The Ethics of Steroids in Professional Sports

Last Updated: 26 Jan 2021
Pages: 3 Views: 642

Currently in professional sports, the use of steroids is one of the most highly debated and controversial topics. It seems that every day there is an athlete being suspended, fined, and even prosecuted for using these performance-enhancing drugs. In many cases, sports fans will condemn these athletes for their involvement in steroids. As I looked deeper into the subject I thought to myself, “what is so wrong with athletes trying to take their game to the next level?” Because ultimately, that’s what the real issue is here; its just professionals doing what they can to get ahead in their job and it seems to be perfectly ethical.

One of the main arguments in the ethics of steroids in professional sports is that it is unhealthy to the body, which is completely true. The prolonged used of anabolic steroids can cause liver damage and contribute to hormone imbalances among other things; however, this does not make it unethical. Let’s not forget that these athletes are playing sports that in many cases are already a danger to their bodies. When was the last time you heard of an athletes going to the hospital for the use of steroids? Yet everyday there is a case of a professional athlete tearing a muscle or incurring serious head injuries. Studies actually show that deaths from playing college and professional football are 50-100 times higher than the use of steroids. Just because somebody does something that may be harmful to their body, it doesn’t mean their wrong in doing so. For example, if a guy is hungry and decides to eat out at a fast food restaurant, is he pursuing something unethical? We all know the unhealthy effects fast food has on the body, but that doesn’t make it wrong. Adults should be able to make their own decisions when it comes to their personal well-being and if they decide to do something that may be harmful, then so be it.

Protestors against steroids also claim that athletes using performance-enhancing drugs are a bad influence on our youth. Kids idolize athletes and if they see their favorite superstar using steroids, then they will want to also. I do see some truth in that and agree 100 percent that there is no place for steroids in child’s body. On the other hand I also contend that professional athletes have no obligation to live their lives conforming to a “role model” image. In Major League Baseball, the players are allowed to use chewing tobacco during games and it is clearly seen by the youth watching on TV. Also, In the National Hockey League, there is an immense amount of violence and fighting plays a big part in the sport. These examples are also bad influences on children, yet they are apart of the game and don’t seem to be getting banned anytime soon.

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As for the argument that steroids taint the game that so many love, I don’t see truth in this at all. There are constantly new techniques and technology being added in sports all for one purpose, to make the game better. Athletes dating back to the ancient times have been doing whatever they can to gain a competitive edge. The Greeks used to eat live bees for potency before matches and Mayans would take hallucinogens to numb the pain taken from their sport. So why is it unethical for an athlete to use steroids for this same purpose? Some say that athletes in the past didn’t have the luxury of steroids, so it eliminates the records and legacy of the past. But regardless, due to the revolutionary increases of technology, such as a newly designed baseball bat or a more aerodynamic track uniform, players are going to be better and these records are going to be broken.

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The Ethics of Steroids in Professional Sports. (2017, Apr 05). Retrieved from

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