A retrospective model by Fish, Twinn and Purr (1991)

Last Updated: 20 Jun 2022
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In this strand the precise events that happened from the begginning of the module to the end of the module will be discussed .The critical incidents will be dicussed.Views and Feelings that arose during the critical incident will also be discussed and one will also identify what should have happened.

During the first seminar of this module my group was given a team building exerscise or experimental learing to blow ballons and make something with the ballons. The whole group participated in this exerscise.We interacted ,made descisions and problem solved. Burnard P( 1996) suggest that experiment learning is through doing and reflecting on the doing. One has two actions to act or to notice how we act. It is only through noticing what we do that we hope to learn about our behaviour. The experimental learning which was making the ballons helped me to do an acyivity and reflect on my strenghs and weakness working as a team member. I noticed that my strength was that i was confident to do the task and talk to group members and i was confident to make my own descisions to place the blow ballons and place them on the wall.

In the next seminar the contact address of the Mulberry centre was given to the whole group. and team roles were choosen. Two group members decided to analyse information about the community profile, two group members decided to visit the Mulberry centre to collect information about the centre, one member decided to do the executive summary two members decided to prepare the powerpoint .The other group member was not present so one person in the group decided that she work with me to present The experimental learning helped me to reflect and identify that my strenghth as a team member, i noticed that i was confident to talk to people and confident to make my own descosions so i descided to tell group members that i was confident to deliver the power point presentation.

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In the next seminar group a critical incident occured two group members were to feedback to the whole group about the mulberry centre but they were unable to do this because they did not get an early visiting date. This meant that they had to visit the following week. I felt fustrated and worried because i felt i needed to read and understand the information early before presenting. However i managed to make decisions in the group , i suggested that we met at another time and interacted with all members to inform them about the next meeting time However, in the group i did not ask the the group member who visited the centre to give me the web address of the centre. felt worried because i could not read and understand the mulberry centre information earlier before presenting.


Next time i will ask the groupmember in the group about the web address and phone number of the centre at an earlier stage so that i can read and understand the information,make notes and practice presenting. Through communication group members can reach some understanding of one another, members can build trust, coodinate actions,plan strategies for goal accomplishment, agree upon work, coduct activity and exchange insults Johnson and Johnson (2000)

I did not manage my self and resources properly because I did not phone the mulberry the centre to get the website address to get information

Next time i should use the university computer to contact the tutor about thier phone number so i can get the website address.

I met with the power point deliveres to summarise the community profile notes and each member interacted, listened to each other and decided on the same paragraph to summarise.

In the next seminar the two group members feedback to the whole group about the centre and i was actively listening. One members asked the other group members about what services therapist can offer to the centre and she told the whole group.In the next seminar group i meet with my group to talk about our reflection as working as a team. One person in the group decided that each member should write a sentence of our reflection of working as a team and every one agreed and wrote a sentence .

Retrospective strand

Sucess and constraints will be discussed and one will discuss what to be more aware of.)

I was able to communicate verbally to people to inform them about the next meeting times

I did not communicate and work collaborately during with the other team member during the critical incident because my computer at home was not working for a weekso i could not email the other group member to get the web address of the centre and i could not email the centre.In the future i will be more aware to communicate to members and centres by verbally and nonverbally( the use of written messages)

Sub-stratum strand

Ones beliefs will be discussed

I beliive that it is important to send and recieve messages effectively in a group so i can get information about the centre and read and uderstand the information ,make notes and present.

Connective strrand

This is a discussion of what i have learnt and how reflecting has helped me to develop. Ihave learnt to rfeflect om my performance and experience using a rflective journalReflecting has helped me to identify my strenghts and weakness working as ateammember. My strenght is that i can fell confident to make my decisions in n agroup such as choosing a role.i am able to communicate verbally to gather and inform people about a meeting , i am able to reflect on my performane using a journal . Relecting has helped me to aknowledge that i neede to interact and ask questions in a group so that i can be more effective in accoplishing a task in a group. Reflection cab be an introspective act which the learner intergrates new experience with old (Burnard 1996)

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A retrospective model by Fish, Twinn and Purr (1991). (2017, Jul 09). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/retrospective-model-fish-twinn-purr-1991/

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