a lesson, I would ask the student to come outside of the classroom where I would speak to the student in a stern but positive voice, reminding them of the consequences of their behaviour, and in some cases I would take them their team leader, if the student wasn’t responding . When promoting positive behaviour in schools there are policies and procedures that all staff needs to be aware of.

The main policies relating to behaviour will be the behaviour policies but other policies will also have an impact for example the health and safety policies, child protection policies and anti-bullying policies. All adults in school are expected to act as good role models and to behave in a consistent manner. We make sure that good behaviour is recognised and praised as well as praising children for good work, effort and achievement. Recognitions for good behaviour can be any of the following. A smile and a compliment and verbal praise Phone calls home to parents to give praise about how well their child has done.

Post cards can be sent home relating to how well their child is doing. Vivo can be given; children can save these up and buy things from our vivo shop like pens pencils chocolate etc. When they save a lot of vivo then can then buy more expensive item like iPods, mobile top-ups and a whole range of different things. Certificates are awarded for student of the week and also for students who have achieved awards for things like sport performing arts and in all other aspects of school work. Evaluate how the policies and procedures of the settings support children and young people to: Feel safe Make a positive contribution

Develop social and emotional and skills Understand expectations and limits When planning indoor and outdoor activities, there are many factors of health and safety that we have to take into account for example: Age, you have to make sure that the activity and equipment is suitable for the children's age group. Abilities & individual needs: you have to assess to see if each individual child is able to do it and if their personal needs are met. Risk & Hazards: before you plan the activity you must do a risk assessment and reduce any risk involved and make sure the area is suitable and large enough for the activity.

Making a child or young person feel safe is essential for their well-being; every practise is aimed at safety and security for students and staff. Within school we have a security person who checks in and around school all day, every day. Students make a positive contribution by following rules and procedures in and around school, also through their attendance, having respect for others, wearing the correct uniform and through their behaviour. Students develop social and emotional skills by knowing how to communicate in a correct manner towards other students, teachers and outside staff that may come in time to time always showing respect.

Students show empathy by respecting someone’s misfortune or sadness by showing emotions that they are capable of showing they care that a person is unhappy or sad from a situation that may have happened. Expectations of students are that they follow rules and regulation that they know are in place to help protect them within school, also that they respect each other and they know their limits in doing wrong and except the consequences of their own choice.

Explain the benefits of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour in accordance with the olicies and procedures of the setting. It is important for all staff to communicate with each other to evaluate student’s progress, emotionally and physically, and set fair boundaries for students who don’t get it right. Teachers and all staff work together to ensure fair rules are set to ensure the learning environment isn’t disrupted, minimising loss of quality learning. All children have the right to be educated to be treated equally in a classroom. There are set boundaries within a classroom that have to be followed to promote a safe and good learning environment, if these rules are not met there are consequences’.

Detentions can be set for students, or they could lose their breaks to make up for time lost. Children and young people have boundaries in their home environment which are there for a reason to protect them and keep them safe, the same apply in their learning environment. Demonstrate ways of establishing good ground rules with children and young people which underpin appropriate behaviour and respect others.

Ground rules are important in a learning environment as they help to establish what is expected from the learner in terms of behaviour and mutual respect for each other, as well as identifying what is considered to be good manners in class. I would encourage the learners to word the rules in a positive way, for example, do turn up to class on time, rather than in a negative way, as in don’t be late to classes. Examples of ground rules would be Respect each member of the class when they are talking, always put your hand up if you want to speak not just shouting out.

Ground rules set the boundaries within which the students must work; they enable everyone to have an equal opportunity to carry out their study whilst in the classroom. An ideal way to do this would be to put the class into 2 groups and asking them to discuss in a team, and write down things they think a classroom rules should be, then each group should read out their ideas. This enables a neutral ground for discussion giving the students a feeling of teamwork and achievement. When reviewing the lists you have to have a fair and balanced view to all points identified, your objective is to do much more than lay down a few rules.

