Management Information Systems 12th Edition

Last Updated: 08 Apr 2020
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1. What are reasons behind Collection services in your library (Pl. put ‘ ‘ on appropriate number) 1. Book Acquisition/ Collection Development 6. 1. 1. Quick response from suppliers [pic] 6. 1. 2. To save money and time of library [pic] 6. 1. 3. To reduce procedure and workflow to get books [pic] 4. To achieve greater efficiency [pic] 5. To get much discount [pic] 4% says yes for the quack response from the supplier and 64% says that it is save the time and money of the library and 71% says that it is also reduce the workflow of the gets books to the library and get more discount for the purchases the book for the library and 86% says the achieve greater efficiency for the book acquisition or collection development. 1. Books Processing Related Function 6. 2. 1.

To get books in Ready-To-Shelf position [pic] 6. 2. 2. To reduce time in book processing tasks [pic] 6. 2. 3. TO concentrate on core services/function(Core means LIS education is required to understand the service/function) of library [pic] 4. Lack of staff with library [pic] 5. Lack of time with Library staff [pic] 6. To allow users to get book issued from library within sort p of time [pic]

Book processing related function means To get books in Ready-To-Shelf position is 57% yes and other says no, To reduce time in book processing tasks is 64% says yes , TO concentrate on core services/function(Core means LIS education is required to understand the service/function) of library is says 43% yes and other 57% says no, Lack of staff with library is 43% yes and, Lack of time with Library staff is says 79% yes, To allow users to get book issued from library within sort p of time is says 71% yes and remain no. 2. Books arrangement and maintenance 6. 3. 1. Lack of Library staff [pic] 6. 3. 2.

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Concentration on core services/ function of library [pic] Book arrangement and maintenance have to problems one is lace of library staff and other is concentration on core services79% library staff says that the library staff is required more for the arrangement and 79% says no for the concentrate on the core services of the library. In the library the staff is not available for the arrangement of books and other core services . 3. Book Preservation and Conservation 6. 4. 1. No expertise with library staff in preservation and conservation tasks [pic] 6. 4. 2. Rare materials needed special care to preserve [pic] 6. 4. 3.

Photocopying, digitization, binding, deacidification etc are considered technical jobs [pic] The book Preservation and Conservation is consider 79% yes for No expertise with library staff in preservation and conservation tasks, 71% yes Rare materials needed special care to preserve and 71% no for Photocopying, digitization, binding, deacidification etc are considered technical jobs. 4. Circulation 6. 5. 1. Lack of library staff to performed this task [pic] 6. 5. 2. To run library for late hours [pic] 6. 5. 3. To concentrate on core services/function [pic] Circulation is most important function of the library it is says that 71. 9% says yes for the lack of the staff perform the task of the circulation, 71% no for the run library for the long period of the time means late time and 50% for the concentrate the core services of the library. 5. Classification/Re-classification 6. 6. 1. Reclassification from one classification system to another [pic] 6. 6. 2. To complete the backlog [pic] 6. 6. 3. For completing the classification task within stipulated time [pic] 4. Lack of staff [pic] 5. Lack of time [pic] 6. Cateloguing /Re-cataloguing 6. 7. 1. For Completing of backlog [pic] 6. 7. 2. For completing the cataloging within stipulated time [pic] 6. 7. 3.

For cataloging of foreign language materials [pic] 4. Lack of staff [pic] 5. Lack of time [pic] 6. Reducing cost in cataloging [pic] 7. Periodical subscription 6. 8. 1. Lack of time with library staff [pic] 6. 8. 2. To reduce burden on periodical subscription and follow-ups tasks [pic] 6. 8. 3. To concentrate on core services/functions [pic] 8. Reference/e-reference Services 6. 9. 1. Due to increasing of inquiries from users of library [pic] 6. 9. 2. Due to opening Distance education centres [pic] 6. 9. 3. TO increase number of working hours (late evening and early morning) [pic] 4. Lack of professional staff in library [pic] 5.

Due to increasing research projects in institute [pic] 6. 10. Indexing 1. Lack of staff to perform the task [pic] 2. To complete backlog of periodical articles indexing within stipulated time [pic] 3. TO uses standard terminology while indexing of periodical articles. [pic] 4. TO concentrate on core services/functions of library [pic] 10. Translation Service 1. Lack of translator in library [pic] 2. Due to increasing demand of translation among library user [pic] 3. Lack of translating skilled and subject’s knowledge in library staff [pic] 4. Translation job is non-library activity and it should be performed by translator pic] 11. Photocopying 1. Due to increasing price of photocopier machine [pic] 2. To reduce burden of maintenance [pic] 3. To reduce risk of technology that becomes obsolete [pic] 4. Lack of quality if it performed in-house by library staff [pic] 5. To reduce operational and capital cost [pic] 12. Stock verification 1. It is labourious and non-routine (once a year)job. [pic] 2. Library does not want to use its staff in this job [pic] 3. TO avoid burden of staff recruitment for this job [pic] 13. Computer Desktop related functions 1. Lack of skill or knowledge of computing functions [pic] 2.

Lack of computers, equipments, softwares and hardware in library [pic] 3. To concentrate on core areas of library [pic] 4. Lack of staff [pic] 14. Automation 1. Lack of expertise on this area in library staff [pic] 2. Lack of time [pic] 3. Lack of library staff [pic] 4. Lack of resources, equipments and technology in library [pic] 5. Concentration on core services/functions of library [pic] 6. Increasing efficiency in library staff [pic] 15. Digitization 1. To get good qualities in digitized work [pic] 2. Lack of knowledge/expertise in digitization work [pic] 3. To complete digitization in stipulate time pic] 4. To complete the backlog [pic] 5. Lack of knowledge of standard of digitization [pic] 6. Lack of software, Hardware and other equipments with library [pic] 7. To concentrate on core services/functions of library [pic] 16. Retrospective Conversion of Records 1. To convert the data (backlog) from one system to another (e. g. Libsys to KOHA) [pic] 2. Lack of manpower [pic] 3. Lack of knowledge of concern software/system [pic] 4. Lack time with library staff to convert data form one system to another [pic] 17. OPAC/Bar Coding/RFID 1. To resolve trouble shooting in library software [pic] . Barcoding, labeling etc are laborious jobs [pic] 3. Library staff has not enough knowledge to maintain RFID [pic] 4. To make stock verification (automatic) process fast [pic] 18. Webpage Designing/Library Portal Creation 1. Lack of knowledge in webpage designing with library staff [pic] 2. To give professional touch to the library portal [pic] 3. To concentrate on core service services/functions of library [pic] 19. Data Server/Data Storage 1. To reduce risk of the software, hardware that become obsolescence [pic] 2. Lack of skilled or expert persons in Library [pic] 3.

To gain benefits of resources, investment and expertise of agency [pic] 20. Digital Archival Management/Institutional Repository 1. Lack of knowledge of software among library staff [pic] 2. Lack of time to create digital library [pic] 3. To reduce risk of media, hardware, software become obsolescence [pic] 4. Lack of knowledge of international standards to create metadata [pic] 21. Entire Library/Library Management 1. To reduce responsibility of administration works [pic] 2. To concentrate on core services/functions of library [pic] 3. To reduce burden of employee related issues [pic]

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Management Information Systems 12th Edition. (2016, Nov 24). Retrieved from

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