As Level Physical Education Acquiring Movement Skills

Last Updated: 13 Jan 2021
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AS Level Physical Education Acquiring Movement Skills Scheme of work – MCW |Lesson Title |Learning objectives |Homework | |Skill and Ability |Know the term ‘skill’; |Identify three gross motor abilities required for badminton. Justify your answers. | | |Understand different skills and explain how they influence sporting performance. Identify three perceptual (psychomotor) abilities required for volleyball. Justify your | | |Be able to explain the interaction between ‘skill’ and ‘ability’. |answers. | | | |Outline the difference between skill and ability and explain the relationship that exists | | | |between them. |Classification of motor skills |Know why skills are classified using continua. |Skill analysis on main skills from your number 1 sport. At least 10 skills. | | |Understand the different classifications of skills. |Place on each continuum. | | |Be able to identify specific sporting examples and justify your decisions for placing them on| | | |a specific continuum. | |Classification of practice |Know the factors that need to be considered before a skill is taught. |Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the whole and part methods of practice | | |Understand the different practice and teaching methods used to facilitate learning and |when developing a sports skill. (10 marks) | | |performance. | | |Be able to critically evaluate these methods and their effectiveness in the learning of | | | |skills. | | |Stages of learning |Know the terms ‘learning’ and ‘performance’. According to Fitts and Posner, performers pass through three stages of learning when | | |Understand the characteristics of the cognitive, associative and autonomous stages of |developing movement skills. | | |learning. |Use a practical example to explain the characteristics of each stage of learning | | |Be able to apply these phases of learning to practical activities. (cognitive, associative, and autonomous). (3) | | | |Describe the type of feedback used at the cognitive, associative and autonomous stages of | | | |learning. (3) | |Types of guidance |Know the types of guidance used in the learning of skills. Using the example of a novice swimmer, explain how a teacher could use the four methods of| | |Understand which type of guidance is most suited to improve performance at each stage of |guidance to develop the pupil’s swimming skills. (4 marks) | | |learning. |What are the advantages and disadvantages of using manual and mechanical guidance for | | |Be able to critically evaluate these different types of guidance. teaching swimming to beginners? (6 marks) | |Types of practice and mental rehearsal |Know the factors that need to be considered before a skill is taught. |Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of distributed, massed, fixed and varied practice| | |Understand the appropriate use of practice methods to maximise effectiveness, including the |methods on the performance of movement skills. 10 marks) | | |role of mental rehearsal. | | | |Be able to critically evaluate different types of practice methods and their application to | | | |the performance of movement skills. | |Exam analysis |Know the areas of the exam which are areas of strength and those that are in need of |Re-write ‘model answers’ to exam paper. | | |improvement. | | |Understand how answers are marked in order to maximise your chances of scoring all available | | | |marks. | | |Be able to write model answers using the mark scheme as a guide. | | |Information processing |Know the key components of information processing. |Draw out your own copies of each of the models that we identified. | | |Understand and draw Welford’s and Whiting’s models of information processing. Choose one of the two models that we have identified (Whiting’s or Welford’s). | | |Be able to apply these models to the learning and performance of physical activities |Use a skill or a number of skills in your chosen activities to explain and illustrate how | | | |each component of the model works in that activity. |Memory |Understand the multi-store model of the memory process. |Revision | | |Understand the strategies that can be used to improve both short-term memory storage and | | | |long-term memory storage. | | |Be able to apply the memory process to the learning and performance of physical activities. | | |Reaction time |Know what is meant by reaction time, movement time and response time. |Identify and explain four factors that affect response time in practical activities(4 | | |Describe the impact of reaction time on performance. marks) | | |Understand factors that affect response time in practical activities |By using a practical example in sport, explain what is meant by simple reaction time in | | |Be able to apply the theories relating to reaction time to the performance of physical |sport. (2 marks) | | |activities. Choice reaction (Hick’s law) can be explained through the use of a graph. Sketch a graph | | | |to illustrate the effect of choice reaction time on physical performance. (4 marks) | |Exam analysis |Know the areas of the exam which are areas of strength and those that are in need of |Re-write ‘model answers’ to exam paper. | |improvement. | | | |Understand how answers are marked in order to maximise your chances of scoring all available | | | |marks. | | |Be able to write model answers using the mark scheme as a guide. | | |Psychological refractory Period |To consolidate knowledge of reaction time in information processing. |5-10 minute revision presentation | | |Understand the role of anticipation in reaction time. Delivered on the topic you are assigned | | |Be able to apply the ‘psychological refractory period’ to practical activities. |Use the specification to guide you | | | |Need to provide a handout | | | |All presentations will be saved to shared area for whole group benefit |Feedback |Know the different types of feedback available to a performer. |With reference to the learning and performance of movement skills, critically evaluate the| | |Understand the links between use of feedback and the stages of learning. |use of feedback that a coach could use for a performer in the cognitive stage of learning. | |Be able to critically evaluate the different types of feedback to detect and correct errors. |(10 marks) | |Motor programmes |Know the nature of motor and executive programmes. |Plenary wheel activity | | |Understand the types of the motor programmes stored in the LTM. | | |Be able to explain the links to open loop control and the autonomous phase of learning. | | |Schema theory |Know the links between schema and motor programmes. |Page 10 – 2008 exam paper | | |Understand the sources of information used in schema theory. (Revision) | | |Be able to discuss the links between development of schema and organisation of practice. | | |Exam analysis |Know the areas of the exam which are areas of strength and those that are in need of |Re-write ‘model answers’ to exam paper. | | |improvement. | | |Understand how answers are marked in order to maximise your chances of scoring all available | | | |marks. | | | |Be able to write model answers using the mark scheme as a guide. | |Arousal |Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of arousal as a drive affecting levels of motivation. |No homework – Bring in folders next lesson. | | |Understand the major motivation and arousal theories: Drive Theory, Inverted U Theory and | | | |Catastrophe Theory. | | |Be able to represent each of the theories graphically | | |Motivation |Know about drive reduction theory and its impact on a lifelong, balanced active and healthy |What is meant by the dominant response?