In negotiating with the students you give them a sense of worth, this helps you gain their trust. Any rules agreed upon within the group are more likely to be adhered to by the students, if broken, peer pressure will hopefully prevail and the student in question will respond. This is much more constructive than having their Teacher point the finger of authority, which may then lead to a negative response. Demonstrate strategies for promoting positive behaviour according to the policies and procedures of the setting.

Demonstrate realistic, consistent and supportive responses to children’s and young people’s behaviour. Provide an effective role model for the standards of behaviour expected of children, young people and adults within the setting Being a role model to children and young people is important for you, showing respect to children and young people, colleagues and people you meet on a daily basic is a basis to earn respect back.

As a role model showing that you respect their feelings and take into consideration their point of view, shows them you are willing to listen and let them have their say which also shows them you are interested. So often in this society children and young people are told to shut-up or told to go away, so when they come across someone willing to listen the child or young person will come back to you again and again because they feel comfortable with you, it also shows them the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong.

Everybody has a voice and have the right to be listened too. Demonstrate strategies for minimising disruption through inappropriate behaviour of children and young people Some strategies used to minimise disruption and inappropriate behaviour are for children and young people to firstly abide by the rules and regulation that are in place within school and within the classroom. Using simple verbal reprimands when misbehaviour occurs. Making sure that they are to the point (e. g. “Stop talking and work on the task set for you please”)

Give praise to the entire class as frequently as possible telling them how well they have worked. Students who continually show unacceptable behaviour: E. g. Always out of their seat and walking round. Talking over the teacher when the teacher is talking. Shouting out Being verbally inappropriate towards another pupil. If there is anything troubling them, sometimes a few minutes out of lesson is enough for them to calm down and they are ready to return to the classroom and do their work On a more serious situation I would take them to their team leader.

Demonstrate strategies for managing inappropriate behaviour according to the policies and procedures of the setting. Within a classroom when a student isn’t doing it right but at the same time is not being disruptive, by using facial expressions to convey to the student that the misbehaviour was not totally overlooked. As a teaching assistant I would also walk around the room frequently, to avert potential behaviour problems. Students can be put on report, on these reports there is a comment written on the report explaining why they are on it.

Every lesson they are in, their behaviour is monitored and at the end of the lesson the teacher signs the report and adds a comment saying how they have worked also giving praise by awarding vivo if they have been exceptionally good. Students stay on this report until their behaviour has improved to the standard of acceptance. If a student is being extremely disruptive, there team leader is emailed by the teacher to come and remove them from lesson. On some occasions depending on the nature of the behaviour a student will be put in what we call the study room.

When a student is put in the study room it means they can no longer go to the classroom to do their learning and have to do their work in the study room, they could be in the study room for as long as a week or depending on their behaviour, sometimes it could be just for a day or for a few days. Phone calls home to parents are often done to let parents know that their child isn’t doing it right in school and detentions are set, with the approval of the parents. Apply rules and boundaries consistently and fairly, according to the age, needs and abilities of children and young people.

Provide support for colleagues to deal with inappropriate behaviour of children and young people As a teaching assistant providing support for colleagues could be various things like in a situation when a student is acting in an inappropriate way, I would help by getting another colleague to deal with the situation. This could be the teacher in the next classroom depending on the urgency of the situation. If the situation was really serious I would go to the first point of contact for help, which again would be the teacher in the next classroom.

