Organotin Contamination In Hong Kong Waters

Category: Hong Kong
Last Updated: 10 Feb 2023
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Spatial comparing of organotin taint in common seafood species collected in Hong Kong Waters

Background of the survey

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Organotin compounds are used for an assortment of applications, including antifouling pigments for ship hulls, wood preservatives, and UV stabilizers in plastics. Organotin compounds are considered to be one of the hormone disruptors since legion Marine beings exposed to tributyltin ( TBT ) or triphentyltin ( TPT ) exhibit sexual abnormalcies. Organotin compounds are hydrophobic due to the presence of hydrocarbon substituents and therefore their solubility in H2O is comparatively little.

Wide distribution, high hydrophobicity, and continuity of organotin compounds have raised concern about their bioaccumulation, they are possible biomagnification in the nutrient webs. In the consciousness of the unsought impacts of TBT, attempts have been undertaken in order to happen as a planetary solution to this job and legal demands have been enforced to protect the aquatic environment. The International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) called for a planetary pact that bans the application of TBT-based pigments get downing 1 January 2003, and entire prohibition by 1 January 2008.

Several carnal experiments have suggested that the spectrum of possible inauspicious chronic systemic effects of organotins in worlds is rather wide and includes primary immunosuppressive, endocrinopathy, neurotoxic metabolic, and enzymatic activity, every bit good as a possible eyepiece, cuticular, cardiovascular, upper respiratory, pneumonia, GI, blood dyscrasias, reproductive/teratogenic/developmental, liver, kidney, bioaccumulative, and perchance carcinogenic activity.

Hong Kong is an international port and the largest container throughout the universe. Besides vessel activity in Hong Kong is continuously increasing within the see boundary ( 1600 kilometer2). Most sea traffic are intense around Victoria Harbour. It is between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula.

These activities/facilities are major beginnings to let go of organotins compounds to the local Marine environment. Besides, vessel-based pollutants can come from other countries. For illustration, Yan Tian Port ( Shen Zhen ). It is located near to Hong Kong boundary and started operation from 1996. With rapid development in sea traffic, organotins is an of import contamination in Hong Kong Waters.

Hypothesis for the undertaking:

  • Ship activity is the chief beginning of organotin compounds.
  • Organotins can be accumulated through nutrient concatenation

Overall undertaking purpose:

  • Analyze more than 6 compounds ( including TPT ).
  • Comparison of taint degree in different territories in Hong Kong.
  • Comparison of taint degree in different species of common seafood.
  • Investigate the jobs caused by the organotin taint.
  • Determine the beginnings of organotin.
  • And, seek to happen out the solution the prevent farther taint.


October ( hebdomad 10-14 ) Week 8-13: Preparation of sample
November ( hebdomad 14-18 ) Week 14-18: sample aggregation and categorization
December ( hebdomad 19-23 ) Week 19-23: Sample analysis
January ( hebdomad 24-27 ) Week 24-27: Writing for the Dissertation
February ( hebdomad 28-31 ) Week 28: Preparation for presentation. Week 28: OralPresentation. Week 29-35: Alteration of Dissertation. Week35: Acme Draft of the thesis to Prof.Kenneth Leung
March ( hebdomad 36-44 ) Week 36-44: Revision of thesis. Week44: Acme Final version of thesis


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Organotin Contamination In Hong Kong Waters. (2017, Jul 10). Retrieved from

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