Belbin Team Role Self-Perception Inventory (BTRSPI)

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The Belbin Team Role Self-Perception Inventory (BTRSPI) was conceived to assess behavioural characteristics which persons brandish when employed in teams. Belbin Team role Theory was developed as an outcome of the investigations undertaken by Meredith Belbin in the 1970s.

For more minutia of this primary study delight the Belbin website has it all. Since the BTRSPI assesses demeanour other than character, it is not advised to be a psychometric check (those which assess attributes of personality)

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Character is one of numerous components which can leverage behaviour. Other components encompass internalised standards and motivations, and the external employed natural environment or “Field Constraints” Whilst character is accepted to be equitably unchanging, demeanour can change more gladly, acclimatizing to alterations in any of those components which leverage it.

As an outcome, Belbin anticipates that Team Role preferences might change over time. Whilst it is improbable that an individual’s profile will change spectacularly or be turned around entirely, some alterations are anticipated, in line with a change of job function or work natural environment, or as an outcome of a foremost life change.

The BTRSPI assesses demeanour because Belbin accepts as factual that this presents the most helpful and verifiable data considering an individual to a recruiter, supervisor or advisor, as well as to the individual concerned. Whilst it could be contended that only the an individual himself understands his own character, demeanour is observable and can be understood and utilized to forecast future responses and conduct.

The adversity when assessing character solely is that there may be a large discrepancy between character and behaviour. Whilst an individual may purport to be an extravert, that person’s demeanour in the workplace may thin in the direction of introversion. The individual’s self-perception of extraversion may show restricted self-awareness or may contemplate a character trait one desires to possess.

It is arguable that recognising certain character traits does not exactly assist the supervisor worried with recruitment or promotion. In the case of numerous psychometric checks, managers consume much power comprehending the psychometric proportions or traits, rather than applying the information to advance performance. Rather than supplying data considering one’s character traits, the BTRSPI measures demeanour in alignment to recognise groupings or clusters (Team Roles) which distinguish an individual’s behavioural assistance to the workplace.

For demonstration, you might find an inquiry in a character check along the lines of: When I’ve made a conclusion about certain thing, I still hold marvelling if it’s right or wrong. Here, the aim is on how one conceives and feels. By comparison the BTRSPI inquires inquiries like: I can be relied upon to complete any task I undertake, focusing on functional assistance an individual might make.

Many people and organisations are worried that the introduction of psychometric checks might lead to pigeon-holing or labelling of individuals. With Belbin Team Roles, the connection between an indivudual and the Team Roles they display is a far more convoluted one. Individuals does not have one Team Role, but a blend of favoured, manageable and smallest favoured roles.

The circulation and interrelation of these functions over an individual’s profile have a large leverage on the way the functions will be performed out in perform and skilled by others. Whilst a one-by-one may assertion to favor or relish a specific function, it does not inevitably signify that they can or should play only this role.

The idea of Team Roles is worried with accepting power and flaws, but furthermore with cultivating power to evolving a form, powerful demonstration of a granted Team Role type. 1 Construction of the BTRSPI the BTRSPI is a behavioural check conceived for use in organisational and work settings. The BTRSPI was formulated by Meredith Belbin in the 1980s next on from his study at Henley Management College and inception of Team Role Theory.

A critical evaluation of their own group/team dynamics

The BTRSPI assesses nine proportions or Team Roles and has one scale renowned as Dropped Points (DR), which assesses assertions about oneself other than legitimate Team Role contributions. The inventory comprises of seven parts, with each part encompassing a heading and ten declarations, one piece per Team Role and a tenth piece comprising DR. The headings give a work-based scenario or position with which the one-by-one can identify.

This is proposed to anchor the behaviours recounted in a well renowned work context and to boost candidates to contemplate and draw on demonstrations from their own experiences. When accomplishing the BTRSPI, candidates are inquired to circulate ten brands in total per part of the inventory.

If a nominee recognises identically with only two declarations, five points should be assigned to each of the two statements. If four of the declarations are applicable, but two are more than the other two, the share of points might be 3, 3, 2 and 2. This is then recurring for each part of the inventory.

Candidates may only assign brands in entire figures and are inquired to bypass either farthest (allocating all ten brands to one declaration or one assess to each) where possible. Is the BTRSPI an ipsative testThe BTRSPI is conceived to ascertain as much data as likely about an individual’s Team Role preferences, while holding the inventory manageable in periods of piece extent, inventory extent and responding style.

Many psychometric checks for example the 16PF and OPQ need the respondent to assess round 200 pieces utilising a Likert scale (e.g. ticking an response along a spectrum from Strongly agree to Strongly disagree, generally with a neutral choice of Don’t know or Not sure).

In comparison, the BTRSPI inquires the respondent to address pieces inside each part relative to each other. As an outcome, the questionnaire takes only between fifteen and twenty minutes to entire, thus less time than numerous psychometric evaluations. Since the total tally accomplished in the BTRSPI is habitually seventy, it is an ipsative assess overall.