On occasions when a teacher has had to take a student out of class to talk to them, my role would be to ensure everybody stays on task and continue working silently until the teacher comes back in. Other support could be taking the student out myself and taking them to the appropriate person to deal with the situation. On witnessing inappropriate behaviour I would along with the teacher fill out an incident form which can be obtained in the department office.  Explain the sorts of behaviour or discipline problems that should be referred to others and to whom these should be referred

Behaviour that should be referred to others is behaviour that: Threatens other students or colleagues. Any student with an offensive weapon Fighting Bullying Inappropriate conversations that could suggest child abuse Signs of neglect Concerns about a child’s or young person’s home environment Most of the problems listed above would be reported to our child protection officer Jenny Clarke who is situated in school. Recognise patterns and triggers, which may lead to inappropriate behavioural responses and take action to pre-empt, divert or diffuse potential flash points

Depression, restlessness, aggression and attention deficit disorder can all contribute to classroom disruption in some form or another whether its lateness, disengagement, rudeness boredom etc. Disengagement” is the major reasons for behaviour problems in the classroom. Each learner has a defined attention p and teachers must try to re-engage them as soon as they appear to be disengaged from either the teacher or the rest of the group. Walking around the group, could be an extremely effective re-engagement technique.

Using praise rather than focusing on the misbehaving learners, praises the learners near them who behaving more appropriately. It is hoped that the misbehaving students will then model that appropriate behaviour. Recognising body language can show some signs of disagreement, and must be acted upon straight away, stopping quickly any angry feeling that could erupt between students, by removing the student taking them outside of the classroom to calm down and try resolved the problem by listening and talking to the student.

Different types of behaviour

  • Talking or texting on mobile telephone
  • Talking over
  • Eating and drinking in class
  • Out of seat
  • Brushing hair
  • Makeup
  • Passing notes
  • Shouting
  • Throwing objects (paper aeroplanes)
  • Chewing gum
  • Playing with equipment
  • Swearing
  • Singing
  • Crawling on floor
  • Attacking pupil or teacher

All these actions contribute to unacceptable behaviour within the classroom, and as a teaching assistant I have the opportunity to look round and walk round the class, sometimes being the eyes and ears for the teacher when students seem restless.

As well as supporting the students, if they take the choice of not doing work and are causing disruption, I will sit with them prompting them to do their work reminding them of the consequences (Detention after school to do the work) which hopefully will prompt them to do their work. Sometimes students who are disruptive work better if I take them outside of the classroom to the learning area where they can get on with their work as there is no-one there for them to cause disruption with.  A role models they must always express positive body and verbal language and support classroom rules.

As should be confident and professional so that children in turn become self confident and express positive behaviour. Leading by example they should express encouraging words, be approachable, understanding and show empathy in order to encourage positive behaviour, also being observant.  Use agreed strategies for dealing with challenging behaviour according to the policies and procedures of the setting. The Education and Inspections Act 2006 brought in new clear-cut legal powers for schools and for those working within them when they are dealing with the behaviour and discipline of pupils.

This includes promoting good behaviour and programmes of reward and recognition, as well as dealing effectively with negative behaviour. Equality of opportunity is about providing equality and excellence for all in order to promote the highest standards of learning and achievement. This applies to all members of the school community – pupils, staff, governors, parents and community members. Every child matters. Everyone is equally important, equally valued and given equal opportunities. Our school community provides a happy, secure, stimulating learning environment.

Everyone is encouraged to work together to develop self-esteem, become successful learners and to reach his or her potential. Through our Positive Behaviour policy we aim to create a calm, safe and happy learning environment. We aim to encourage each child to take responsibility for his/her own behaviour, leading to increasing independence and self discipline and to encourage respect for individuals. We hope to create a consistent approach to assertive discipline and behaviour management throughout the school praising acceptable behaviour and enforcing firm boundaries for unacceptable behaviour.

We will lead by example in the way that we treat each other and the children in our care. If as adults we behave inappropriately, children would copy us. In order to achieve our aims, as staffs we must make sure all children are aware of appropriate behaviour in all situations, and we must be aware of all children's behaviour in class and around the school, dealing with every incident appropriately, giving mutual support to colleagues. We will follow the rules of rewards and sanctions, and be as consistent and fair as possible in the use of rules and sanctions taking into account each child's individual needs, age and ability.

