My Semester Goals

Category: Semester
Last Updated: 25 May 2023
Pages: 1 Views: 1869

turning this in these are my semester goals. I have already partially fulfilled one of them as I am on time. I have turned a new leaf in the book of my life and now am writing the story anew. The second most important goal I have this semester is an old forgotten friend that has been updated somewhat. I am maintaining a 3. 00 GPA this semester. I am doing all assignments and homework earlier than assigned. A purely social goal, I am talking and interacting more with other students in my classes.

The quiet, almost invisible Landon is no more. I am enjoying my time on campus more that considering it just a “place of learning”. I am helping out around my house more too. I am also trying to help keep the peace between my sisters who constantly argue and fight. I’m also taking on the task of keeping my room clean. This is a very, very long-term goal. I am saving part of every paycheck I receive no matter what. I am tired of borrowing money from my mom and being broke.

I am saving at least five hundred dollars by the end of this semester. The last and most important goal is that of a spiritual one. It is benefiting my spirit to complete each and every one of these goals. This is a great boost of confidence and promotes well being. I won’t know if I complete these goals until the portfolio check later this year. I plan not to look at these goals until then and see how many I have completed.

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