Nuclear Family vs Joint Family
Nowadays we rarely see joint family. But I believe that joint family have more advantages than a nuclear family. Basically, we have to understand what a joint family means, our father says, his siblings and their families living together can be considered a joint family. In joint families, all the family members sit together and discuss their own problems with the family members. In nuclear families, there are only the parents and the children.
The advantage is that you can spend more time with your children and you become a person of your own will. And the disadvantage is that you do not have the guidance or the experience of the elders to help us in the difficult times. In a joint family, if any one person in the house is facing any kind of problem, all the people will come together to help him and will try to find the solution for that problem and will solve it. While in a nuclear family we have to solve its own and no one is there to help us. Joint family is definitely a boon always.
We learn so many things which help a person to build up his personality In the current scenario, both the couples have to work to run a family in that case, if there is some elder to take care of the kids at home, then the parents could work without much of stress. In urban areas like Chennai you hardly get to see any joint family. We lose many valuable experiences when we grow in a nuclear family. But if you grow up in a joint family you naturally tend to be more adjustive and caring. You will be attached to your family members, I am not saying people growing in a nuclear family are not attached but they do not know how to express it.
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In a joint family, there is a lot of love and affection for each and every member of the family, while in nuclear family love and affection is not as much which is in a joint family because everyone is busy in their own lives and no one has time for each other. On the other hand joint family has some harmful effects also like In joint family their weaker person will always be weaker because He/she believes that others are there to help him out in problem, while in nuclear family the weaker will try to become strong as he/she knows that there is no one to help him out in the problem.
A deeper meaning of family and
Even ants have families. ‘Family’ stands for many things, and it is ironic that many times, the rational human being, blessed with the propensity to value emotion and the intangible, should claim that family or the home does not exist or is immaterial.
More discouraging than ironic is the fact that this concept of family and the home definitely exists, but because of certain human conditions, it looses significance.
Many times it is not the physical family or home that humans find value in but the concept that these physical establishments represent; this concept exists on various levels and, unfortunately, for some, these levels are all but cherished or treasured. In Robert Frost’s lyric poem, ‘The Death of a Hired Man’ a farm couple, Mary and Warren, argues over the return of a hired hand, Silas.
During their conversations various impressions of Silas emerge clearly giving meat to how Warren or Mary perceives this return and Silas in general. There are reasons in the poem indicating why Silas returns to the couple after quite a while, and the reasons given all fall apart in the end when Mary vindicates her statement that Silas has ‘come home to die’ (114) because true to her words, Silas does die in the end.
While there is very minimal reference as to the kind of person that Silas is, one thing is clear in the poem – that Silas did not return to the couple to do any more work but because he considered the couple as his only family; hence, the poem, lends a deeper meaning to the concept of family.
The word ‘family’ comes from the Greek word ‘famulus’ which means ‘servant’ or ‘servant of the household’; despite this literal meaning of the word being quite unorthodox in comparison to the modern definition of family, Frost’s poem allows a different level of interpretation of this word in his poem through the relationship between Mary and Silas.
If the Greek literal meaning is to be considered, with Silas being the hired help or the ‘servant’ in the poem, this literal meaning is given more significance in that Silas considered the farm couple to be his family. Mary considered Silas to be part of the family as well. This can be easily proven from lines in the poem that show this unlikely relationship between the servant and the ‘served’.
There are two concepts of ‘family’ referred to in the poem if Mary’s and Silas’ situation is closely analyzed – one would be that while humans would consider the physical ‘family’ as representative of the concept of ‘blood-related ties’, the poem alludes to the possibility of the development of the concept of ‘family’ beyond what would be allowed by simple blood relations.
The second concept that emerges from the poem is that ‘family’ is more of a concept that is dependent on the individual than it is a concept resulting from the inevitable consequence of relation, whether by blood or affiliation.