We will ensure each child has work appropriate to their level of ability achievements. Parents will be informed as soon as possible that an incident has occurred and that it has been dealt with, and we will work in partnership with parents in dealing with behavioural issues. It is important as an adult to act as a role model for desired behaviour, treating all adults and children with respect and to deal with all problems calmly. If necessary we will work closely with outside agencies implementing advice and strategies in dealing with a child with behavioural difficulties.

To achieve our aims pupils should follow the school rules, co-operate with all school staff and be responsible for their actions. Parents should support the school's rewards and sanctions, and help children understand the rules and the need for them in an ordered society. They should work in partnership with the school to promote high standards of behaviour at all times and ensure their children attend school regularly/punctually and notify the school of reasons for absence.

There are several types of behaviour or discipline problems that should be referred for continued incidents or more serious cases of inappropriate behaviour there are further sanctions. If a child is involved in continual minor incidents such as fiddling or talking out of turn they will have time-out in another class and their parents will be contacted. The same sanction will apply to children who are involved in more serious case such as swearing/verbal abuse towards children or adults, and children damaging property.

A child involved in more serious incidents such as stealing, racism, violence, bullying or refusing to comply will be placed on daily progress monitoring and have a 'cause for concern' book. They will be monitored daily by class teacher and weekly by Head/Deputy teacher with a meeting taking place with the parents and the child being kept under review. If there is no improvement in a child's behaviour or for a serious, one-off incident of violence the child will be given fixed term exclusion.

If a child has a series of exclusions a Pastoral Support Plan meeting will take place. If there are still no improvements and other children are being put at risk on a daily basis, the child will be permanently excluded from the deferred to others. As a teaching assistant you may feel confident in dealing with inappropriate behaviour, but there are some situations in which you should always refer to others for support. These situations include;

When pupils are a danger to themselves or others around them. If you are not comfortable dealing with an unpredictable situation or pupil . If you are dealing with a difficult situation alone. When you are not in control of a situation because pupils are not carrying out your instructions. On occasions it may be enough just to have support from another adult within the school, such as another teaching assistant or class teacher.

Though if needed there is a wider range of support offered within the school and outside of the school. Additional support within the school setting includes; The SENCO/BECO for first point of contact for behaviour support. Senior management team – Head teacher or Deputy Head. .Other class teachers. Additional support outside of the school setting includes;

Behaviour Unit – will offer support for dealing with pupils who have Behaviour problems, and may come into school to work with these children. Educational Psychologist – visit all schools to support children and the Adults who work with them regularly. They are involved in the assessment of children, and offer help and advice. .Rewards include

VivAttendance awards (Certificate) Postcards home Telephone calls home Achievement certificates Parent/teacher consultations – positive comments and report on target sheet – recognising good behaviour and attitude to school. Rewarding children for their good behaviour is important in maintaining their motivation and sense of self worth. Rewarding children for positive behaviour will help develop their social and emotional skills. The schools behavioural policies and procedures help to support children and young people.

By consistently responding to and dealing with inappropriate and challenging behaviour, and applying clear and consistent boundaries, children feel safe and supported. This will encourage quality relationships with adults, leading to a positive impact on their behaviour. Children will also be able to engage in decision-making and develop appropriate independent positive behaviour, allowing them to develop self-confidence. It is important that all staff consistently and fairly apply boundaries and rules for children and young people's behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the school.

Children need to have boundaries that they can understand and which are regularly reinforced by adults. Children are more likely to respond positively to school rules and boundaries if all members of the school including teachers, support staff and parents are using the same principles and strategies when managing behaviour. If it is not clear to children how they are expected to behave or if adults give them conflicting messages, children will become confused and upset, and find it hard to know how to behave next time.

All children will test boundaries for behaviour; if they are met with the same response each time they will be less likely to repeat it. Children need to understand the boundaries and what is expected of them, as well as being aware of the rewards and sanctions, whoever is speaking to them about their behaviour. It is important that support staffs are given status within the school so that they are respected in the same way as teaching staff. Rules and rewards should always be appropriate to the age or ability of the child, and language used should make the expectations of the adult clear.

