Personal Development and Lifelong Learning Sector

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Last Updated: 04 Jul 2021
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Personal Development and Lifelong Learning Sector

In this assignment I will evaluate my own approaches to CUP, weigh up my strengths and developmental needs In relation to literacy, language and innumeracy needs. This will be continued to develop my knowledge by using my own reflection and the feedback I have received from others.

The outcome will be to establish a plan to identify the opportunities I have and want to take to address my learning needs. During the second part of this assignment I will analyses and compare the relevant harries, principles and models of reflective practice how these theories and principles can be applied to my own development as an autonomous learner.

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Identify and engage

In CUP opportunities and Identify previous CUP opportunities I have experienced, the good and the bad.

To conclude in this part I will evaluate the impact to the CUP to my own professional practice and Identity any further developmental needs. In the final outcome I will analyses and compare the different teaching roles and contexts in the lifelong learning sector. I will go on to evaluate my own role and he responsibilities with reference to area of specialist and as part of a team. Finally analyses the impact of own professional, personal interpersonal skills on learners and others.

Question one.

Continuing Professional Development (CUP) is a process by which individuals take control to their own learning and development, by engaging In an on-going processor reflection and action (Whitaker, 2007) In critically analyzing my continuing professional and personal development I have used a number of sources as follows:

  • Terms of Reference
  • SOOT Analysis
  • Managing work self audit
  • Assertiveness audit
  • Intelligence test
  • Time management tips
  • Stress management tips
  • Minimum core handbook
  • Lips with LULUS professional standards

Year one optional unit with my personal professional development plan initially started by looking what I add written on my Lips and reviewed what had written tort year one and in the summer in preparation for year two. I feel in just eighteen months my teaching knowledge has changed as I was never too sure what to write for these castles at the beginning, but with direction from my tutor and mentor I feel my year two LIP is more professional by using the LULUS professional standards.

Due to completing this course and the tact I have been on my own In the 1 Offs centre during the summer months, I nave completed majority to the teaching to complete the mandated hours for the course and self-development.

This has played a major part in my main two developmental areas for year one's goals. They were confidence and experience; I feel I have improved a great deal in these areas and plan to carry on doing so in the future. Looking at my SOOT analysis I feel I have gathered a good number of things and included them on my LIP update  I do feel I have improved on reflection and perhaps I try to over complicate this as I often do with other areas. The feedback I have received from my tutor on last year's reflections was positive so I think maybe trying too hard to create something and demanding too much from myself over this area. So overall I plan to continue keep attacking this area.

One other area I would like to touch on my SOOT analysis in the threat column was I included my pregnancy. Now while this is something I am very happy about, it is something that will have a major impact on my career with possible skill fade while taking maternity. I plan on taking a year off work for maternity followed by leaving the Royal Air Force in the next couple of years and finally getting a new Job in the lifelong learning sector. In the skills audits (annex's F-L) I have completed, nothing really gave surprising results but they have identified areas which I thought I had achieved the right level but could work on to further e. G. CIT skills and time management.

Again all of these things I have recognized and included on my updated LIP. Throughout my reflections as previously discussed I have felt under confident and lacked experience which I feel I have developed positively. In feedback I have received from my tutor and mentor in relation to the course has been positive on the whole. There were highlighted areas for development such as varying the techniques I use such as pair and group work. This I will try and do but it has been difficult to address as we have the students for a short about of time and a lot of work to complete. It is something I am trying to work on and will endeavourer to achieve these aspirations in the coming months.

The second area of development was given to me by my mentor, it was that I talk very quickly while heading the class ND do not allocate enough time for students to answer my questions. This I think is down to nerves when being observed. Hopefully with the further experience I have achieved I have slowed myself down for the next observation I have. In planning appropriate opportunities to address these identified learning needs as been quite difficult as I only have approximately 9 weeks left at work before maternity but I will maintain to keep focused and improve in that time. Dependent on being a new mother I will endeavourer to complete online courses to ensure I do not develop skill fade.

Question 2

There are many different theories, principles and models designed around CUP. It has become an important aspect in and around teaching in recent years with the highlighted benefits of increased credibility, building professional confidence, providing career development and coping with change. These are the benefits for the individual without the numerous benefits for the organization. David Chon was known as being the first to introduce reflective practice, in his book The Reflective Practitioner in 1983. However the concepts underlying reflective practice are much David Chon was born in 1 O and graduated Yale in 1951 tater studying hilltop's.

His views on reflective theory stemmed from his study of John Dew's theory of inquiry. This became his pragmatist framework in his later work. The backbone of Scion's notion was reflection in action and reflection on action. While reflection in action was described as "thinking on your feet" This does seem to be the one theory most have taken and further develop into their own. Davis Kola's experimental learning cycle is also known as a reflective tool where you take your experimental learning gained through action and practice. The experience must somehow be transformed for the learning to occur. The model uses the experience first grasped and then transforms it into strategies that give guidance to future actions.

Graham Gibbs published his reflective cycle in 1988 which is based on Kola's model of experimental learning, where many reflective models take the basic information for example Boron's model on reflection 1970 chic was later developed by Roller 2001 asks three simple questions What? So what? Now what? Gibbs model goes into further detail and asks many different questions and breaks it down further. So in comparison of the two Barton asks three questions where Gibbs asks six. Overall in comparing the theories they all hold the basic fundamentals of learning after an experience. Most theories are derived from models associated with describing learning. Therefore it has been accepted that in context of theory reflective practice is an experimental process to identify developments and CUP is the act of improvement or modification.

