Neo Behaviourism: Bridging the Gap Between Behaviorism and Cognitive Theories of Learning

Last Updated: 26 Apr 2023
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Neo Behaviourism is a branch of psychology that draws its principles from behaviourism. Neo Behaviourism is a more flexible concept and seeks to analyze and understand phenomena that cannot be measured or observed such as stress, love, trust, empathy or personality. "Neobehaviorism departs from classic behaviorism in that while the latter is concerned exclusively with observable behaviors, the former acknowledges the importance of also understanding elements that are internal to the individual. Thus, whereas classical behaviorism is only concerned with the environment as a determinant of behavior, neobehaviorism stresses the interaction of the individual and environment."

Neo Behaviorism: Tolman and Bandura

Neo Behaviorism - Transitional group, bridging the gap between behaviorism and cognitive theories of learning.

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Tolman’s Purposive Behaviorism

Purposive Behaviorism:

  • it is also been referred to as Sign Learning Theory and is often unite between behaviorism and cognitive theory. Tolman believed that learning is a cognitive process. Learning involves forming beliefs and obtaining knowledge about the environment and then revealing that knowledge through purposeful and goal directed behavior.

Tolman’s Key Concept

  • Learning is always purposive and goal- directed
  • Cognitive Map
  • Latent Learning
  • The concept of interesting variable
  • Reinforcement not essential for learning


Social Learning Theory focuses on the learning that occurs within a social
context. People learn from one another such as observational learning, imitation and modeling.


1. Learn by observing.
2. Learning can occur through observation alone, without a change in behavior. 3. Cognition plays a role in learning.
4. Transition between behaviorism and cognitive learning theory.


In several Possible ways:

  1. By the model.
  2. By the third person.
  3. By the imitated behavior itself produce satisfying.
  4. By the vicarious reinforcement.

Contemporary Social Learning Perspective of Reinforcement and Punishment

  1. Contemporary Theory purposes that reinforcement and punishment have indirect effects on learning.
  2. Reinforcement and Punishment influence the result of individuals’ behavior that has been learned.
  3. The expectation of reinforcement influences cognitive processes.

Cognitive Factors in Social Learning Theory

  • Learning Without Performance
  • Cognitive Processing During
  • Expectations
  • Reciprocal causation
  • Modeling

Conditions necessary for effective modeling to occur

  1. Attention.
  2. Retention.
  3. Motor reproduction.
  4. Motivation.

Related Questions

on Neo Behaviourism: Bridging the Gap Between Behaviorism and Cognitive Theories of Learning

What is the difference between neo behaviorism and behaviorism?
Neo behaviorism is an updated version of behaviorism, which is a school of psychology that focuses on the study of observable behavior. Neo behaviorism incorporates elements of cognitive psychology, such as the study of mental processes, into the study of behavior. It also emphasizes the importance of environmental factors in shaping behavior. In contrast, traditional behaviorism focuses solely on the study of observable behavior and does not consider mental processes or environmental influences.
What is the importance of neo behaviorism?
Neo behaviorism is important because it combines the principles of behaviorism with cognitive psychology, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of behavior. It also emphasizes the importance of environmental influences on behavior, which can help us better understand how to shape behavior in positive ways.
Who were the neo behaviorists?
Neo behaviorists were a group of psychologists who emerged in the 1950s and 1960s. They sought to combine the principles of behaviorism with the principles of cognitive psychology, creating a new approach to understanding behavior. They focused on the study of observable behavior and the environmental factors that influence it.
Who is the father of neo behaviorism?
The father of neo behaviorism is B.F. Skinner. He was an American psychologist who developed the theory of operant conditioning, which states that behavior is determined by its consequences. He also developed the concept of reinforcement, which is the use of rewards to increase the likelihood of a behavior being repeated.

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Neo Behaviourism: Bridging the Gap Between Behaviorism and Cognitive Theories of Learning. (2016, Aug 06). Retrieved from

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