It is important to respond appropriately and within school policies and procedures when dealing with challenging or inappropriate behaviour. The more you observe children's behaviour and get to know them, you will become aware and be able to recognise triggers which may lead to inappropriate behaviour. This knowledge of pupils will help when managing behaviour as you will know what responses work and what do not work for an individual child. Written records of identified triggers should be kept, allowing others to be kept informed.

These records will enable staff to refer to individual children's behaviour plans and triggers, allowing staff to work towards avoiding triggers for pupils so that these situations could be avoided if possible. There are many reasons why children behave in an inappropriate way, and it is important to be aware of other factors that could affect their behaviour. If there are no signs of progress with an individual’s behaviour, children may undergo an assessment and a behaviour plan will be put in place.

Teaching assistants will work alongside teachers and other professionals to provide additional support identified within the plan. When dealing with challenging behaviour it is essential to assess and manage risks to your own and others safety. The schools health and safety policy and risk assessment procedures should always be followed, these policies should also give guidelines for the use of restraint. Young children are not always aware of dangerous situations or risks, so when speaking to them about their behaviour we should always point out the consequences involved.

If a child is becoming distressed within a situation, it may be necessary to remove them or speak to them. It should be possible to speak to a child you are supporting, and discuss with them any situations they find difficult to manage. It may be necessary to discuss individual children’s behaviour with the schools SENCO, and if necessary involve outside professionals to assist in strategies for dealing with challenging behaviour. It will be necessary at times to contribute to reviews of behaviour policies and the effectiveness of rewards and sanctions.

Opportunities to discuss attendance, bullying and behaviour and the effectiveness of school policy reviews will be reviewed by all staff. Any children that have specific behavioural difficulties should have their behaviour reviewed on a regular basis. They should have the opportunity to discuss and think about what they do and how their behaviour impacts on others. To be able to be involved in a review of a pupil, it is essential that the pupil is comfortable working with you and that you know them well.

If I was involved in a review with a pupil I would remain sensitive in my approach to them and the questions I use. I would encourage the pupil to think about what they have done and the impact their behaviour has had on their learning and achievement, and the consequences of their actions for others. A review will involve other members of staff and at times the child's parents will be present. As well as reviewing the behaviour of the pupil, new targets can also be developed and all outcomes considered. Contribute to reviews of behaviour and behaviour policies . 1 Behaviour strategies are in place to manage behaviour.

The effectiveness of behaviour management strategies should be reviewed on a regular basis, giving opportunities to discuss and make recommendations regarding behaviour (including bullying) and the effectiveness of rewards and sanctions. Forms of behaviour management that work for one child will not always work for another. Class teachers, teaching assistants and other staff should work together to evaluate the strategies that are used within the school.

By monitoring and recording the effectiveness of strategies, these records can be used to evaluate the strategies against the outcomes. Being the eyes and ears working as a support teacher gives us the advantage to notice things like bulling, harassment and other inappropriate behaviour within the classroom. Acting immediately on any of these situations is essential for the well-being of all children and young people. Demonstrate ways of supporting children and young people with behavioural difficulties to identify and agree behaviour targets.

Children and young people need to abide by the policies, procedures, and rules of regulations within the setting to ensure their full potential as students is gained in their education, behaviour strategies are set in place to provide this. Ways of supporting children and young people are firstly by listening, giving them a chance to voice their views, giving them the respect that you would expect back as an adult, also letting them know it’s their own responsibility to realise that it is their choice to misbehave. Reminding children and young people of the expected pattern of behaviour in the school setting and the consequences.

Giving students behaviour targets depending on the serenity of their behaviour would be reviewed on a daily basis giving them a set target which could be the student being put on a daily report where they have to have it signed by the teacher after every lesson, written on these reports would be the reason they have been put on it. The teacher would sign the report and put on a comment saying if the student had reached their target of behaviour in that particular lesson. The student would be kept on a daily report until their behaviour has improved, this could last for a week or more.

