Loneliness and Depression in Lonely and The Catcher in the Rye

Last Updated: 02 Apr 2023
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Mr. Lonely – Akon

In the song, the singer’s girlfriend runs away and now he is lonely and his whole life has come crashing down, and “he has nobody to call his own. ”This song relates to the theme of Holden’s loneliness. Throughout the book, Holden is desperately and constantly seeking for companionship. Holden even calls up a prostitute so he can talk to her and hopefully form some kind of relationship. Phoebe is the only one who is close to Holden. He is constantly trying to fill in other people with whom he can have a relationship with similar to how the singer of Lonely is trying to find his girlfriend. .

Firework- Katy Perry

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In this song, the singer asks if one has ever felt so sensitive, so ‘paper thin’, like a plastic bag, wanting to start again. This is how Holden feels, he is depressed and feels as though there is no turning back. No one has been able to help him, although he has looked for someone to help him. But there is a chance for Holden to get out of that depression, the song says ‘Do you know that there’s still a chance of you? ’Holden’s chance to get out of this depression is to seek counseling from a psychiatrist.

Help! – The Beatles

In this song the singer talks about his seek for help because he is feeling down, he feels insecure and not so self-assured, the singer looks for someone that will help him bring his mood back up, and the song also says that the person’s life has changed in so many ways which has led him to feel insecure. Holden feels down and depressed throughout the book because of Allie's death, which changes his whole life around, and constantly looks for someone to help him release his depression and help him be happy again, he seeks a friend.

Like a Stone- Audioslave

In this song, the guy is in a room full of emptiness, talks about how he is ost and he is reading a book of death and how he will die alone, the song also about being lost and loneliness. The song talks about death, which at one point in the book Holden thinks about death which leads him to think about Allie. Holden's loneliness leads him to depression and thinks about death.

Rehab- Amy Winehouse

The song talks about being a drunk, which is what Holden is half the time not caring about what his age is, though he is underaged. The song also says that “I’m never going to drink again; I just need a friend…” Holden relies on alcohol as his friend, since he feels lonely and depressed.

Alcohol, being a depressant itself does not help Holden get any better, yet it makes him feel worse.

Use Somebody- Kings of Leon

In this song the singer talks about how lonely he is and how he needs somebody to be with him. He has been roaming around the streets and he needs someone to talk to and share his thoughts, this relates greatly to Holden because in those three days that he goes off on his “trip” he desperately looks for someone to listen to him, and not only during the trip but also throughout the book he looks for someone to listen to him.

What’s My Age Again? – Blink 182

In this song the guy is on a date with a girl, the guy acts immaturely. The speaker makes prank phone calls and acts “like a freshman. ” This song relates to the coming of age them in the novel. Holden is still young, naive, and immature but faces many adult situations such as violence and sexuality. Both the singer and Holden appear to be between childhood and mature adulthood. Both come across adult situations and handle them in childish etiquettes, such as when Holden runs away from school or calls up a prostitute just to talk to her.

Yesterday-The Beatles

The song says that only yesterday the troubles seemed so far away, and now it seems like they’re here to stay. The singer talks about a “she” and says why she wouldn’t stay, and now she’s gone and now he longs for yesterday. This relates to Holden losing Allie, right after Allie’s death is when his problems really started and Holden asks himself why did Allie had to leave, and he blames himself. It seems like it was only yesterday that Holden lost Allie since he always brings him and talks about him.

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Loneliness and Depression in Lonely and The Catcher in the Rye. (2018, Sep 05). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/the-mixtape/

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