Winston Churchill once said that, “There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of human society, are created, strengthened and maintained”; here, Churchill admits to the fact that certain things in a person are developed within the ‘physical’ family. In reference to this quote, it is quite easy to conclude that ‘family’ as a concept, and not the ‘physical’ family, might as well be one of the concepts that is developed in a person.
This idea is as well clearly illustrated in Frost’s poem in two ways; first in the way Mary perceives the person of Silas; and in the other way around, in the way Silas’ actions, as narrated by Mary, prove that the man has developed a ‘family-sense’ for the farm couple. Initially, when Mary went out to meet Warren, this particular ‘favor’ for Silas is shown in the lines, ““Silas is back.” / She pushed him outward with her through the door / And shut it after her.
“Be kind,” she said.” (5-7). Mary here, knowing that Silas was sleeping inside the house, rushed to warn her husband, but the warning was not out of concern for what would happen to her husband, but out of her assumption that her husband would not be happy with the arrival of Silas, and concern for what unfavorable act her husband might do to Silas, hence, she says, “Be Kind,”. (7) As early as these lines, Mary is now shown to have a soft heart for the hired hand who had returned. This ‘developed affinity’ of Mary to Silas is ground by Frost in the lines, “I sympathize.
I know just how it feels / To think of the right thing to say too late.” (79-80) and “Poor Silas, so concerned for other folk, / And nothing to look backward to with pride, / And nothing to look forward to with hope, / So now and never any different.” (102-105). In the first set of lines (79-80) Mary invokes sympathy as her reason for developing a certain closeness to Silas; her admission that she ‘she knows just how it feels’ (79) indicates that she identifies herself with Silas and so considers herself to have had the same life-changing experience as Silas.
This denotes that the development of the closeness was because of a commonality of experience of which sympathy is simply a consequence. In the second set of lines, the idea of the development of family in Mary’s perception of Silas is further reinforced by Mary’s virtuous perception of Silas, hence, Silas is ‘so concerned for other folk’, (102)
A Comparison of a Nuclear and Extended Family
Modern-day families have evolved over time. In the UK today many types of families exist, from the single-parent family to families with fostered or adopted children. This essay will focus predominately on the 'extended' and 'nuclear' family structures that I have encountered. I will compare and contrast the framework of these by discussing the inter-relationships within my own extended family. I shall also discuss the different ways of rearing and caring for children and show how the roles of parent and child continue to evolve. Typically a nuclear family can be defined as a unit, which consists of a father, mother, and at least one child.
This structure is found in almost all societies although the period in which it remains in this form varies. An extended family, while incorporating the nuclear family pattern is a wider grouping of relatives that characteristically ps three or more generations without the restriction of living under one roof. (Nobbs et al 1989) - See appendix 1. Research has shown (Fletcher, 1966) that families in lower socio-economic groups involved in semi-skilled or manual jobs (working class) are less likely to move for work or educational reasons than those of a nuclear family.
This means that they are more likely to be a part of a long-established extended family. Nuclear families in contrast are more prevalent in higher socio-economic groups, (white collar), often employed in managerial, administrative and professional jobs. These families are more likely to relocate away from relatives and family friends for higher salaries and better jobs prospects. Nuclear and extended families continually re-size and re-model themselves and the changes that this brings can significantly alter the lives of the children.
My own family, for example has changed since the 1960's when I was part of an extended family surrounded by aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and great-grandparents. Neighbors were also considered as family because they lived in the same four storey Victorian house as us. Affection, duty and common interests closely connected us. Additionally, the daily contact was helpful and welcoming in that it offered practical support and comfort in times of stress concerning childrearing, financial help, problem-solving and child-care.
These were all advantages of belonging to an extended family. In contrast, as a parent in a nuclear family, we now live away from relatives and while able to gain emotional support by telephone and letter, the distance makes practical support difficult. It is noticeable that changes in traditional patterns of family life in the UK have been taking place in the last half century. The advent of more efficient methods of contraception since the 1960s have led to families having fewer children, compounding the trend for smaller family units (Beaver et al, 1995).
