Second American Revolution
A revolution is a sudden, drastic change that can occur politically, economically, or socially over a certain period of time. “Government, at least here in the States, is split into several branches. In order for us to use our arms to overthrow it we would have to experience a situation in which all three branches were in cahoots with one another and refused to keep each other in line” (Erick 1).
In the article “Time for a New American Revolution,” Richard Winchester asserts that the United States may be “ripe” for a new revolution because of the issues that exists in his article, such as the fact that fifty-six percent of voters viewed the federal government as a threat to individual rights. Although the United States may be ready for a new revolution, since its citizens are afraid to take such a big risk, it will not. “From slavery to women's rights, from religious life to voting, American attitudes would be forever changed” (U.S. History. org).All kinds of different religious beliefs are accepted throughout the United States, while in the past (specifically the 18th century) people were prosecuted and banished for not wanting to be a part of the Anglican Church which was originally established in England. Citizens of America have plenty to be grateful for, but instead they refuse to open their eyes to see how far their country has come. In 1789 the first President of the United States was a white man.
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In 2008, a the first black man and the first white woman ran for office, with victory in the hands of Barack Obama, the black man. [ I want the previous two sentences with the years to be more concise and clean. Figure out how u wanna do that] Before American independence, and even afterwards, blacks would be punished for even glancing at a white woman. In those days, the tension between the races was palpable, blacks and whites They were at the bottom of all the social classes which were very distinct. They were determined by heredity and quality.
“One observer wrote in 1747 that "a reasonable man is always happy if he has what is necessary for him according to his condition [his place in the social order], that is to say, if he has the protection of the laws, and can live as his father lived before him: so that one of the essential things to the good of a nation is being governed in one constant and uniform manner"” (Angelfire. com).
Women were also not allowed to own jobs that involved labor or intellectual thinking. They were forced to stay at home and raise children to be the best human beings they could be. Today’s women are evolved; they are attempting to take up such jobs as being the president. [ can be formed better]. Eventually uprisings began when women began to speak up against it. This was just one of many protests that took place before the revolution. [ need to make it more specific but the information should be short. ] The Boston Massacre was one of the well-known events that involved patriots expressing their anger towards British soldiers but resulting in the death of only patriots.
In the current form of government, protests are encouraged in the first amendment, known as the freedom of speech. They are privileged with the right to speak their minds. America is not ready for a second revolution. All this freedom would be lost and they are not willing to risk that. [why is America not ready for a revolution, explain it better. Maybe use that citizens sentence to explain it better. Use a sentence to show that with all the progress they have made so far, they shouldn’t be trying to overthrow the government, thereby jeopardizing the great progress they have accumulated over centuries of conflict.]
Economically, the United States cannot afford a second American revolution. As the first one, we are still in debt for wars and will continue to be for many many years. Tax rates are likely to rise just as it did in the eighteenth century. With the same reactions as the citizens in the late 1700s, people get angry. When people get angry, they end up committing foolish actions that result in horrid consequences. “When the Colonists became upset at such taxation without sufficient representation in Parliament, they began to rebel.
In return, the British passed the Declaratory Act and d a series of acts later known as the Intolerable Acts, all designed to punish and reshape the colonial governance system to make it easier for the British to reign in” (dickinson. edu). Maybe in several decades a second revolution will form, but as for now the U. S. is not ready. Americans, lazy, no-good, homo sapiens who depend on others, will never think to plan such a thing even if there was a chance at a revolution.
When they are given a once in a lifetime opportunity they throw it out the window after realizing how much work and effort would be needed to make it successful. Pre-revolutionary times were filled with hardworking, diligent crowds. Products were hand made and sold all around the world. In this age everything is made by machinery. This decade will be sluggish; along with the next. As said before, The Unites States of America is not, nor will it probably ever be, ready for a dramatic change like a revolution.
Unfortunately, the U. S. does not reside with wise, political leaders from the late 18th century like Thomas Paine to lead and motivate people through a revolution. “Thomas Paine joined the army as it retreated from New Jersey to Philadelphia. On the way he began to write a series of sixteen pamphlets called The American Crisis that urged Americans to tough it out and keep fighting ” (The Crisis). Without the help of Paine, Americans most likely would not have succeeded in the revolution.
He became their conscience that taught them right from wrong, inspired them, and helped them realize their future if they did not try to separate and win their independence from Britain. “Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but “to bind us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER,” and if being bound in that manner, Is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth” (The Crisis). In the current America, you can no longer find someone willing to take responsibility of others and thousands of citizens in need of help.
The wealthy people are not struggling; therefore, do not care to have a revolution. The middle class people are unsure about their place in society. Even thought they would like to be a part of the upper class they also do not want to take such a big risk because they are already surviving without a revolution. Thus leaving only the poor class. Some poor people do not have ambition. Without ambition they have no goals set. They are waiting for someone to lead them and convince them what a difference they can make like Thomas Paine told the Whigs.
“The blood of his children will curse his cowardice, who shrinks back at a time, when a little might save the whole, and made them happy” (The Crisis). Until then, absolutely nothing will happen. Although Americans act like they want a revolution, they just want a sense of secureness. They are terrified of the idea of them losing their rights, freedom and equality. Feeling as if they’re independence is coming to an end, they would do anything drastic to prevent it even though acting now would be considered too late. Looking over Winchester’s article, his polls do not necessarily mean a revolution.
“Before concluding that the U. S. is ripe for revolution, consider the following: First, these polls do not prove the public is ready to overthrow the old regime; they only hint at that. Second, polls are like a snapshot; they freeze public opinion at the time they're conducted; things may change dramatically in short order. Third, change a poll question's wording or context and the results may be very different. Fourth, successful revolutions almost never occur spontaneously; they require leadership, especially individuals who can mobilize millions by their charisma.
Even with a Samuel Adams, a Patrick Henry, or a Martin Luther King, Jr. , a revolutionary movement will not draw majorities to its banner” (Winchester 2). "How Ripe Are the Seeds of Revolution? | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show. " Dave Hodges The Common Sense Show. WordPress, 21 Mar. 2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. Meckler, Mark. "The Second American Revolution Has Begun - Rasmussen Reports™. " The Second American Revolution Has Begun - Rasmussen Reports™. Rasmussen Reports, 23 July 2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. Tashman, Brian.
"Joyner: 'Get Ready for a Second American Revolution'" Right Wing Watch. Right Wing Watch, 8 June 2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. Walker, Bruce. "Obama and the Second American Revolution. " Articles:. American Thinker, 4 July 2011. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. Winchester, Richard. "Time for a New American Revolution? " Articles:. American Thinker, 19 Aug. 2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. "12. Societal Impacts of the American Revolution. " Societal Impacts of the American Revolution [ushistory. org]. Independence Hall Association, 2008-2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.
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