Nationalism throughout History and the Modern Age

Category: Marriage, Nationalism
Last Updated: 03 Nov 2020
Essay type: Argumentative
Pages: 7 Views: 511

Nationalism throughout History and the Modern Age With research and resources you will learn about Nationalism throughout History and the Modern Age. Nationalism because it is a political idea that involves a tough recognition of a set of individuals by way of a political being defined in nationalized conditions, for example a nation. And Modernity, because it is a take action of why and how thing develop and progress all the way through history. Because of these changes occurring allows us to exist in a modern society.

Modernity is relating to the history or traits of a period extending from a relevant remote past to the present time “Since the term "Modern" is used to describe a wide range of periods, any definition of modernity must account for the context in question. Modern can mean all of post-medieval European history, in the context of dividing history into three large epochs: Antiquity, Medieval, and Modern. Likewise, it is often used to describe the Euro-American culture that arises out of the Enlightenment and continues in some way into the present.

The term "Modern" is also applied to the period beginning somewhere between 1870 and 1910, through the present, and even more specifically to the 1910-1960 periods”. Nationalism is what most groups of citizen’s feel for their countries a sense of devotion, loyalty. To the citizens their country is the best it is a sense of pride “What does the term nation mean? In what ways is it distinct, if at all, from closely related terms like state, people, and ethnic group” (418-423). Nationalism throughout History and the Modern Age

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Nationalism is uniquely modern in that throughout history to the present cultures, technology, are always being studied and compared to the present “In recent years, the study of nationalism has attracted growing attention from scholars in a range of disciplines-sociology, anthropology, history, politics, even literature and philosophy” . Nationalism is studied throughout the course by studying Western civilizations or cultures from the early modern age to the Late Modern Age.

All through history there have been examples of nationalism the largest example being Wars in Germany such as World War II, when the Germans felt they were better then Jewish people. The Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Day “So it was determined to exterminate all the Protestants, and the plan was approved by the queen. They discussed for some time whether they should make an exception of the king of Navarre and the prince of Conde. All agreed that the king of Navarre should be spared by reason of the royal dignity and the new alliance.

The duke of Guise, who was put in full command of the enterprise, summoned by night several captains of the Catholic Swiss mercenaries from the five little cantons, and some commanders of French companies, and told them that it was the will of the king that, according to God's will, they should take vengeance on the band of rebels while they had the beasts in the toils. Victory was easy and the booty great and to be obtained without danger. Nationalism throughout History and the Modern Age

The signal to commence the massacre should be given by the bell of the palace, and the marks by which they should recognize each other in the darkness were a bit of white linen tied around the left arm and a white cross on the hat” . The beginning of Nationalism took place during the early ages before we had states, and most countries were still developing, groups of religions (Catholic, Christian etc) are what people were loyal to and before technology became as advanced as it is now.

One of the first examples of Nationalism is when Christopher Columbus discovered America; he brought disease and slavery to the Native Americans causing them to lose their home and subjected to cruelty treatment “It appears to me, that the people are ingenious, and would be good servants and I am of opinion that they would very readily become Christians, as they appear to have no religion. They very quickly learn such words as are spoken to them.

If it pleases our Lord, I intend at my return to carry home six of them to your Highnesses, that they may learn our language”. Before the Modern age, nationalism studied the early religions, the forming of states and countries, changes in technologies “Studying the nineteenth century around the conflict between the culture of the westernizing, cosmopolitan elite and the traditions of the people, rooted more deeply in their regions” . Nationalism throughout History and the Modern Age

As countries and states have grown stronger with government and developing their laws and beliefs; Nationalism has also transformed having been loyalty to religions it is stronger through the people and their loyalty for their countries, laws, religions in the Modern Age. During the Revolutionary War, if one was found to side with the rebels, they were tortured, jailed, banned from their groups” Shadrack Furman, a free black Virginian who worked for the British as a provisionary and guide, was captured by patriot troops, given 500 lashes, and then blinded and rendered mentally deranged by an axe blow to the head” .

When a country within a country declares independence from the bigger country they are found disloyal to their mother country causing a war or a ethnic cleansing Bosnia, Serbia, Yugoslavia “They attacked Bosniak-dominated town in eastern Bosnia, including Zvornik, Foca, and Visegrad, forcibly expelling Bosniak civilians from the region in a brutal process that later was identified as "ethnic cleansing. (Ethnic cleansing differs from genocide in that its primary goal is the expulsion of a group of people from a geographical area and not the actual physical destruction of that group, even though the same methods--including murder, rape, torture and forcible displacement--may be used. )” . Nationalism throughout History and the Modern Age Wars, attacks, Ethnic cleansing are examples of nationalism of citizens fighting for their countries, religions etc. A group that has a strong sense of loyalty is Al-Qaeda.