My extended family has dissolved through the loss of my parents' relatives and friends through death or relocation. It now equates more closely to a nuclear family model, where I live with my children forming a small group with no other relatives living with them or close by, symbolic of what is occurring in the U. K. today. According to Henwood, et al, (1987) both extended and nuclear families in society are expected to provide many functions. Most important is their duties to provide for the needs of children, as the young are unable to care for themselves, and through their growing years require guidance.
The family teaches children values, rules for behavior and a common language providing the most basic environment for children to learn the culture of the society of which they are apart. Peers, schools and the media have a strong influence as children grow older, but the basic foundations are learnt within the family. The provision of this quality of care today by others outside the family unit would prove very costly and often be less effective. (Woodhead, et al, 1988) Families provide children with name and create a position in society for them. The family portrays a sense of belonging and a feeling of value.
This feeling of worth is important to a child's development. I work with special needs children, or whom 50% have no strong family relationships. These children are, understandably, emotionally unstable. Children need a family to meet their needs for love, affection, company and security. In the U. K. today family life is regarded as paramount for emotional and social well-being of a child, and much emphasis is put on social services such as fostering and adoption for providing continuity to a child's up-bringing. ( Barnes, 1995) Economic support varies between families.
Both the extended and nuclear family are economic units, however, in the U. K. family members are no longer totally dependent on each other for economic survival. The state provides an economic safety net through State benefits that prevent starvation and destitution reminiscent of the past. (Vasta, et al, 1995) The differences between extended and nuclear groups determine how these functions are carried out. Children in extended families can be seen to have the opportunity to develop and experience a wide variety of relationships, as relatives constantly surround them.
However, these children, as in my case, are unable to experience privacy or personal space that they often yearn for as the regular presence of relatives and other children obstruct any opportunity. A feeling of constant pampering and scrutiny by others breeds a need to please a larger number of people, thus causing long-term affects of anxiety, in not being able to act on one's own initiative or actions. Recollections of my own upbringing are ones of confusion, never knowing who to listen to, or who was right. Discipline was not consistent among all my carers in the family.
This often resulted in myself falling foul to different codes of behaviour being upheld by different adults. Studies by Farmer (1979) has shown that, particularly among the extended working-class families, there is considerable relationship of dependence and mutual aid between the wife of a family and her own mother. It goes on to point out that that the re-housing of young working-class families in 'New Towns', thus creating a nuclear unit, at a distance from 'Mum' suddenly presented young wives with a disquieting independence, finding themselves forced to act on their own initiative.
This caused emotional upset, as this was a responsibility unaccustomed to them. It is important, therefore, in some areas that the extended family stays intact. The fathers in a 'mother- centered' family often have little real authority with which to play out their expected role as head of the household and form strong relationships instead with work colleagues. Sons often follow their father's footsteps into the same profession, often working side by side with them, forming the same strong bonds between father and son, as the daughters accomplish with their mothers.
Children tend to have more playmates that are cousins, and the older ones are frequently called upon to care for siblings within the extended family. Close relationships within an extended group have their value, but they can also be limiting, confining, frustrating, so that the loosening of ties for some people at any rate, may constitute a desirable improvement in lifestyle. Family living in close proximity tend to disrupt each other's' personal goals in life and get in each other's way emotionally and socially (Duck, 1992). In comparison children growing up in a nuclear family tend to experience closer relationships with their parents.
They can receive a lot of individual attention and have more space and privacy. However, at times, they may also feel isolated in that they have fewer relatives to turn to in times of parental and/or sibling confrontation so encouraging relationships with friends and neighbours also. The nuclear family promotes freedom and independence. It allows for the qualities of maturity and self-reliance in individuals. Husbands and wives share equal status within the nuclear group, enjoying a relationship based increasingly upon mutuality of consideration.