Why might the dominant response be of a good | | |lifestyle. |quality at the autonomous phase of learning? (4 marks) | | |Understand motivational strategies and their application to learning and performance of |What is meant by arousal? Why might high levels of arousal be detrimental to the learning | | |physical activities. and performance of someone in the cognitive stages of learning? (4 marks) | | |Be able to critically evaluate motivation and arousal theories and the application of |Drive reduction is one method that can be used to motivate a performer in physical | | |motivational strategies. |education & sport. Use a practical example to explain Drive Reduction Theory. 4 marks) | |Theories of learning |The associationalist/connectionist theory of operant conditioning (Skinner); |Poster activity | | |The cognitive theory related to the work of Gestaltists; | | |Observational learning theory |Know the predication made by Social/observational learning theory; |Operant conditioning is one way of learning movement skills. Use a practical example to | | |Understand the importance of significant others in the adoption of a balanced, active and |explain Operant Conditioning. (4 marks) | | |healthy lifestyle; |Social psychologists believe skills are best learned through observation.

Explain how this| | |Be able to explain Bandura’s model and the factors that affect modelling. |happens and the impact that significant other can have on young people adopting an active,| | | |healthy lifestyle. (4marks) | | | |Identify and explain the four factors that Bandura identified as potential limiting | | | |factors in a learner’s use of modelling. 4 marks) | |Reinforcement of learning |Know the differences between positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment. |Use practical examples to explain what is meant by the terms ‘S-R bond’; positive | | |Understand Thorndike’s Laws. |reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment. (4 marks) | | |Be able to discuss the appropriate use of reinforcement in skill learning and promoting |Thorndike suggested three methods (Thorndike’s Laws) to strengthen the S-R bond. Use a | | |positive, healthy lifestyle behaviour. |practical example to explain each of these methods. 3 marks) | | | |Use practical examples to show how appropriate use of reinforcement in skill learning and | | | |promoting positive, healthy lifestyle behaviour. (4 marks) | |Exam analysis |Know the areas of the exam which are areas of strength and those that are in need of |Re-write ‘model answers’ to exam paper. | | |improvement. | | | |Understand how answers are marked in order to maximise your chances of scoring all available | | | |marks. | | |Be able to write model answers using the mark scheme as a guide. | | |Transfer of learning |Know the types of transfer that occur in practical performance. |Explain each of the five types of transfer and give examples to support your answer (5 | | |Understand ways of optimising the effect of positive transfer. |marks). | | |Understand ways of limiting the effect of negative transfer. |How can a teacher or coach ensure that positive transfer takes place? (5 marks) | |Impacts of transfer on learning Understand the effects of transfer of learning on schema development and the importance of |Explain the links between varied practice, transfer of learning and Schema development (6 | | |variable practice. |marks) | | |Be able to critically evaluate the different types of transfer and their impact on the |Evaluate critically the different types of transfer and their impact on the development of| | |development of movement skills. |movement skills. (10 marks) |

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