The Beauty and Difficulties of True Friendship

Category: Friendship
Last Updated: 09 Nov 2022
Pages: 5 Views: 166

Life is a gift which should be valued and enjoyed to the greatest. To do as such, all the adoration, regard, and consideration that one is honored with by their related individuals in society should be sought and esteemed. Friendship is without uncertainty, among the best and unique blessings life offers to oneself. It surely isn’t a relationship that is fortified by law or through blood, yet at the same time holds massive significance in each individuals’ life. Such a relationship serves endless remarkable needs and the essential components expected to enhance it are genuinely trust, support, and trustworthiness.

Euripides, the great ancient Greek dramatist once revealed through one of his plays: “One friend is worth a thousand relatives,” which is quite mind stimulating. When we come to think of it, we come to realize that this statement is of immense importance, as friendship is truly a relationship that gives you a feeling of ease, belonging, and security. The story “The Last Words on Earth,” by Nicole Krauss acquaints us with the value of friendship in an individual’s life. It’s the story of a Polish immigrant, Leo Gursky who came to the United States and became a blacksmith. Back in Poland, the people of his town along with his family were caught up in an attack during World War One, which followed their deaths in masses. Left all alone, he came to America with a hope to start a new life after escaping from Poland and to meet his childhood lover, who had come to America before him. On a random day, in the streets of America, Leo switched paths with his childhood friend, Bruno.

Meeting after a long fifty years, they were still able to recognize each other and their emotions on seeing one another seemed to be quite heartfelt. Leo describes their emotions through their words and body language, saying,“ “Bruno,” He looked at me; his eyes filled with tears. He touched his hands to my cheek; with the other, he held a bag of plums. “Bruno.” This demonstrates the intensity of their friendship, as despite the fact that they hadn’t seen each other for so long, they were able to recognize each other almost immediately and they were extremely happy about it. Leo came to know that his lover had married someone else and was now the mother of two children, one of whom was his own blood. He went to see her, but she refused to be with him like old times, as she had married someone else and was now a mother as well. He felt extremely heartbroken after this event, as this was his only hope on coming to America.

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Throughout the story, Leo had tragic events coming his way one after the other Faced with the loss of family, abandonment from his childhood lover, and later on, the death of his son, Isaac, Leo found it hard to accept life as it was. His friend, however, was his reason to be comforted and be a little at ease. Bruno moved into the same building as Leo’s, after the death of his wife. They both were there for each other throughout their sorrowness and happiness and were each other's sources of encouragement to continue with life. In the article: “Do Friends Make You Feel Happier Than Family,” by Luisa Dillher reveals that chances of survival are increased by 50 percent due to positive social relations. Friendship is that rich relationship which one might find even in the most unpredicted of places and could still last a lifetime.

Being primarily based on trust, people most likely build lasting friendships with individuals they have in common with, having the capacity to view them as an impression of themselves. Practically speaking, Bruno and Leo had a lot in common; both were old men, both confronted loss of family, and also shared the same geographical location; belonging from the same town back in Poland, thereof having similar cultural beliefs as well. Viewing and describing them as childhood friends would be an understatement, as both are more like family towards each other. The friendship bond of Leo and Bruno is surely strong; it might not be that expressive through emotional words, rather showing more of a manliness pursuit by helping each other in emotionally less expressive ways. Both being of old age, thus nearing their deaths, were always on the lookout for one another. They would make up excuses like “I ran out of toilet paper,”(26) to be aware of whether the other one was alive or not. This reveals the sense of belonging they had developed for each other, which kept them from feeling lonely.

On a random day in the Starbucks coffee shop, surrounded by all sorts of people, full of excitement and joyfulness, Leo felt a feeling of cheerfulness he had never felt before. At that moment the person he called to describe his emotions was Bruno, his best friend. He said: “ “Bruno?” Isn’t it good to be alive?” and “Life is a beauty,” and a joy forever.” To this Bruno fundamentally agreed with him, not emphasizing much on the manner in which Leo has praised the very existence of life. It shows that Bruno was the person Leo looked up to being the source of his emotional support as well. Leo had tragic events coming his way one after the other. Faced with the loss of family, abandonment from his childhood lover, and the death of his son, Isaac, Leo found it hard to accept life as it was.

Returning home, grieving the death of his son, Isaac, Leo was amazed to see a cake Bruno had made specifically for him. To this surprise, he felt very special and appreciative at the fact that after all this, Bruno was still by his side. Ultimately, this was the point where he understood the significance of Bruno in his life. As is described nearing the end of the story: “A feeling of happiness nudged his heart,” and “That at the end of his life Bruno had not forgotten him.”(34)They both were there for each other in moments of happiness and sadness so that not only did they enjoy joyful moments together, but also balanced the burden of sorrowness brought as a result of tragedic events in life. Friendship is an important need for every individual without which a psychological, passionate, and physical part of oneself is by all accounts missing. It is shown through the friendship of Leo and Bruno that when certain variable elements are combined together, they shape a whole of true friendship. The certain elements of friendship that we are made aware of in the story are being there for each other and most of all honesty and trust. It is hence extremely necessary that one chooses friends with precise care, as they assume an indispensable job in supporting us.

Ultimately, it is necessary as we need our sources of inspiration, solace, and support from friends with beautiful hearts. The eventual outcome is carrying on with a positive life loaded with excitement and craziness. True friends encourage us when we go into despair and help us get back together to confront the issues of life, just like Bruno does for Leo. They help bring forth our skills, feel carefree, and remain positive to accomplish the objectives throughout everyday life.

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