Kinetic Energy of a Falling Object In Water
Energy growth is directly linked to well-being and prosperity across the globe. Meeting the growing demand for energy in a safe and environmentally responsible manner is a key challenge. Modern energy enriches life. There are seven billion people on earth who use energy each day to make their lives richer, more productive, safer and healthier. It is perhaps the biggest driver of energy demand: the human desire to sustain and improve the well-being of ourselves, our families and our communities.
Energy is the ability to do work, the ability to exert a force on an object to move it. The kinetic energy of an object is the energy which it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes. The same amount of work is done by the body in decelerating from its current speed to a state of rest. The word “kinetic” comes from the Greek word “kinesis,” which means “motion. That’s why kinetic energy is the energy of an object that is moving. You cannot exactly destroy kinetic energy, but you can stop it by simply putting an end to any motion or force being exerted on an object. Water is the common name applied to the liquid form of the hydrogen and oxygen compound H2O. Pure water is an odorless, tasteless, clear liquid. Water is one of nature's most important gifts to mankind. Essential to life, a person's survival depends on drinking water. Water is one of the most essential elements to good health.
It is necessary for the digestion and absorption of food; helps maintain proper muscle tone; supplies oxygen and nutrients to the cells; rids the body of wastes; and serves as a natural air conditioning system. Health officials emphasize the importance of drinking at least eight glasses of clean water each and every day to maintain good health. Since water contains no calories and can serve as an appetite suppressant and helps the body metabolize stored fat, it may possibly be one of the most significant factors in losing weight.
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In his book, titled "The Snowbird Diet" Dr. Donald Robertson says the body will not function properly without enough water and discusses the importance of drinking plenty of water for permanent weight loss: "Drinking enough water is the best treatment for fluid retention; the overweight person needs more water than the thin one; water helps to maintain proper muscle tone; water can help relieve constipation; drinking water is essential to weight loss. " Water is only substance that occurs the ordinary temperatures in all three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.
As a solid, ice, it forms glaciers, frozen lakes and rivers, snow, hail, and frost. It is liquid as rain and dew, and it covers three-quarters of the earth’s surface in swamps, lakes, rivers, and oceans. Water also occurs in the soil and beneath the earth’s surface as a vast groundwater basin. In physics, a wave is a disturbance or oscillation that travels through space time, accompanied by a transfer of energy. Wave motion transfers energy from one point to another, often with no permanent displacement of the particles of the medium that is, with little or no associated mass transport.
They consist, instead, of oscillations or vibrations around almost fixed locations. Waves are described by a wave equation which sets out how the disturbance proceeds over time. The mathematical form of this equation varies depending on the type of wave. The term wave is often intuitively understood as referring to a transport of spatial disturbances that are generally not accompanied by a motion of the medium occupying this space as a whole. In a wave, the energy of a vibration is moving away from the source in the form of a disturbance within the surrounding medium.
However, this notion is problematic for a standing wave (for example, a wave on a string), where energy is moving in both directions equally, or for electromagnetic (e. g. light) waves in a vacuum, where the concept of medium does not apply and interaction with a target is the key to wave detection and practical applications. There are water waves on the ocean surface; gamma waves and light waves emitted by the Sun; microwaves used in microwave ovens and in radar equipment; radio waves broadcast by radio stations; and sound waves generated by radio receivers, telephone handsets and living creatures, to mention only a few wave phenomena.
Statement of the Problem General Objectives • To figure out the relationship of kinetic energy of a dropped object and its height. Specific Objectives • To identify the height of the water when you dropped an object into it. • To identify if the Kinetic Energy is Zero will help the impact of height to its resulting wave. • To determine how the waves in the ocean appears. Hypothesis • Will it give you the accurate height of the wave? • Will the kinetic energy help so that we can get the height of the wave? What are the elements present when the wave occurs? Significance/Importance Waves are important to the surfers, fisherman, seaman and other people who deals with that wave in the oceans. They use waves for them to be able to perform this sport. Without waves, the concept of being a surfer would be totally meaningless. To surfers, they are able to use ocean waves in a very special way. In the part of the seaman and Fisherman, they may not work or make a living when the weather is bad.
This kind of work is really hard wherein it is dangerous for their part to sail in the Ocean as they leave their families. That is why we have come up with this study that will help those people who are engage with that kind of work and for them to be able to know how when to sail or not so that they may not risk their own lives. We hope that after this study, they are already informing of how…………… Methodology Materials • Tupperware container • food dye • a small ball • String a permanent marker • Paper • ceiling hook • water Procedure The procedure goes on by filling the container up to 5. 8 cm of water. Add food dye on the water. Cut strips of paper, mark each paper. Place the 3 strips of paper around the container with the mark meeting the water, secure papers by folding over edge, mark at 2, 5 and every 2. 5 after up to 50 cm hang string from hook so that it barely touches water. Then the drop ball from first drop height and allow resulting waves to subside.
After dropping the ball observe and examine the paper. Measure the change of the wave height. Repeat 3 times for each height. Conclusion We, therefore conclude that the energy of a wave related to the kinetic energy of the ball as long as the material and confines of the wave allowed. Recommendation We recommend our study to the surfers and fisherman that made use of waves who has played a big role in their lives. They may use our study so that they may know many more about the things they deal with in their works.
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Kinetic Energy of a Falling Object In Water. (2017, Jun 07). Retrieved from
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