They appear to be democratically managed, where both parents tend to include the children in arriving at any family decisions. Parents have more time for each other and their children receive a greater degree of attention, effort, and expectation from relationships concentrated within this unit. Significantly children of nuclear families form the basis of their beliefs surrounding relationships from these encounters. The stress and harmony levels that they contain can considerably affect the characteristics of social relationships with peers. Duck, 1992).
The parental roles within extended families tend to be more complicated but clearly structured by gender. The mother concentrates on expressive gestures, giving warmth, comfort, care and performing all of the household chores while the father provides financial security, upholds discipline and undertakes household tasks that require more physical strength. The boys and girls are set tasks, which usually follow the roles of the respective parent. For example, girls will help in the kitchen while boys will help clean the car.
The nuclear family in contrast seems to show much more flexibility in these roles where less importance is placed on the specific roles of parents and children and more is channelled towards a family team effort. When the children are young the father often takes on more domestic, traditional household, and childcare roles, only relinquishing them as they grow up. Often the parents of nuclear units both work, and do not enjoy the day-to-day practical support seen within an extended family. As teenagers the children often take responsibility for tasks in their parent's absence. Herbst, 1960)
The nuclear family can however, come under stress without the support of a larger family network that can act as child minders or mediators, and it could be argued that this causes the fragility, which often leads to the unit quickly disintegrating should confrontation between the parents, becomes rife. This inevitably causes a great deal of emotional upset and economic strain. In the UK between 30% and 50% of nuclear families experience this causing divorce rates to remain high (Bruce et al, 1999), prompting the suggestion that ambition and dreams are often the key drivers in this type of family.
Nowadays, nearly 50% of the work force in the U. K is female, although, the younger the child determines whether women work full or part time (Donnellan, 1991). This in itself probably reflects on the distinct absence of affordable child-care for younger children. As already mentioned childcare among extended families is not normally a problem as other members and sometimes-older children provide the care needed when the mother has to hold down a job. (Allan, 1979) With the comparisons and contrasts of the nuclear and extended family units in mind it is important to also consider the parental styles adopted.
The mix of rearing practices used by parents and, where relevant other family members, is strongly debated among child psychologists for the positive and negative effects that they have on the behaviour of children. Baumrind (1972) and more recently Grusec and Lytton (1988) identified three models of parenting, authoritarian, permissive and authoritative, with which parents and other adult family members rear children. In the authoritarian model absolute standards are used to control a child's behaviour with obedience and punishment being paramount.
Invariably physical and emotional blackmail are adopted. The child's behavior as a result of alternates between aggressive, moody, and irritable and often induces vulnerability to stress. Contrastingly, permissive parents register few demands or expectations for a mature independent behaviour, often condoning bad behavior through lack of good communication. The child, as a result lacks self-control, and shows aggressive and impulsive traits attached to a low self- esteem.
The authoritative style produces energetic and friendly children as at the core lay clear communication within a warm, responsive and fair model. The child's wishes are always considered yet those who are disobedient are kept in check. This leads to a child that copes with stress well and has a co-operative and self-reliant outlook on life. Minimal evidence can be found to determine which of these styles of parenting are dominant in any particular family structure, but inevitably it would be fashioned by how the parents were themselves raised.
From experience of working in a secondary school that accommodates a high percentage of children from working class, and probably extended families, it is noticeable that their children show many of the visual signs associated with the authoritarian style. Often their behaviour is aggressive and they appear unhappy and stressed with life. Importantly, from a teaching perspective it is essential to be aware of the specific family structure when dealing with a child. To be able to work effectively with children and families alike it must be remembered, whatever the family type, the family forms a central part of any child's life.
We should be deterred from stereotyping families in order to best assist children in their education. In summary this essay has compared and contrasted nuclear and extended families and identified the roles and relationships that are prevalent among the more conventional of these family structures. Personal reflections have been included, where relevant, to add realism. It has explained how family life has evolved in recent times and given an insight into the parenting styles adopted and the effect they have had on the child.