This entails that a respondent should articulate a relation fondness between two or more declarations assessing distinct characteristics, therefore conceiving a stage of interdependence between the characteristics being measured. However, since the pieces are dispersed in the seven parts such that there is one piece for each function in each part, the tallies granted to pieces for any Team Role are not completely ipsative, since they manage not addition to a unchanging value.

Whilst the tallies for pieces in the identical scale are unaligned of each other, they are partially reliant on the tallies granted to other scales. In other phrases, the BTRSPI is ipsative inside its parts (since tallies habitually addition to 10) but not between its sections. Some early study investigations admonished the tallying method of the BTRSPI, proposing that it forced choice between statements. (Aritzeta, Senior & Swailes, 2005)


In 1993, Meredith Belbin kept protected the inventory, asserting that “some limit of alternative was operationally desirable since self-rating on unaligned levels yields little of worth in developed and occupational settings”. In their 1998 study, Sommerville & Dalziel altered the BTRSPI to a Likert-type scale questionnaire.

They discovered that 73% of participants had the identical Team Role over both versions of the check, showing that there is no important distinction in the proposition of Team Roles between the two versions. Arguably, a Likert-type scale furthermore forces alternative by inquiring candidates to select the neutral answer if no other applies.

For demonstration, if a bipartite declaration is offered, with the nominee acquiescing to one part of the piece and contradicting with the other, a neutral answer could contemplate the poor wording of the piece rather than the candidate’s factual response. Additionally, the Likert-type scale supposess that the figurative expanse in preference between Strongly agree and Agree is the identical as that between Agree and the neutral answer or between Disagree and Strongly disagree.

This is an assumption which aids assessment and investigation, but afresh, is not reflective of factual response. Having attempted comprehensive statistical and component investigation on facts and numbers from more than 5000 candidates who have accomplished the BTRSPI, Swailes & Aritzeta resolve that the tallying scheme of the BTRSPI has no harmful result on its assemble validity and that grades of interdependency are reduced.

Since the BTRSPI’s present format talks no statistical handicap and talks substantial benefits from the viewpoint of the nominee, Belbin has selected to keep the format. The BTRSPI is accessible from Belbin Associates at There are furthermore a number of advisors and vendors who are permitted to resell Belbin internationally in English and other languages. Whilst the inventory is gladly accessible online, an e-interplace scheme is needed to tally the inventory, method the facts and numbers and make Belbin reports.


In his publication, Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail, first released in 1981, Meredith Belbin encompassed a self-scoring BTRSPI conceived to supply the one-by-one book reader with a “quick fix” sign of what their Belbin Team Roles might be. As farther study was undertaken, this inventory was shown to be insufficient in working out Team Roles and the e-interplace scheme was evolved to handle the norming, facts and numbers investigation and convoluted algorithms which originate from distinct blends of answer to the BTRSPI.

Rather than supplying easily a graded alignment of functions, the e-interplace programs makes a full response report, incorporating data gleaned from both the Self-Perception Inventory and Observer Assessments. Belbin Associates owns the copyright for the Self-Perception Inventory encompassed in Management Teams and does not permit this questionnaire to be duplicated in any form. Individuals may buy the publication and entire the self-scoring type of the BTRSPI for their own individual development, but any making a duplicate or broader usage is an infringement of copyright and will be prosecuted.

Why use e-interplaceThe self-scoring questionnaire is now obsolete and is not a dependable way of working out Team Roles. Many study investigations have proposed that e-interplace presents a much more dependable and legitimate procedure of setting up Team Roles. (Meredith Belbin 1981)

Moreover, the vintage self-scoring procedure does not encompass the ninth function of Specialist, needs the balance of observer input, is not correctly normed and most significantly, does not offer any Team Role advice. These points are delineated in more minutia below. The Specialist function Meredith Belbin’s initial study in the 1970s recognised eight Team Roles. After the primary study had been accomplished, a ninth Team Role, “Specialist” emerged.

This function was found out only after the Henley trials had been concluded. Since the enterprise game had been assembled to set all participants on a grade playing-field in periods of information and know-how, Specialist behaviours could not emerge. Whilst this premise was helpful for the reasons of the trial, it is not an agent of genuine life.

All data considering the assistance and shortcomings of the Specialist has been gleaned from subsequent knowledge in the functional submission of the idea in industry. Belbin powerfully suggests the use of Observer Assessments or OA (our own incorporated pattern of 360- stage feedback) to specify the individual’s self-perception. Whilst numerous psychometric checks rely solely on self-reporting, Belbin points to the limitations of this approach. (Morison, Chris, 2008)

An individual may have little selfawareness, particularly if he or she has not been employed for very long. Meredith Belbin contends that the requirement for such corroboration originated from a demand for a more robust way of considering the promise Team Role assistance of individuals: “Line managers were generally wary of utilising self-reporting assesses when coming to vital conclusions about people.