It is therefore the student’s responsibility to abide by the agreement made by the appropriate person and by themselves to improve their behaviour.  Demonstrate own knowledge of promoting positive behaviour to contribute to reviews of behaviour policies, including bullying, attendance and the effectiveness of rewards and sanctions. In my role as a teaching assistant when inappropriate behaviour is happening within a lesson I. e. verbal abuse, bullying, demonstrating disruptive behaviour, continuous talking ,coming to the lesson late all add to the teacher being unable to carry on with the lesson.

Sometimes inappropriate behaviour is hiding learning difficulties when a student misbehaves it’s their way of hiding their learning difficulties. On occasions like this I would take the student out of lesson and talk to them to try and find out the problem, calm them down by having a sympathetic ear and reminding the student that every child has the right to learn and that they were responsible for stopping that happening by disrupting the lesson and hopefully return them to the class room so they aren’t missing their own education.

If it were the case they found the work task to difficult I would sit with them and simplify the task, as some words in the vocabulary are difficult to understand and simplifying the word can help them along and I would encourage them to complete the task set. I have done this on occasions and it does work. Giving them praise for doing the right thing making the student feel good about themselves promoting self- belief. Also praising them to the teacher about how well they have done leading to a praise phone call home, postcard sent home, and giving vivo rewards.

Promoting good behaviour can also be done by recording good behaviour on the sims network where other teachers around school can read saying how well the student has done in that particular lesson. All these things promote good behaviour giving pupils encouragement and making them feel self worth. On a more serious challenge, bullying I would remove the student from the class and take them to the appropriate person to deal with the matter which in the first instance would be their team leader. Attendance would also be managed by the team leader of the student.

If I had concerns about a student’s attendance I would report it to the appropriate person who would make a phone call home to see why their attendance was poor. Provide clear and consistent feedback on the effectiveness of behaviour management strategies to inform policy review and development. The Education and inspections Act 2006 brought in new clear cut legal powers for schools and for those working within them, when they are dealing with the behaviour and discipline of pupils. This includes promoting good behaviour and programmes of reward and recognition, as well as dealing effectively with negative behaviour.

Keeping students engaged it is keeping them motivated. Good communication between teacher and student means that group work flows well as instructions are well followed and easily understood. Giving feedback to teachers and other colleagues is effective in behaviour management as it promotes positive behaviour management when praise encouragement and a sense of self belief is given to student who find work tasks difficult, causing bad behaviour. Giving rewards for the smallest achievement is a good development strategy and makes the students feel good about themselves.

Related Questions

on Promote Children and Young People’s Positive Behaviour

How to promote children's and young people's positive behaviour?
Promoting positive behaviour in children and young people can be done by setting clear expectations and boundaries, providing positive reinforcement for good behaviour, and modelling positive behaviour yourself. Additionally, providing children and young people with opportunities to practice and develop their social skills can help them to learn how to interact with others in a positive way.
Why is it important to promote positive behaviour for children?
Promoting positive behaviour for children is important because it helps them develop healthy habits and attitudes that will serve them throughout their lives. It also helps them learn how to interact with others in a respectful and appropriate way, which is essential for their social and emotional development.
How do you promote positive behaviour?
Promoting positive behaviour can be done in a variety of ways. One way is to provide positive reinforcement when a desired behaviour is exhibited. This could include verbal praise, rewards, or other forms of recognition. Additionally, setting clear expectations and providing consistent consequences for inappropriate behaviour can help to encourage positive behaviour.
How do you promote positive behaviour in the classroom?
Promoting positive behaviour in the classroom starts with setting clear expectations and rules. Reinforcing positive behaviour with rewards and praise can also help to encourage students to make good choices. Finally, providing students with opportunities to practice positive behaviour through activities and discussions can help to create a positive classroom environment.

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Promote Children and Young People’s Positive Behaviour. (2018, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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