Safeguarding And Forms Of Abuse
I am going to briefly talk bout the main types of abuse and outline a general picture about safeguarding. I will then focus on two types of abuse and explain them in more detail, giving examples of real life events. Safeguarding is? Safeguarding means protection against something undesirable. Everyone has the responsibility to safe guard children and young people. The Government and safeguarding legislation guidance says that safeguarding means: Protecting children from maltreatment. Preventing impairment of children's health or development.
Ensuring that children are growing up In circumstances consistent with the provision f safe and effective care. Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcome. "the action we take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm ; is everyone's responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play. " Types of Abuse Deprived of health benefits - this is when a abuser will stop a victim from getting any form of help such as seeing a doctor, a dentist or attending an appointment.
The abuser me see that the victim doesn't require that specific attention because they may see the victim as not worthy or special. They may also think that the Injuries the victim has may become noticed and be looked Into leading to the abuser being found out and reported. Physical abuse- this Is when an abuser physically Injuries a volt such as halting and cackling them or anything where the abuser Inflicts pain on the victim. This abuse is a form of excitement for the abuser as they have control over the victim.
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People may also hit out through stress or maybe due to losing their temper but there are lots of other reasons. This specific abuse will include the abuser hitting the victim in some way to get what they want from them and to keep hey grounded and under control by striking fear into the victim. Verbal abuse- this is when a abuser will say things to a victim to make them feel bad about themselves. This can result in the victim going on to act in a bad way such as saying verbal abuse to others therefore repeating the abusers words.
This abuse is used to make others feel bad about themselves so that the abuser can feel good about them self. Emotional abuse - this can be linked In with any other form of abuse as the volt will be feeling certain things and In a certain way. Emotional abuse is where a abuser ill try to break the volt down emotionally resulting In the victim feeling bad about themselves all the time and the abuser being able to get inside a victim's head bad at what they do or how they act or making a victim feel bad inside constantly.
Financial abuse- this form of abuse is when a abuser will take money from a victim, whether the victim knows or not is a different matter. An abuser may simply steal money from a victim by going into their purse or wallet and taking money or by doing it in a sneaky manner such as borrowing money or playing the victim to a game which they won't win. Sexual abuse- this form of abuse includes when a abuser will touch a person in a sexual manner without being given consent by the person to do it such as touching breasts or genitals.
Sexual abuse can also include rape this is when the person hasn't or cannot consent to sex but the abuser continues to do the act. Psychological abuse- this is when the abuser will try to get inside the head of a victim so they can obtain what they want or get the victim to do or say what they want this will allow the abuser to convince the victim that it is k to be doing this to them. Neglected- this is a form of abuse where the abuser will not let the victim have food, water, hygiene or medical attention and they will make sure that no one else allows those things to happen.
The abuser may also stop a victim for Joining in with things or being in a group with people they would like to socialist with. This form of abuse leaves the victim to survive on their own without having any means to survive with. Bullying- bullying is when a abuser will use any of the forms of abuse to make a person or a group of people feel bad. Emotional, verbal and physical abuse are molly linked with bullying as they can make a person feel bad about themselves rather quickly and easily. Physical abuse I am now going to focus on two types of abuse which are physical abuse and self harming.
Physical abuse is any form of pain which is inflicted on a person and is done on a daily basis. Hurting someone in an intentional way is physical abuse. This form of abuse may consist of many things such as: Scratching Head butting Shouting Drowning Dragging Around Sleep Deprivation Throwing Outside/Locking Outside Putting in stress positions Blinding (Blindfolding) scolding Cutting Kneeing Strangling Hitting Pushing Pulling Hair Biting Physical abuse allows them to control someone as the abusers strike fear into their victims leading them to do, say and act like the abuser wants them to.
Physical abuse took place in Long Care (Stoke Place), here the patients were physically abused by their careers. This involved them being slapped, kicked and hit on a daily basis to control them into doing as the careers wished or to prevent them from doing something. Self harming Self-harm is when someone intentionally hurt themselves by damaging or injuring heir body and is used as a way to deal with or express emotional distress.
In most cases people who self harm do it to help them to deal with overwhelming and unbearable emotional issues which are caused by problems such as: Social factors- like being bullied, having difficulties with work or school or having difficult relationships with friends or family. Trauma- such as physical or sexual abuse or the death of a close family member or friend. Mental health conditions- such as depression or borderline personality disorder. Self harming is a lot more common than people realism and can take part in any person's life.
It is more common to appear in the lives of 15 and 16 years old as in 2002 a I-J survey showed an estimate that 10% of girls and 3% of boys had self harmed in the previous year. In some cases people self-harm with the intension to kill themselves but often people self harm to punish their selves, express distress or to relieve tension. Self harming can also be seen as a cry for help in some cases. Types and signs of self harm - There are many ways that people can intentionally harm their selves such as: Cutting or burning their skin Punching themselves Poisoning themselves with things such as tablets
Misusing alcohol or drugs Deliberately starving themselves (anorexia nervous) or binge eating (bulimia nervous) People who self harm will keep it a secret as they fear the shame of discovery; therefore it is often up to family or friends to notice when someone is self harming and for them to approach them with understanding and care. Some sign may include unexplained injuries or a person may show signs of a low self esteem or even depression. Someone who is self harming could seriously hurt themselves and should therefore be referred to a doctor so that they can discuss the underlying sue and find a way of treatment and therapy to help them.
The events such as physical, sexual and emotional abuse that took place at places such as Long Care (Stoke Place), Wintergreen view and Stafford Hospital (Mid-Staffordshire Hospital Trust) may have lead to a person to self harm as they may feel bad about themselves and therefore feel the need to punish their selves or in some cases end their lives. In places like this if self harming was discovered in a patient nothing would have been done to help them as the abusers would have seen it as a cry for help which could lead them to getting caught in the acts they had committed.
In conclusion this presentation shows that abuse happens in lots of people's daily life, whether they are in a care home or in home or workplace and that in some cases it doesn't get found out about or nothing is done about it. It is important that abusers get caught and prosecuted and that the victims get the help they need. It is also important to out about things that a person may have seen or noticed in another. Places such as the ones mentioned in the presentation were involved in most of the types of abuse discussed and nothing was done about it until it was captured on film.
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Safeguarding And Forms Of Abuse. (2017, Nov 07). Retrieved from
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