Family Size
Would you rather be a member of a small family or a big one? Small families become spoilt over excessive resources. The advantages of having a small family weigh up to having a pretty good life. By being part of a small family you will receive more attention from your parents; go on holiday often and have money for yourself. Parents will not have to stress over money and budget issues. Although the advantages of a small family are everything most children would want in their lives, the disadvantages have a negative impact on your own and others lives.
Disadvantages of children in a small family are that they don’t learn responsibility and become selfish due to having their own stuff and not having to share with siblings. They become spoilt because they are use to having everything their way and getting whatever they want at any time. Children also tend to become bored alone at home, holidays or outings. Being part of a big family introduces children to a balanced lifestyle.
The advantages of being part of a family are children learn responsibility, do chores etc. It is also good for younger siblings to have someone they can talk to. On family outings there will be a joyful atmosphere because of the amount of people. They will learn to socialize easily and be able to share with others. Even though there are many advantages of being part of a big family, there are also disadvantages to consider. Children get less attention from their parents and have no privacy or space of their own.
A major issue is sibling rivalry, which is when siblings don’t get along and compete with each other in academics, sports etc. Disadvantages for parents would be not having a lot of money to spend on each child and having a huge amount of stress to pay bills, fees etc. In my opinion, having and being part of a small family results in children being spoilt and unsocial. Having a big family is better for a child’s upbringing because of the jovial household atmosphere and responsibilities learnt. Total number of words: 337
Family Planning
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Family Pride
February 5, 2013 Subject: Family Pride
I know that everyone has some form of pride. Whether it is national, personal, cultural, or family pride, we all show it and have different reasons that we do. Some people have pride for their country, or their culture. I have pride for my family. My family is so great! I love them so much. I want to talk to you about some of the things that make me proud to be a part of my family. First, most of my family are Jehovah’s Witnesses. Second, my family comes from different cultures, so there’s always some good food to be ate. And last, my family listens to all kinds of music.
I hope you enjoy learning about what makes me proud of my family. So the first thing I want to talk about is my religion. I am one of the more than 7 million Jehovah’s Witnesses. Part of that number is my family. But, there are two people I really want to talk about when it comes to this. My sisters Theresa and Crystal. I admire them so much. They were baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses when they were 17. Ever since then they have served Jehovah whole-heartedly. Theresa has five children 8 and under. I have always loved how she protects me and lets me figure things out for myself.
Crystal has two children 4 and 2. We fight sometimes, but I know that she always has my back. They always try their hardest to make meetings and to teach their kids about Jehovah. Even though they have both been through extremely difficult circumstances, they just keep going. For instance, Crystal has had to switch to another congregation. Now, that may not seem like it’s too hard. But it’s a Spanish speaking meeting. Her husband is from the Dominican Republic. She’s learning a new language and keeping her integrity to Jehovah. I admire her so much for that.
And then, Theresa has had numerous surgeries, while taking care of her “6” kids (her husband Scott is a kid at heart). No, actually he helps a lot. He loves her so much and helps whenever he can. Yet, they both still keep their heads up and serve Jehovah. I love them all so much and would probably go insane without them. Next, because I come from many cultures, we are always making food. A lot of its southern. For instance, my dad makes the best country fried steak ever. You know, let’s just talk about him for a moment. My mom cooked for most of their marriage.
But, unfortunately, my mom has been overcome with sickness, so my dad has started cooking. My dad makes some really good southern comfort food. He makes insanely good mac ; cheese. But, he has started to pass his recipes on to me. For instance, he used to make fried chicken. But, once I figured out how to do it, I became the “soul” fryer of chicken in my house. My dad has become such a wonderful cook over the last few years, and he’s teaching me as he goes. Besides, my mom taught him everything he knows. Well, almost everything, some he learned from the Food Network. Ha-ha. My family loves to cook.
And that I am proud of. Lastly, we listen to all kinds of music. For instance, my grandma loved to sing. And she used to have me sing for her all the time before she passed. I think about her all the time. She inspired me to keep singing. And my mom has done the same thing by always encouraging me. We love music, whether country or pop. We listen to music all the time. I really don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have music. It keeps me sane. You may have noticed that a lot of music today can be about drugs, sex, or murder. I am proud of my family for steering clear of that.
