The Laws and Programs Intended to Prevent Texting While Driving
Cell phones are considered such a necessity and the issue has ascended regarding the use of phones while driving. These days, phones have gotten even more complex and we use them as the means for communication by voice, text, sound, and video. Text messaging has revolutionized the way people interact with one another, but people continue texting while driving which is said to be worse than drunk driving. The person who texts believes they are more in control of their driving, so they actually pay less attention and the drunk driver might be out of focus is more scared to get pulled over, so they pay more attention to their surrOundings.
People would stop texting, if the laws are stricter and they receive a harsher ticket, expand more of the 'It Can Wait' campaign by word of the mouth and develop more warning signs though apps, and we need more virtual reality driving simulator in all our schools for teens. For instant, let us imagine that a person's sister, or brother, or mother, or father tells another person and said "I will be right back and I am just going to run to the store." Try to stop a minute an imagine receiving a phone call, or a knock at the door, and receiving that horrifying news that someone in the family was hurt or even killed as a result of texting while driving. People allow texting to be establish with their peers too much for them to let a law get in the way of it.
People think it is not fair because it is violating their freedom of speech. We need to keep our eyes on the road and our hands upon the wheel because it turns out that the hands do not matter. It is the conversation that can be lethal. A person can drive home and not remember having driven home, and just because the person looks at something does not mean they actually see it. For instance, vehicle injuries are not accidental, and they can be predictable and preventable. Every crash is a communication between an individual opening the vehicle and the environment it is in. Of course, the more distractions are involved, the greater the risk. The risk of an accident quadruples when the driver is on the phone, studies have suggested (Seppa). National Highway traffic Safety Administration reported that in 2010 driver distraction was the cause of eighteen percent of all fatal crashes-with 3,092 people killed-and crashed resulting in an injury-with 416,000 people wounded (Genachowski). The laws will take in effect, if the motorists who gets caught talking on a handheld phone or sending texts or emails while driving now should face a fine of up to $150 for a first offense, an increase of $150 for each additional tickets. After three tickets in eighteen month period the fines could be as high as S450.
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Drivers will get five points taken off their license for the first violation. After the second violation the person will get their licenses suspended for at least six months. A license can be revoked after a driver racks up to ten points in an eighteen month period. This should be the toughest regulations in the nation against distracted driving. In the first place, there are many corporations and individuals, who are committed to stop a driver from texting while driving. Currently AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile are participating in this campaign to end texting while driving. The campaign kicked off on in 2013 to raise awareness of the dangers of texting and driving, and encouraging everyone to immediately take the pledge against texting while driving (Wireless Leaders Unite). AT&T started the 'It Can Wait' campaign to end texting while driving and more than 200 other organizations joined the movement (Regional Business News). Since, AT&1T has developed an app called "DriveMode'" which notifies a text message to the sender that the driver is busy driving and cannot respond, we still need to get the word out about this App is available.
We need to work with device makers to pre-load the no-texting-while-driving technologies, and solutions into handsets, with the goal of making these solutions standard on all smartphones. Making resources that will reach from 'It Can Wait' identified materials, to teaching aids, and sample company policies be available to other organizations for programs they develop. Calling on all drivers to go to to take the no-texting-while-driving pledge, and then share their promise with others. Not to mention, AT&T '1It Can Wait' program visited Norman High School to highlight the dangers of distracted driving and allow students to experience the dangers of texting while driving first-hand with a virtual reality driving simulator (Parker). Bryan Young. North Norman Principal said, "He hoped students would acknowledge the dangers of texting and driving and make the pledge. So it's really a problem across the board. However, we've found, though, that if asked, drivers said they would stop texting and driving" (Seppa).
Their efforts will support a new national advertising campaign, a nationwide texting-while-driving simulator tour and outreach to millions of consumers with a special focus throughout the summer months between Memorial Day and Labor Day-known as the 100 Deadliest Days on the roads for teen drivers (Wireless Leaders Unite). According to Pew survey said, "Forty percent of all American teens say they have been in a car when the driver used a cell phone in a way that put people in danger" (Genachowski). Launching a year-round texting-while-driving simulator tour targeting more than 380 events nationwide (Regional Business News). Since young teen's brain is not fully developed at this age; they do not understand the consequences of texting while driving and the dangers behind it. We need more virtual reality driving simulators in our schools to actually allow the teens to visualize what could really happen, before they actually get behind the wheel.
In conclusion, the law is intended to save drivers from texting, hand-held, and hands-free danger, but people still ignore the law. We need more of a restrictive guidelines in our nation since texting while driving is on the rise and getting more dangerous every day. People really need to stop texting, using hand-held, or hand-free phones before it gets uncontrollable. It is time to make a stand and ban the use of any of these devices while driving. People still text, use hand-held or hands-free cell phones while driving; even though they know their consequences. Texting is never urgent enough to endanger lives, and that is why they say "It Can Wait".
Work Cited
- "ADEPT Driver Releases Research Summary on Danger of Hands-Free Texting While Driving."PR Newswire US 26 Apr. 2013: Regional Business News. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.
- Genachowski, Julius. "The Dangers of Texting While Driving." FCC. 16 January, 2013. Web. 17 March, 2014.
- Parker, Katherine. "Driving simulator Teaches that Texting While Driving Can Wait." TheNorman Transcript. 13 November, 2013. Web. 17 March, 2014.
- Regional Business News. "Wireless Leaders Unite for 'It Can Wait Campaign to Curb TextingWhile Driving." 14 May, 2013. Web.13 Feb. 2014.
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