The Economic Impact on the Community Development at Kampung Sungai Buah, Dengkil, Sepang

Last Updated: 20 May 2021
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The research involves Kampung Sungai Buah in Dengkil in the district of Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. It has a population of approximately five thousand people comprising of local Malays originated from Indonesia since 1921 and the aborigines (orang asli). Other villages under Dengkil include Kampung Dengkil, Kampung Desa Putra, Kampung Jenderam Hulu, Kampung Jenderam Hilir, Kampung Pulau Meranti, Kampung Limau Manis, Kampung Sungai Merab,Kampung Baru Cina, Kampung Semarang and Kampung Dato Abu Bakar Baginda It takes 45 minutes by car from Kuala Lumpur to Kampung Sungai Buah.

Dengkil is a small well-developed town in the district of Sepang, Selangor. It is located between Cyberjaya to the north and Salak Tinggi to the south. In recent years, Dengkil has benefited from the growth of Putrajaya and Cyberjaya which are located nearby. The small town of Dengkil can be a potential tourist attraction due to its proximity to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Sepang International Circuit and Sepang Gold Coast. Kampung Sungai Buah was developed in 1960.The history behind the name of Kampung Sungai Buah was due to the fruits that fell into the river. The resident in the olden days lives near the river. There were a lot of fruit trees along the riverbank. During fruit season the fruits fell into the river and the residents picked up the fruits and that gave them an idea to name the village as Kampung Sungai Buah, which mean the village of river fruit.

Economic development is a term that generally refers to the sustained, concerted effort of policymakers and community to promote the standard of living and economic health in a specific area. Such effort can involve multiple areas including development of human capital, critical infrastructure, regional competitiveness, environmental sustainability, social inclusion, health, safety, literacy, and other initiatives. Economic development is a policy intervention endeavor with aims of economic and social well-being of people, whereas economic growth is a phenomenon of market productivity and increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

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No small town can afford more than one economic development organization. The difficult problem of financing an economic development program is exacerbated by having more than one group contending for the same limited funds. Administrative costs increase with multiple economic development groups in the same community. Business leaders become frustrated with paying multiple dues and serving on multiple boards of directors. Insufficient funding is one of the most frequent causes of failed economic development programs. Too many organizations spend much more time raising money than they do performing their missions. Economic development has become increasingly expensive. Experienced developers command higher salaries. Modern office equipment such as computers, facsimile machines, modems and copiers have added to the cost of maintaining an economic development office.

Human development, in turn, has important effects on economic growth. If a central element of economic growth is allowing agents to discover and develop their comparative advantage, an increase in the capabilities and functioning available to individuals should allow more of them to pursue occupations in which they are most productive. In this sense human development can be seen as the relaxing of constraints which may have interfered with profit maximization. Furthermore, although human development represents a broader concept, many of its elements overlap significantly with the more traditional notion of human capital. Thus, to the extent that human development is necessarily correlated with human capital and human capital affects the economic growth of a nation, human development is bound to have an impact on economic growth.

The issues are sustainability in economic development. Some of the villagers are not having fix income and permanent job. The purpose of this research is to analyze the potential of sustainability economic in Kampung Sungai Buah to make it significant as a tourist attraction.

Research objectives:

  • To propose tourism products and to develop Kampung Sungai Buah.
  • To sustain the economic and income generating for the local residents.
  • To promote Kampung Sungai Buah as a tourist attraction.

Financial innovations, such as sweeps programs and interest payments on money, have loosened the relationship between many monetary aggregates and nominal GDP. With some monetary aggregates (e.g., M1 in the United States) affected more seriously by innovation than others, defining money has become a more difficult empirical task. Natural capital is an important concept in the sustainable development literature and a key concept in environmental economics Ekins and et al.

The capital approach to sustainable development aims to measure the comprehensive wealth of nations in order to make sure that future generations will at least have the same total wealth per capita available to them as the current generation World Bank and et al. In that context, total wealth per capita and changes in its value have been interpreted as measuring social welfare. This paper takes the view that these social welfare measures are still too limited, and tries to strengthen the case for the incorporation of subjective wellbeing measures in debates about sustainable development.

Engelbrecht and et al has explored bivariate macro-level wealth–happiness relationships across countries, focussing on total wealth and its three major sub-categories (i.e. natural, produced, and intangible capital) as measured in the Millennium Capital Assessment. Numerous papers have been written about its measurement, its role in the development process and its relationship to social welfare.  However, how social welfare should be measured is itself contested. In contrast to the World Bank and et al , some ecological economists have argued that the debate about sustainability has to go beyond the framework of traditional welfare economics and the capital approach to sustainability, which are focused on Pareto efficiency, and sustainable consumption as a measure of social welfare.

While, undoubtedly, the capital based approach to sustainability is an improvement over income based measures of sustainable development Mäler , it is arguably still too limited. It has long been assumed that small towns are important to rural economies and societies in Europe. Their functions, both for inhabitants and the surrounding countryside have, however, evolved over time. While changes in the agri-food sector have tended to undermine their traditional economic role in relation to farming, technological developments have combined with changes in the relative ease and costs of travel to encourage a diverse range of firms and individuals to re-locate to these rural settlements Marsden and et al.

Harrison developed ‘spatial tracking’ techniques to measure the local interdependencies of farm businesses, concluding that farms tended to source inputs from small towns, although their outputs were considerably more dispersed than they had been historically. Subsequent research on the role of small towns in rural economies by Courtney and et al revealed that the level of local economic integration was a function of proximity of towns to urban centres as well as industrial sector, with private services shown to be more strongly integrated into local markets than other sectors.

More recently, researchers have turned their attention to the role of organic farming in the rural economy and specifically, the potential for organic farming to contribute to rural development Darnhofer and et al (2005). For most purposes, the term ‘rural economy’ is a shorthand way of considering a range of ‘economies’ rather than discussing a discrete, unified and homogenous economy Winter and et al.

Sourpuss androgynus is known as ‘katoo’. It is planted vastly in the Jawa mountain and is also found in India. The plant has small green leaves with yellow flowers that bloom occasionally. Lee 8 states that Souropus androgynus can be useful as a dye in food colouring. Eating too much of this vegetable can lead to muscle cramps and aches. In Niger, they are also used as an ingredient in sauces and therefore serve as a nutrient complement in cereals such as sorghum or millet. Nutritionally young leaves of H. sabdariffa contain nutrients such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and potassium Atta and et al. Therefore, the additive/synergistic antioxidant activities of the hydrophilic and lipophilic constituents may contribute to the medicinal properties of C. olitorius leaf Oboh G and et al.

Guava belongs to the Myrtaceae family. This is native to tropical America, but it is cultivated in every tropical and subtropical country of the world. In India, guava is well adapted in almost all the states. The major guava-growing states are Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh. It is estimated that the area and production of guava in India is 150.9 thousand ha and 1710.6 M ton Singh et al. Sweet potato (Ipomoea batata (L.) Lam) is one of the most widely cultivated crops on the small farms of Tropical America. After harvesting a large volume of forage consisting of stems and leaves, and a variable amount of non-commercial roots is left in the field, all of which could be utilized in the feeding of ruminants Backer and et al.

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The Economic Impact on the Community Development at Kampung Sungai Buah, Dengkil, Sepang. (2018, Apr 24). Retrieved from

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