Their members attack others in their own country, other countries by suicide bombings “12 October, 2000, Attack on US warship in Yemen kills 17 sailors. Two suicide attackers ram a boat carrying explosives into the USS Cole in Aden port killing 17 American sailors. In 2004 six suspected Al-Qaeda militants are charged in connection with the attack by a Yemeni court. ” . With the evolution of nationalism during the modern age there have been many changes in the civilizations of the world.

A few of those changes are the people within the civilizations (women’s rights), the advancement of technology, and the worsening of wars. “For the vast majority of women in early modern Europe, the most important change in their lives was marriage. The choice of a spouse, whether made by themselves or their parents or a larger kin group, determined their social and economic status and place of residence. Divorce was illegal, living separately from an abusive spouse was illegal without court approval, and only way out of marriage was death of a spouse.

No thought as to a women’s intellect” . Nationalism throughout History and the Modern Age In the late modern age women are free to choose whom they marry, divorce is legal although few religions still frown upon it, and most women have gone to college or know a trade. As nationalism has evolved the technology has also evolved in advancement of warfare through the modern age “Despite their ostensible enthusiasm for violent revolution, Engels and many socialists actually came to fear the growing destructive power of modern war and the threat it posed to Western Civilization ”.

An important reason why nationalism is important in the modern age is the studying of early modern age we can learn what civilizations did and how they ran, and in the modern age we can learn from them and build upon what we learn. Nationalism has been witnessed throughout history. Through the decades with the changes of people, religions, technology, the acts of Nationalism have changed as well. As you have read the following sources were used to determine these facts because, was an example of how later technology and the loyalty of the people of the group have changed in the later Modern age.

Burke, P. (1978) this was an example of the Modern age and how it affects the civilizations. was used to describe some of the cruelty of choosing the rebel side during the Revolutionary war and what would happen if you weren’t loyal to the country. Nationalism throughout History and the Modern Age this journal extracts were an example of the early Modern age nationalism with the Native Americans taken for slavery and forced to accept Christianity over their religion if they had one.

Delanty, G. K. (2006). SAGE Handbook of Nations and Nationalism . London: SAGE Publications. This quote was used as an example of how unique nationalism is to the modern age. This was an example of the Modern age and how it affects the civilizations. Gay, C. M. (1998). The Way of the (Modern) World: Or, Why It's Tempting to Live As If God Doesn't Exist. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. This quote was used to define the meaning of modernity and provide an example. rovide the example of an ethnic cleansing of the Protestants whom were not good for the enough for the country or the citizens, an early example of nationalism before the Modern Age. This article was used to define what Nationalism is with some examples shown through history. And because, in this article, there is an example of Modern Age nationalism when Bosnia is declaring independence from Yugoslavia, causing an ethnic cleansing, rape all examples of what happens when there is not a sense of loyalty to a certain group. Weisner, E. M. 2000 second edition). Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. This quote was used in describing what life was like living in Europe during early modern age for women. Nationalism throughout History and the Modern Age With the provided research and resources we have learn about Nationalism throughout History and the Modern Age. Again because Nationalism is a political idea that involves a tough recognition of a set of individuals by way of a political being defined in nationalized conditions, for example a nation.

And Modernity, because it is a take action of why and how thing develop and progress all the way through history. Because of these changes occurring allows us to exist in a modern society. References BBCNews/SpecialNews/Timeline: Al-Qaeda. (n. d. ). From British Broadcasting Corporation: http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/3618762. stm Colley, L. (2011 ??? 18-February). The Guardian. Liberty's Exiles: American Loyalists in the Revolutionary World by Maya Jasanoff – review . Columbus, C. M. (1996). Journal Extracts.

Medieval Sourcebook Christopher Columbus . Getz, T. R. & Brooke, J. E. (2012). World history: The human experience from 1500. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. J. H. Robinson, e. (1906). The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day. In H. C. Brian Cheek, Readings in European History 2 vols. Hanover Historical Texts Project (pp. 179-183). Boston: (Boston: Ginn). Tamir, Y. (1995 ??? April). The Engima of Nationalism. World Politics , pp. 418-423. Topics. (2012). From History. com: http://www. history. com/topics/bosnian-genocide

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