That booking is seldom attached with mechanical matters of check building but more with the acknowledgement that persons are subject to illusions about the self and are furthermore tempted to falsify their answers one time they accept as factual that their responses sway job and vocation prospects.

Line managers locate a larger focus on facts of other ones, believing that such material has larger validity, in periods of productive conclusion producing, supplying it is correctly gathered. Meredith Belbin, 1936 As well as validating an individual’s self-perception with facts of “real-world” demeanour, Observer Assessments supply discovering and individual development opportunities.

For demonstration, where persons show distinct Team Role preferences than are recognised by their group, consideration may originate as to if an individual in an inquiry is adept to accomplish full promise or is inquired to play other functions for the advantage of the team. (Aritzeta, Ayestaran & Swailes 2005)


For more data on the use of Observer Assessments, delight outlook the Criterion Validity Team Roles are clusters of demeanour, other than individual traits or characteristics. As cited overhead, it is envisaged that a nominee will have more than one favoured Team Role. In the Self-Perception Team Role Profile, an individual’s Team Roles are analysed in three categories:

  • Preferred Roles – those functions which one is snug playing and which arrive naturally.
  • Manageable Roles – those functions which one can play if needed for the advantage of the team. These may be cultivated to expand the individual’s teamworking experience.
  • Least Preferred Roles – those functions which the one does not routinely or snugly assume. It is usually suggested that individuals avoids assisting in these localities, lest the pitfalls of the demeanour outweigh the strengths.

The nine Team Roles may furthermore be categorised as Action, Social and Thinking roles:

  • Action – Completer Finisher (CF); Implementer (IMP); Shaper (SH)
  • Social – Co-ordinator (CO); Resource Investigator (RI); Teamworker (TW)
  • Thinking – Monitor Evaluator (ME); Plant (PL);

Specialist (SP) As cited overhead, no individual Team Role or attribute should be advised in isolation. Rather, the exact blend and interaction of an individual’s Team Roles – along with observer input and method of answer to the BTRSPI – assist to form and announce the Team Role profile, with the elaborate interplay of Team Roles managed by the Belbin e-interplace programs system.

Whilst Team Roles are not probable to change spectacularly, persons who are new to a job or to the world of work may find out more fluctuation in their preferences than those who have been employed for much longer. Some persons may find that only two or three functions arrive into play, while other ones may find that the kind of their job – or a Jack of all trades disposition – calls upon four or five distinct functions, which can be performed as the position demands.

The initial study undertaken by Meredith Belbin in the 1970s was undertaken with an experiment of peak managers. However, study has illustrated that the BTRSPI can be utilised at all operational levels. In other phrases, Team Roles are applicable for any individual in the work natural environment who interacts with other ones and desires to discover more about his or her own demeanour, and that of colleagues and managers. (Beck, Fisch & Bergander 1999)

The Observer Assessment boosts response all through the strata of an administration and is proposed to supply a universal dialect to address tough matters which might originate confrontation inside teams. Having analysed the circulation of Team Roles midst UK Managers in their 1998 study, Fisher, Hunter & Macrosson went on to enquire the use of Belbin for non-managers.

They engaged a group employed workout in their trial, completing that Belbin Team Role idea could be identically applicable to nonmanagerial as well as managerial teams.21 Please glimpse the “Further Reading” part for more data considering Belbin and management. (Aritzeta, swailes & McIntyre-Bhatty 2004)


  • Aritzeta, Ayestaran & Swailes, Team Role Preference and Conflict Management Styles (2005), pp. 15-20
  • Aritzeta, Senior & Swailes, Belbin Team Role Preference and Cognitive Styles: A Convergent Validity Study (2004), pp.45-50
  • Aritzeta, Senior & Swailes, Belbin’s Team Role Model: Development, Validity and Applications for Team Building (2007), pp. 100-110
  • Aritzeta, Swailes & McIntyre-Bhatty, Further Evidence on the Validity of the Belbin Team Role Self Perception Inventory and the Observer’s Assessment Sheet (2004), pp. 65-70
  • Aritzeta, Swailes & Senior, Team Roles: Psychometric Evidence, Construct Validity and Team Building (2005)
  • Beck, Fisch & Bergander, Functional Roles in Work Groups – An Empirical Approach to the Study of Group Role Diversity (1999), pp. 32-33
  • McIntyre-Bhatty & Swailes, The Reliability of the (Belbin) Team Role Self-Perception Inventory: Cronbach’s alpha and ipsative scales (2000), pp. 65-75
  • Morison, Chris, An Investigation of Belbin Team Roles as a Measure of Business Culture (2008), pp. 76-90
  • Swailes & Aritzeta, Scale Properties of the Team Role Self-Perception Inventory (2006), pp. 02-10
  • Swailes & McIntyre-Bhatty, Uses and Abuses of Reliability Estimates: The Case of the Belbin TRSPI (2001), pp. 67-70

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Belbin Team Role Self-Perception Inventory (BTRSPI). (2019, Apr 15). Retrieved from

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