The Painful Story of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane

Category: Short Story
Last Updated: 11 Feb 2023
Pages: 9 Views: 318

Is one of the deepest and most mysterious passages in the Bible. It contains something that no one can satisfactorily explain. In his learning process, he is likely to repeat what God said to Moses when Moses appeared to the burning Moses: 'Take off your shoes because you are in the Holy Land' (Exodus 3: 5). Undoubtedly, the study of this passage should make us worship more than analyze. Here, we will see the Lord's final fight against sin, but for some reason, this fight appears before us in two ways: Gethsemane and Gulgoza. This makes us wonder why it was necessary to go through Gethsemane? Couldn't such a painful episode in his life have been avoided? But in all these studies, we will see that the Lord decided to cross in the Garden of Gethsemane, and on Calvary, it was He who carried out the cross. When Gethsemane once again participated in the story of the Bible in Luke 22, it was like a holy place: we must take off our shoes metaphorically and spiritually, just as Moses did before the burning thorns, God from there. Talk to him).

The Lord Jesus left his disciples outside the garden. If I have been there, I will join the disciple's team, but I don't dare enter. In any case, I will lean against the wall to think about the burden of his soul. If our hearts are sensitive, we will thank the Lord who drank the cup of our suffering and pain on his lips, the God who drank all these things. We cannot penetrate our thoughts into the shadow of that garden, but we can better understand the meaning of the cup he gave himself in the hall that celebrated Easter. I've been drunk from the cup the whole time, and the taste has always been sweet. But Jesus drank from the bitter cup and made my cup sweet. The garden has mystery and depth, but there is no blur or impenetrable darkness. When we look at our Savior in the garden and hear the accent of what he said, we will adore him well. Without a doubt, the latter marks a very important event about the destiny of the Lord Jesus Christ. Both the Biblical passage of Mark 14 and 15 and the Biblical passage of Luke 22 and 23 have a lot of spiritual value which we are going to narrate the facts and the importance that they have such as: Jesus prays in Getsenami, the arrest of Jesus, Jesus before the council , How Peter denies Jesus, and how was the time of the arrest and brought before oilato and herodes until the last trips in the land jesus this and more we will analyze its importance in divided paragraphs

The Garden of Gethsemane must be a familiar place, so Judah knows it too. Our Lord has never spent the night in the city of Jerusalem. But I will go to this place. There were only 11 disciples at the time. He left eight larger circles and brought three disciples - Peter, James, and John - to be closer to him at that time, because he went there to pray. The language used revealed to us that he faced tremendous pain in that garden, almost indescribable, comparable to death itself, and suffered terribly. Here he was faced with an affliction in his soul as great, or greater than the suffering experienced by his body on the cross. Did He meet the tempter in this garden? I think if. In all sincerity I must say that in the face of this scene from Getsemani, we can only approach the very limits of an impenetrable area. There were mysteries in that garden that we are not able to understand. But we can get to the edge of that area and watch him pray. He not only asked those disciples, but He also asked us to pray and watch vigilantly, so as not to fall into temptation. Christ’s suffering begins with the most painful suffering in his soul. He started to get sad and anxious. Words not used in San Mateo, but incredibly significant. The horror of God fought against him, and he allowed him to meditate. Until now, there has never been pain like you. He was cursed by us; the curse of the law was placed upon him as our guarantee.

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Now he savored death painfully. The apostle was speaking of this type of fear, a natural fear of suffering and death before the human character was bewildered. Can we ever have favorable or even light thoughts about sin when we see the painful sufferings that sin brought to the Lord Jesus, even though they were recognized? Will it be light for our souls what was so heavy for His? Was Christ in such agony for our sins, and will we never agonize over them? How we should look at the One we pierced, and how we should hurt! It behooves us to become excessively saddened by sin, because He was and never laughed at it. Christ prays as a person, and if possible, his suffering will be transferred from him. As a mediator, he obeyed the will of God and said: Not what I want, but yours; not what i want. I agree to see how the sinister weakness of Christ's disciples returns and overcomes them. What a burden our body puts on our soul! However, when we see a problem at the door, we must prepare for it. They, even believers, often looked at the suffering of the Redeemer vaguely. They were not prepared to die with Christ. They were not even ready to look at it for an hour.

