Effects of Technology on Modern day Architecture and Design

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Effectss of Technology on Modern twenty-four hours Architecture and Design

Architecture has revolutionized and changed in the 21st century compared to the 19 century due to engineering. Even though many factors have played major functions in the changing of architecture, engineering has played the most of import function for architectural alteration. Architecture and engineering will be two footings that will be used throughout this paper. Harmonizing to the Webster lexicon, architecture is defined as the art or scientific discipline of planing and making edifices while engineering is the application of scientific cognition for practical intents, particularly in industry. Technology nowadays plays an of import function in our societies since most edifices particularly condos and houses are manner different compared to the 1s that were built in the 19 century. Today’s buildings/condos in our societies are now built largely through the usage of digital visual image engineerings that are intentionally planned to make certain sorts of feeling and atmosphere in our society. Technology and architecture goes manus in manus as both footings benefit from each other due to the fact that engineering has helped designers in pulling their designs more efficaciously and expeditiously alternatively of utilizing their custodies. This essay will take to analyse how modern engineerings are runing as a cardinal portion of architecture and design, whether engineering is holding a positive or negative impact on architecture and architectural work methods. There will besides be a treatment on Computer-aided design ( CAD ) . In associating it to the class, this paper will largely touch on hyper alteration since its evident that engineering is so altering how persons perceive and understand objects and constructions. The most of import technology/software that this essay will look at is the Computer-aided design ( CAD ) and Geographic Information System ( GIS ) and how both have affected architecture and design. At the minute, engineering has wholly revolutionized our metropolis we live in and our manner of life. Walking about downtown Toronto and seeing edifices such as the OCAD edifice and the Royal Ontario museum indicates how far edifices have alteration due to engineering. Looking at how far engineering has brought architecture, it’s safe to state that engineering will open new universes by helping in the devising of new stuffs to build edifices.

Notes on modern architecture by Antoine Picon shows that architecture has been closely related to engineering since the 19 century and argues that modernism’s inclination towards architecture has made it possible to promote the life scenes of the multitudes. Scholars such as Banham have argued that engineering surely has shaped architecture throughout history. Examples such as the creative activity of the Flying Buttress in Europe allowed Master Builders to reconstruct the tremendous walls of Romanesque churches, the Etruscan anchor arch allowed the Roman Empire to do tough and strong Bridgess. The most outstanding illustration is the development of skyscrapers which was made possible by the innovation of mass produced steel and safety lifts. In the universe, the tallest skyscraper is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai while in Toronto, the highest skyscraper is the CN Tower but the tallest inhabitable is the First Canadian Place. Banham looks at how engineering should be considered as an indispensable portion of architecture but does non truly discourse the effects and impacts engineering is holding on modern twenty-four hours architecture. This essay will undertake this issue and spread out on the thoughts Banham out frontward in his book and other scholarly plants by different writers.

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This research paper will hold an debut where major nomenclatures that will be used throughout the paper will be defined. The debut will besides hold the thesis and the statements back uping the thesis. The following subdivision of this paper will entirely discourse Computer-aided design ( CAD ) , the types of CAD and the parts that this package has made to architecture and design. The following subdivision will look at will be the advantages and disadvantages of engineering on architecture. Research shows that so engineering has had a positive consequence on architecture so these advantages will be explored farther. Last, this paper will look at what engineering can make for architecture in the hereafter. In decision, this paper will sum up all the statements and points set together and sentiments of bookmans will besides be touched upon.

Annotated Bibliography

Banham, R. ( 1984 ) .The architecture of the well-tempered environment( 2nd erectile dysfunction ) . London: Architectural Press.

In this book, the writer points out that engineering, human demands, and environmental concerns are all interrelated and all of them play a critical portion in the development of architecture. He argues that technological and mechanical promotions in simple countries such as airing, warming and other 20Thursdaycentury designs needs more attending since architecture is non merely about designs and edifices but besides the mechanical systems that makes them work..

Crouch, D. P. ( 1985 ) .History of architecture: Stonehenge to skyscrapers. New York: McGraw-Hill.

In this book, Crouch tackles architecture from a historic point of position from the Stonehenge in England to the skyscrapers which are seen around the universe largely in developed states. Crouch negotiations about fundamentally how far architecture has come as she explores architecture in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Crouch argues that architecture is now developing into a science-based due to the patterned advance of engineering.

Donald, Watson ( 1984 ) .Architecture, Technology, and Environment.Journal of Architectural EducationVol. 51, No. 2 ( Nov. , 1997 ) , pp. 119-126 Published by: Taylor & A ; Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Inc.Uniform resource locator: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.jstor.org.ezproxy.library.yorku.ca/stable/1425452

In this diary, Donald argues that a little figure of architectural pedagogues dismiss the fact that engineering is portion of architecture and he insists that both architecture and engineering are dependent on each other. Donald besides argues that engineering puts greater accent and higher outlooks on architecture due to the fact that engineering in architecture is non merely approximately merely the beautiful constructions and edifices we see but it is about the cognition and information the society as a whole addition in the devising of these constructions.

Encarnacao, J. L. , Lindner, R. , & A ; Schlechtendahl, E. G. ( . G. ( 1990 ) .Computer aided design: Fundamentalss and system architectures( 2nd ed. ) . Berlin ; New York: Springer-Verlag.

This book explains the computing machine aided design package in peculiarly how it works, its rules, ways and how it has helped in the development and revolution of architecture. Encarnacao and his co-authors identifies the chief constituents of CAD and they concluded by demoing the stairss involve in doing this machine

Heynen, Hilde. ( 1999 ) .Architecture and modernness: A review. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press.

