A Symbol of Our Culture

Category: Culture, Semiotics
Last Updated: 12 Mar 2023
Pages: 2 Views: 1576

America's history has a lot of repetition In It. Price expressed her Irritation for how America started a new trend, using flamingos, and used this trend over and over again until It lost meaning. The symbol of the flamingo was used repetitively until It lost Its Importance, and essentially got boring. This tact In Itself clearly bothered Price. From the start, Price's attitude expressed how she felt about the use of the flamingo.

The title, "The Plastic Pink Flamingo," could be taken in a couple different ways. Plastic is describing the pink flamingo, yet plastic has two meanings. It could mean plastic as in the material the flamingo is made out of, but I think Price was intending to use plastic as a play on words and have plastic mean fake or superficial. This definition would represent Price's attitude of how she thinks America is so superficial and devalues objects, such as the flamingo. Price also used a simile to create a great visual of what she thought American culture was like.

She compared our culture to, "[being] like a line of semiotic sprouts. " She draws attention to this simile by using alliterations of "like a line," and "semiotic sprouts. " It is not exactly a compliment to be compared to a plant, not to mention how boring and uninteresting it is. This phrase paints a picture in our heads of sprouts lust sitting there droning on and on. When comparing this boring repetitive image to America and our culture, helps us realize Price's point exactly.

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Jennifer Price successfully portrayed her opinions of the American culture throughout this article by using diction such as repetition and playing close attention word choice. The use of techniques like similes and alliterations also helped reflect her tone of the article, "The Plastic Pink Flamingo. " A Symbol of Our Culture By Shelley Jennifer Price wrote the essay, "The Plastic Pink Flamingo' with intentions to get gain, one tends to get bored with the idea.

Price intended for the reader to get bored and sick of reading the word "pink" because it reflects how America's history has a lot of repetition in it. Price expressed her irritation for how America started a new trend, using flamingos, and used this trend over and over again until it lost meaning. The symbol of the flamingo was used repetitively until it lost its importance, and essentially got boring. This fact in itself clearly bothered Price. Just sitting there droning on and on.

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A Symbol of Our Culture. (2017, Nov 03). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/a-symbol-of-our-culture/

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