In my own opinion most recent theories have lust taken older ones and further developed them to work for themselves. Throughout my learning Journey regarding reflective practice it has been quite a struggle to find a model that I am comfortable with. Reflection to me is when I am having some quiet time such as walking the dogs and running things through my mind, looking at what happened and breaking it all down. Finally deciding what I should do differently next time. I do however find it difficult to put it into format, never too sure on what is required and what people are looking for. However with this uncertainty I have found the Gibbs model is far easier to use as it gives me plenty of pointers to discuss.

Using theories, principles and models can be used as an autonomous learner once you have found one that you are comfortable with. When I first started completing my first year reflections I spoke to my mentor about the difficulties I was having, and the response is the only negative thing I have found with them. They responded with they used Boron's model as it was simple to use and I should give it a go. This was one I could not get to grips with, so after speaking to my tutor I did some further research and came up with the same model as she sent me, Gibbs. As we have discussed in other assignments, classes and work everyone learns/works differently and to work as an autonomous learner in reflection they have to find a model that suits.

Throughout the year, the accreditation center staff are kept aware of upcoming CUP events in our specialist field. We regularly attend City and Guilds events, 'FL and our Apprenticeship Management Team (MAT) CUP events. These are normally notified via email but we also check the websites to ensure we have not missed anything. We also conduct our own CUP events for the center star TTT and our workplace assessors as this is a requirement trot boot our awarding body and MAT. These are invaluable assets to all people in the teaching environment they give networking opportunities to others who teach in the same environment. Also attending generic events can have its benefits too as people can share views, opinions and methods.

For the professional bodies putting on these events they can be one of the best ways to get their messages across. Keeping people up to date with current procedures as well as any up and coming changes that are being applied. The one CUP event I attended was an 'FL event earlier in the year at Coventry University. I felt it was a fantastic event with lots of very interesting seminars throughout the day. It gave us an insight on the plans of 'FL with the upcoming Linefeed report at first followed by different classes covering emerging technologies, dyslexia and SETS status. Speaking to other attendees and staff gave me a good insight t other roles and insights as I had not been in the world of teaching for even a year at that point.

After a seminar about dyslexia I felt extremely energize over the subject of Spud's and felt I could listen to the lecturer all day. Another member who was from Birmingham University who had done a huge amount of research and created a presentation at her place of work gave us all further information. The whole event was a huge success in my eyes and I felt I took away so much from it. I was also keen to keep hold of my 'FL membership no matter what'd planned to gain SETS status as soon as I could. But after eight months now and very little heard from 'FL, the lack of CUP events since has dampened my enthusiasm for 'FL and I now question my need for them. Bring back 'FL CUP events!

At this current stage of the year there is little being offered in regards to CUP which as a little bit of a problem throughout the year. 'FL has had very little going on, certainly in my area of expertise and location. I think this has been due to the Linefeed report and their concentration has been geared towards the outcomes from that report. City and Guilds have only directed their CUP events at other sectors (IEEE Hair and Beauty) and Quality Assurance, both of which have not been beneficial to me. I recognize the need for CUP but with the upcoming birth of my daughter, it will be taking a back seat as work will be over the next 15 months. I hope to carry on CUP in that time but it will be individually activities.

What are you trying to achieve by your teaching? This is a very demanding but when you can answer it, also a very illuminating question. Of course you want you students to learn successfully, but you may also have an overarching personal goal (Petty, 2009) My role in the lifelong learning sector is more of an instructional/facilitator role than a teaching one. In regards to the FEE sector this covers general FEE colleges, tertiary colleges, sixth form and independent and specialist colleges. Many colleges work in partnership with other members of the sector and are mainly associated with the delivery of education of 14-19 year olds, leaving school.

There has been a great deal of change over recent years to adult learning due to recessions and redundancies over the last 3 years along with the changes to funding. The other I would like to touch on is offender learning. This Government initiative is designed to reduce refunding behavior. Often offenders are under achievers at school, with a lack of motivation. They put the age range of 10-18 but in adult institutions have got TTY to learn new skills and trades, tort example Gordon Ramsey doing workshops in Britton Prison for offenders to learn the trade of being a chef, on Channel 4. In this sector the teachers do struggle in the conditions, not only do they have to deal with dissatisfied learners with emotional and behavioral issues.

They have to ensure they meet posted requirements as well as Home Office policy, all with minimal resources. This isn't Just a 'let's go and cook along with Gordon in prison' thing. The idea came from the fact that there are approximately 80,000 inmates across the country now, which is a hell of a lot. It was about getting them doing something with their time, giving something back, and also getting Job-ready. The biggest problem is the re-offending percentages, people Just go round and round in the system. (Channel 4, 2012) So in comparison to my role to the others mentioned I find myself feeling a bit of a fraud in comparison at times with other sectors. Fee colleges have numerous challenges to contend with as does offender learning.

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Personal Development and Lifelong Learning Sector. (2018, Aug 23). Retrieved from

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