Some of my favorite music includes Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Josh Turner, and One Direction. I love my family’s music choices. And because of that, I am proud to be in my family. So as you can see, I just ooze with family pride. My religion plays a big part in that. We always have something on the dinner table. And we listen to all kinds of music. I love my family. Even though we fight and argue at the end of the day, we are a family. Hope you enjoyed learning why I am proud of my family. What makes you proud to be a part of your family?
What Is Extended Family
A family group that consists of parents, children, and other close relatives, generally, it’s A group of relatives, such as those of three generations often living in close geographic proximity rather than under the same roof. People living together as an extended family occasionally feel greater security and belonging. This is an advantage of the extended type of family because this family contains more people to serve as resources during crisis and provides more role models for behavior of values. The disadvantage of living in an extended type of family is shouldering more expenses for their basic needs.
In many cultures, such as in those of many of the Southern Europeans, Asians, Middle Easterners, Africans, Latin Americans, and Pacific Islanders, extended families are the basic family unit. Cultures in which the extended family is common are generally collectivistic cultures. Complex Family is a generic term for any family structure involving more than two adults. The term can refer to any extended family or to a polygamy of any type. It is often used to refer to the group marriage form of polygamy. A joint family is also known as a complex family, parents and their children's families often live under a single roof.
This type of family often includes multiple generations in the family. In India, the family is a patriarchal society, with the sons' families often staying in the same house. In the joint family setup the workload is equally shared among the members. The women folk are often housewives and cook for the entire family. The patriarch of the family (often the oldest male member) lays down the rules and arbitrates disputes. Other senior members of the household baby sit infants in case their mother is working. They are also responsible in teaching the younger children their mother tongue, manners and etiquette.
This kind of setup is fast eroding in many parts of the world especially in India. Most of the urban families are switching over to the nuclear family society these days. A nuclear family is a household consisting of two married, heterosexual parents and their legal children (siblings), as distinct from the extended family. Nuclear families are typical in societies where people must be relatively mobile -- such as hunter-gatherers and industrial societies. Pros And Cons Of Being The Only Child Being an only child can be either good or bad, depending on how you perceive it and how you are brought up by your parents.
The advantages could be that you get the undivided love and attention of your parents. They would dote on you more and provide for you more - in terms of getting you stuff, toys, etc. Obviously, being an only child means that your parents have only you to spend the money on and not have to share it among other siblings. So, you'd get more toys than normal, more money to spend than normal, more inheritance than normal, and of course more love from your parents than normal. So, in that sense, being the only child can be termed as a good thing.
As far as disadvantages go, the "Little Emperor Syndrome" sums it up perfectly. For those unfamiliar with the term, "Little Emperor Syndrome" refers to the Chinese situation involving parents and their single child. Of course, all of you would be aware of China's one-child policy. Little Emperor Syndrome is an unintended consequence of that policy. This is a situation in which the parents lavish their love, attention, resources on this one child of theirs, and as a result, the child becomes spoilt and, well, behaves like a "Little Emperor.
This sort of excessive attention and care can prove detrimental in the long term for the child. The child gets used to having everything done, managed, taken care of - by their parents. When they have to live in the real world and face real problems, they might not be able to cope with it. They may lack self-confidence to go out in the world and get things done for themselves. They might feel lost outside of the cocoon that their parents created for them. Being an only child can also be very lonely.
They would miss the fun of growing up with a brother or sister. An only child can also grow up to be a selfish adult, i. e. one who thinks primarily of his/her needs over the needs of others. They may also lack in the ability to empathize with others as much as children with siblings. Another potential disadvantage of being an only child could be the excess burden on your shoulders as regards taking care of your parents, for example. It can take an emotional toll on you, being the only child with all the responsibilities.
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