The Cardiovascular System

Last Updated: 19 Apr 2023
Pages: 1 Views: 589

Intrinsic Conduction System

1. The intrinsic conduction system consists of autorhythmic cardiac cells that initiate and distribute impulses throughout the heart.

2. The intrinsic conduction system coordinates heart activity by determining the direction and speed of heart depolarization. This leads to a coordinated heart contraction.

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3. List the functions for the following parts of the intrinsic conduction system:

a. SA Node initiates the depolarizing impulse and sets the pace for the entire beat
b. Internodal Pathway link between the SA node and the AV node
c. AV Node delay occurs allowing atria to contract
d. AV Bundle (Bundle of His) link between atria and ventricles
e. Bundle Branches convey impulses down the interventricular septum
f. Purkinje Fibers convey the depolarization throughout the ventricular walls

4. The action potentials spread from the autorhythmic cells of the intrinsic conduction system (electrical event) to the contractile cells. The resulting mechanical events cause a heartbeat.

5. A tracing of the electrical activity of the heart is called a/an electrocardiogram .

6. What do the following waveforms reflect?

a. wave atrial depolarization
b. QRS complex ventricular depolarization
c. T wave ventricular repolarization

7. In a normal ECG wave tracing, atrial repolarization is hidden by QRS Complez .

8. Note: Electrical events lead to mechanical events. For example, the P wave represents atrial depolarization, which leads to atrial contraction .

9. A left bundle branch block would have a wider than normal wave for the QRS complex .

10. An abnormally fast heart rate (over 100 beats per minute) is called: tachycardia .

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The Cardiovascular System. (2017, Mar 24). Retrieved from

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