Explain how different types of transition can affect children and young people’s development Transitions are changes that take place in our life, changes which can occur over a short or long period of time, can be physical, emotional, personal or psychological, and can be predictable …
Unit 331 5. 1&5. 2 Explain the different types of transitions can affect children’s development and evaluate the effectiveness of positive relationships during periods of transitions. Transitions are the movement or changes from one position, stage or state to another. These changes can be gradual …
Understand how to monitor children and young people’s development and interventions that should take place if this is not following the expected pattern Explain the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow the expected pattern There are many reasons and factors why …
Child Development People have always thought that children at birth do not have any skills or knowledge. As infants, they are not yet expected to have feelings, the power to reason out, or the capability to speak. Most people have thought of infants as empty …
‘Neuroses are only acquired during early childhood even though their symptoms may not make their appearance until much later. The events of the first year are of paramount importance for a child’s whole subsequent life’. (Freud, 1902) Regardless of age, nationality, gender or ethnicity every …
Introduction: A child’s earlier experience and environment influence their future development, health and wellbeing. It is recognized that children’s development occurs in stages and that they need the right supports to critical period in their life to achieve their potentials. If a child does not …
There are five sub categories when looking at a child’s development and although all of these are age guided, not all children reach the same area at the same time, neither do they systematically achieve each stage by a certain age, although they are achieved …
Unit 201- Child and young person development 3. 1 Identify the transitions experienced by most children and young people 3. 2 Identify transitions that only some children and young people may experience e. g. bereavement 3. 3 Describe with examples how transitions may affect children …
Introduction Disney animated movies captivate the imaginativeness of an copiousness of people with magnetizing music, magnetic characters, and graphic visuals. My grandma, who had lived in poorness through most of her childhood, loved the Disney animated movies as a kid, because they were an flight …
Frontbencher as cited in Garbanzo provides an ecological model for understanding human development. He explains that children’s development is best understood within the calculators context of the family, educational setting, community, and broader society (Garbanzo 1985). These various contexts are interrelated, and all have an …
Lifespan development is the process by which individuals go through a series of stages that unfold one after the other. Development applies to both the physical and non-physical dimensions. Almost all individuals agree that physical growth stops at certain points. However, there is a lot …
You may notice change in pupil behavior and ability to learn I TAD. 1 Learning outcome: Describe with examples the importance of recognizing and responding to concerns about children and young people’s development If you have concerns about pupils’ development in any area you should …
Introduction Early Year Foundation Stage (EYFS) setting is an important surrounding for young children’s development. Positive relationships are built at this stage, where children learn through respectful and caring interactions. Practitioners are also able to give priorities to main person, and respectfully react to children …
3. 1/3. 1 Explain how to monitor children and young people’s development using different methods: Monitoring children and young people’s development using different methods such as an observation, where I would watch the child closely in different contexts depending on which area I was observing …
0-3 years Newborn babies will have next to no control over their own bodies. Very small movements such as sucking and grasping these are all dependent on a series of reflexes; they do these in order to survive. By the end of their first year …
If you were to ask Montessori teachers which part of “curriculum” is the most important, my guess is most teachers would say Practical Life. Practical Life is the foundation for everything that follows in a Montessori classroom. It is also the one area of the …
Child Development in the Early Years Within this assignment I will discuss the importance of practitioners in the children’s workforce having a good knowledge of infant and child development theory. I will demonstrate my knowledge of both infant and child developmental theory including historical theory …
What is play? Play is “a recreational activity; especially the spontaneous activity of children. ” (Webster, 2010) Play is such a basic function and daily routine in a child’s life. Although the roles of play and the types of play change though age, it all …
As a baby between 0-3 months they go from being only able to move their hands, arms and eggs in a limited movement, to by the age of 3 years being able to run, have hand co- ordination I. E. Throwing balls etc. Social and …
CU1520: PROMOTE CHILD AND YOUNG PERSON DEVELOPMENT. 1. 1 Explain the factors that need to be taken into account when assessing development. When assessing a child you must be careful to take into account confidentiality before carrying out an observation you must have parents and …
Ensuring that curriculum in early childhood education is both developmentally appropriate and child-centered involves educators making decisions about the most relevant content to include in the curriculum based on the needs, interests and capabilities of the learners. Developmental psychologists such as Erik Erikson and Jean …
1.Introduction The aim of this paper is to present a critical evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions focused on emotional literacy to facilitate children’s social and emotional development. To complete this aim, the first section will describe the cognitive theories of Piaget (1929) and Vygotsky …
In this assignment I will be discussing safeguarding, my chosen focus will be around the theme of child protection. My aim is to critically analyse this and how we as practitioners should be able to safeguard children and young people, not just in the setting …
We are all human. We all have triggers, sensitivities and places where we are susceptible to having negative emotional reactions. These vulnerabilities are the areas where we experience irritations, hurt or anger and feel compelled to respond. Hot buttons are hot because they touch upon our …
The toy industry is one that has evolved from creating items made simply for fun, to educational wonders that are developed to exercise the ever-growing mind of a child. These days, the “age group” suggestion listed on a toy’s packaging is not just used for …
What are the most relevant factors to be aware of when assessing a child or young person’s development? All children and young people are different and have different needs. Similarly, a family’s ability to respond to and meet all their needs may also differ. In …
There are many different aspects that Influence and shape human development. One major factor that Influences personal development Is the social environment. A lot of people don’t realize how many different aspects go Into shaping how a person develops while growing up. According to Rule …
The development of children and young people. So called the period from the birth through to 19 years, is divided into five major areas: physical, intellectual, communication and language, social, emotional and behavioral. Often called with the acronym SPICE, all those areas are very important …
The significance of milestones Milestones are usually grouped together in five major areas which are to be assessed during the growth and development of a child. They are: physical growth, cognitive development, language development, and sensory and motor development. The assessment of the physical development …
The rate of development is the speed of which a child develops but this can also vary a great deal in each child. For example one child may start walking unaided before their first birthday but another child may not start walking unaided until after …
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