Developmental Milestones in Infants and Toddlers: From Bonding to Object Categorization

Last Updated: 26 Apr 2023
Essay type: Process
Pages: 5 Views: 364

The vision comes clearer as babies develop the ability to focus and center of things or people especially during this crucial stage, babies form a strong bond with their caregivers. It is very important for parents to be very loving and have a great amount of understandable, In the second year babies still have no ability to see the world In any perspective. They are learning about individual objects from ground level. Concepts of time and distance, "too fast, too slow, too far" are all beyond their grasp, often to the despair of parents for whom these concepts are painfully real.

They are however irking hard on their categories, sorting the objects they see into understandable groups. Consequently, having seen and remembered a duck they are likely to say "duck" when they first see a chicken because they both have feathers and wings. It's truly wonderful to see what powers of observation they bring to this task of organizing the objects, characters and animals they come across In their world. For example in our neighbor's child, the mother says at the age of 6 months her daughter can able to walk then started to say ;meme" means milk.

And now she's two years old, I observed, she can balance her body while biking a bicycle with three pedals, then can walk up and down stairs on both feet, one step ate time while holding on to a rail. This child, I think she was a taste learner because she's different with others children. OBSERVATIONS: Two-year-olds enjoy using their senses and motor skills to explore the world and are highly curious about unfamiliar objects, events and phenomena. They can solve simple problems with the "trial and error" method and will practice an activity many times to master It. Hillier this age also pretends more during play, using familiar objects and situations to process their daily experiences. New discoveries are also facilitated by d two-year-olds blossoming language skills that prompt many "why," "what" and "how" questions. During the year, children this age picks up most parts to speech to form more complete sentences. They can understand and say hundreds of words, but familiar adults may need to "translate" for others due to Immature pronunciation skills. They also understand simple directions and many common phrases used In routine situations.

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Takeaway-olds can sing the A-B-C song, but they onto yet understand that the letter names correspond to specific graphic designs. They also make a variety of scribble marks anywhere and everywhere and may even attempt to write the first letter of their name. As they play and complete their daily routines, two-year-olds learn important math skills. They can use a toy to represent another object, recognize patterns with daily activities and understand concepts of time like, "tomorrow" and "yesterday. " Two-year-olds are Just beginning to use logical reasoning to solve everyday problems.

They can sort shapes, complete puzzles with eight pieces or less and stack a set of rings on a peg by size. They also understand addition and subtraction with the numbers "one" and "two. " Physically, two-year-olds explore all the ways to travel from here to there, including rolling, crawling, creeping, walking, running, Jumping and climbing. They can also kick a small ball forward, catch a rolled ball and throw a ball overhand (but with little accuracy). Two-year-olds love finger play activities (e. G. "The Its, Bitsy, Spider"), pounding and squeezing clay, shaking rhythm instruments and scribbling. They can turn doorknobs and unscrew lids and have improved their skills using eating utensils. Two-year-olds also use their motor skills to explore the creative arts. They make sounds by banging and shaking instruments and household items. They enjoy dancing upon request, doing finger plays and acting out chants and songs. Children this age is also gaining control over their voices and will Join in singing the refrains of their favorite songs.

With art, they enjoy the sensory pleasures of the art materials and focus on the process of creating art, rather than the final product. Two-year-olds enjoy playing alongside other children, but usually keep to themselves. When conflicts arise, adults need to step in to prevent aggression and teach appropriate behaviors. Children this age are beginning to label feelings that they recognize in themselves and others. Controlling emotions is still difficult, however, so frustration may trigger emotional meltdowns. Comfort objects like blankets or teddy bears help two-year-olds cope with new situations or strong emotions.

Discussions: Child and adolescent development refers to the biological, psychological and motional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy. Because these developmental changes may be strongly influenced by genetic factors and events during prenatal life, genetics and prenatal development are usually included as part of the study of child development. Related terms include developmental psychology, referring to development throughout the lifep, and pediatrics, the branch of medicine relating to the care of children.

Developmental change may occur as a result of genetically-controlled processes now as maturation, or as a result of environmental factors and learning, but most commonly involves an interaction between the two. It may also occur as a result of human nature and our ability to learn from our environment. Conclusions: As children develop from infants to teens to adults they go through a series of developmental stages that are important to all aspects of their Persephone including physical, intellectual, emotional and social.

The proper role of the parent is to provide encouragement, support and access to activities that enable the child aster key developmental tasks. Therefore, a parent is their child's first teacher and should remain their best teacher throughout life. Functioning as a coach, the parent exposes a child to age appropriate challenges to encourage development as well as to experiences that allows the child to explore on their own and learn from interacting with their environment. Child Development specialists have learned that from birth children are goal directed to experiment and learn from each experience.

Child Development experts have taken the concept of scaffolding from the building reads. Just as scaffolding is put up to support the structure of the building as it is being built and gradually taken down as the building is able to stand on its own, a parent needs to provide the necessary support for a child to allow them to safely and productively explore and learn from their environment. As the child matures and develops mastery the scaffolding is removed or changed to allow the child to become more independent. If the child is not quite ready, the support is reinstated and then gradually withdrawn once again.

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Developmental Milestones in Infants and Toddlers: From Bonding to Object Categorization. (2018, Jan 28). Retrieved from

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