This writer suggests a singular lineation of probe that explains the history of modern motion 's and trouble it has faced. Hilde tries to link modern motion and cultural theory of modernness. Hilde argues that architecture and modernness relies comparatively greatly on the sort of modernness being created. Hilde asks the inquiry “what dealingss exist or ought to be between architecture and modernness? ” .So with this asked, she explores how architecture and modernness is connected.

Karl D. Stephan. ( 2005 ) .Masterworks of Technology: The Story of Creative Engineering, Architecture, and Design.Technology and Culture, Volume 46, Number 3 Retrieved from

hypertext transfer protocol: //muse.jhu.edu/journals/tech/summary/v046/46.3stephan.html

Harmonizing to this diary reappraisal by Karl, engineering has ever been portion of human society. The writer negotiations about technological creativity and vision throughout the old ages. Karl argues that scientific discipline and technology has come together and its forcing architecture to a new and different degree ne'er imagined before from the pyramids of Egypt to now skyscrapers seen around the universe. Karl negotiations about the model involve in skyscraper developments particularly that of the Chicago’s Sears Tower as he builds on the thoughts of F. R. Khan’s influence of import on skyscraper design.

Le Corbusier. ( 1952 ) .Towards a new architecture. London: The Architectural Press.

In this book, Le Corbusier book negotiations about architecture and the society as he wrote about new promotions that we see today in our communities today. He parallels the velocity of which architecture is turning with that of the promotion in the society. Le Corbusier besides addresses five rules of modern architecture, mass production and industrialisation.

Rivard, H. ( 2000 ) .A Survey On The Impact Of Information Technology On The Canadian Architecture, Engineering And Construction Industry.Journal of Information Technology in Construction( ITcon ) , v.5, p.37

In this study, researches purpose in finding the impact of engineering on architecture, building and technology. This study proved that all designers now have entree to computing machine and merely one per centum of the designers that answered the questionnaire survey indicated that they do non utilize computing machines to assist them with their work. The study proved that genuinely most when it comes to the drawing of design most designers use CAD. This study showed engineering is an indispensable portion of architecture, building and technology field now and about every person that works in these Fieldss rely on them to assist him/her work expeditiously.

Stephenson, S. ( 2007 ) .The integrating of engineering into a landscape architecture alumnus plan: A instance survey.( Order No. NR39441, University of Toronto ( Canada ) ) .ProQuest Dissertations and Thesiss, 232. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.yorku.ca/docview/304757618? accountid=15182

This is a instance survey show the ways in which engineering is lending to the landscape of architecture and the hard procedure involved in it. The survey largely touches on design procedure and studio civilization while it looks at how engineering has affected this country either in a positive, impersonal or negative manner. Throughout this paper, it’s clear that engineering has change landscape architecture particularly when it comes to how stuffs are produced and how interior decorators all over the universe are able to reach each other in a affair of seconds due to engineering.

Saeideh Feizi Azarshahr, Alireza Motamadniya, Mostafa Basiri ( 2013 ) .New Technologies in Modern Architecture and its Interaction with Traditional Architecture.Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental SciencesVol 1 Issue 3: 70-80 In this article, Azarshahr et Al argues that the usage of engineering consequences in the constitution of flawless and perfect edifices and engineering has ever been a portion of architecture as Azarshahr et al describes two types of engineering: traditional engineering and modern engineering. Harmonizing to these writers, traditional engineering has non been documented as much compared to modern engineering and this modern engineering has led to the cybernation and industrialisation of architecture.


Banham, R. ( 1984 ) .The architecture of the well-tempered environment( 2nd erectile dysfunction ) . London: Architectural Press.

Crouch, D. P. ( 1985 ) .History of architecture: Stonehenge to skyscrapers. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Donald, Watson ( 1984 ) .Architecture, Technology, and Environment.Journal of Architectural EducationVol. 51, No. 2 ( Nov. , 1997 ) , pp. 119-126 Published by: Taylor & A ; Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Inc.Uniform resource locator: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.jstor.org.ezproxy.library.yorku.ca/stable/1425452

Encarnacao, J. L. , Lindner, R. , & A ; Schlechtendahl, E. G. ( . G. ( 1990 ) .Computer aided design: Fundamentalss and system architectures( 2nd ed. ) . Berlin ; New York: Springer-Verlag.

Heynen, Hilde. ( 1999 ) .Architecture and modernness: A review. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press.

Karl D. Stephan. ( 2005 ) .Masterworks of Technology: The Story of Creative Engineering, Architecture, and Design.Technology and Culture, Volume 46, Number 3 Retrieved from

hypertext transfer protocol: //muse.jhu.edu/journals/tech/summary/v046/46.3stephan.html

Le Corbusier. ( 1952 ) .Towards a new architecture. London: The Architectural Press.

Rivard, H. ( 2000 ) .A Survey On The Impact Of Information Technology On The Canadian Architecture, Engineering And Construction Industry.Journal of Information Technology in Construction( ITcon ) , v.5, p.37

Stephenson, S. ( 2007 ) .The integrating of engineering into a landscape architecture alumnus plan: A instance survey.( Order No. NR39441, University of Toronto ( Canada ) ) .ProQuest Dissertations and Thesiss, 232. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.yorku.ca/docview/304757618? accountid=15182

Saeideh Feizi Azarshahr, Alireza Motamadniya, Mostafa Basiri ( 2013 ) .New Technologies in Modern Architecture and its Interaction with Traditional Architecture.Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental SciencesVol 1 Issue 3: 70-80

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Effects of Technology on Modern day Architecture and Design. (2017, Jul 10). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/effects-of-technology-on-modern-day-architecture-and-design/

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