Because Christ did not demonstrate that he was a prince of the time, but instead preached repentance, reformation, and the holy life, and directed the thoughts, feelings, and purposes of people to another world, therefore, the Jewish leaders they tried to remove it. . Pedro seriously injured one of them. It is easier to fight for Christ than to die for him, but there is a great difference between disciples and hypocrites who are prone to make mistakes. The latter called Master Christ a careless and inconsiderate person who showed him great love but rescued him. Then they accelerated their destruction. Here we are condemned by Christ, the great Jewish Parliament. Peter followed him, but the high priest's fire was inappropriate and not suitable for his servant to accompany him: this is the entrance to temptation. Although their testimony was not equivalent to the death penalty, they did their best to make false witnesses to Jesus, despite their legal efforts. Someone asked him: Are you the Son of the Blessed? That is, the Son of God. He refers to his second coming to prove that he is the Son of God. We have in these outrages many proofs of man's enmity towards God, and of God's gratuitous and unspeakable love for man. Peter's denial of Christ began when he was away from Christ, and those who are ashamed of holiness have made great progress in denying Christ. Those who think that walking with the disciples of Christ are dangerous, because from there they can lead them to suffer for him, and it will be more dangerous for them to be with their enemies, because there they will be led to betray sin. When Christ was admired and followed, Peter promptly confessed it; but he does not recognize his relationship with Him now that he is abandoned and despised. But note that Peter's repentance was amazingly fast. He who thinks to be firm, see that he does not fall; Let the one who has fallen think of these things, and of his own offenses, and return to the Lord with weeping and supplications, seeking forgiveness to be lifted up by the Holy Spirit. They tied Christ up. It is good for us to frequently remember the bonds of the Lord Jesus, as we are tied with the one who was bound by us. By giving up the King, in effect, they gave up the kingdom of God, which therefore was taken from them as if by their own consent and was given to another nation.

Christ gave a direct answer to Pilate, but he did not want to answer the witnesses because it was known that the things, they alleged were false, even Pilate himself was convinced that it was so. Pilate thought that he could appeal from the priests to the people, and that they would free Jesus from the hands of the priests, but they were more and more pressured by the priests, and they shouted: Crucify him! Crucify him! Let us judge people and things according to the standards of people's things and the Word of God instead of common sense. This type of thinking has never been the only person in the world who is so excellent, holy and wise, treated so shamefully, which makes serious thinking a firm vision of evil and hatred of God.. We are going to hate more and more the bad character that marks the behavior of these persecutors. Christ discovered death in the most terrible aspect. That was the death of the most despicable criminal. Then the cross and shame meet. God has been humbled by the sins of humanity, and Christ is satisfied by surrendering to the greatest misfortune that human instincts can bear. This is a cursed death; therefore, it is marked by Jewish law Deuteronomy xxi (23). Roman soldiers mocked our Lord Jesus as king; how the servants mocked him as prophet and savior in the high priest's courtyard. Will a purple or scarlet cloak be a matter of pride for a Christian, if it was a matter of reproach and shame for Christ? He wears the crown of thorns that we deserve so that we can wear the crown of glory that he deserves. We are condemned by sin as eternal shame and contempt. Although he did not sin, he was brought along with the recipient of sin. The suffering of the meek and holy Redeemer will always be the source of the believer's teaching, which is inexhaustible in the best period. Did Jesus suffer like this and I, vile sinner, will I be anxious or unhappy? Will I consent to anger or issue reproaches and threats because of problems and insults?

The place where our Lord Jesus was crucified is called a skull. This is the common place where the death penalty is executed, because he is numbered among the criminals in all aspects. Every time we look at the crucified Christ, we must remember the words in his head: He is a king, and we must be his subjects certainly like the Israelis. They crucified two thieves with him, with him in the middle. They tried to humiliate him a lot but predicted that he would be considered a criminal because he had sinned for us. Even those who passed by insulted him. They told him to come down from the cross and believe, but they didn't believe it, though when he got up from the grave, he gave them the most convincing signal. How fervent will a man who firmly believes the truth, as is made known by the sufferings of Christ, seek salvation! How gratefully will the nascent hope of forgiveness and eternal life, acquired by the sufferings and death of the Son of God, receive! And with what pious sadness it will be hurt by the sins that crucified the Lord of glory!

From noon to 3pm, the earth was dark. The Jews are doing everything they can to eliminate the day of justice. Darkness symbolizes the dark clouds that Christ's human soul stood as he offered the offering for sin. He did not complain that his disciples abandoned him, but his father abandoned him. He especially committed a crime for us. When Paul was consecrated as a sacrifice to serve the Saints, he was incredibly happy for Philippians 17. But this is something other than sacrificing for the sins of sinners. The very moment Jesus died; the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom. This expressed terror to the unbeliever Jews and was a sign of the destruction of their church and nation. It expresses comfort to all Christian believers because it meant opening a new and living path to the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus. The trust with which Christ had frankly treated God as his Father, entrusting his soul in his hands, seems to have greatly affected the centurion. Correct views on the crucified Christ reconcile the believer with the thought of death; He longs to contemplate, love, and praise, as it should be, that Savior who was wounded and pierced to save him from the wrath to come.

At the end he funeral of the Lord Jesus. Oh, we can take root gracefully in his appearance! Joseph of Arimathea is a person who awaits the kingdom of God. Those who hope to share privileges must confess their sins when Christ's cause is crushed. God has resurrected this man. There was a special providence, that Pilate was so strict in his research that there was no pretence to say that Jesus was alive. Pilate gave Joseph permission to lower the body, and do what he likes him. Some of the women saw where Jesus was placed, so that they could go after the Sabbath to anoint the dead body because they did not have time to do so before. They looked especially at Christ's tomb because He was going to rise again. He will not abandon those who trust in Him, and invoke Him. The death, deprived of his sting, will soon end the sorrows of the believer, as ended those of the Savior

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The Painful Story of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. (2023, Feb 11). Retrieved from

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