Macbeth- ‘Film Proposal’ Rationale
I was given the brief that, if I was a director how would I compose work on Macbeth on Act One, Scene Three of the play? I would begin by thinking on how I will present the following to the audience: the setting, the atmosphere, themes, characters and camera shots. I would decide to try and set the scene around 1000 AD and to do this I think that there should be no bright colours used. Traditional requirements need to be employed such as the transport would be by horse, and food which has been home produced e.g. chickens. To create the atmosphere I would require a large variety of types of music. For example, a sad atmosphere I might use soft music from a flute, the typical Scottish bagpipes might create a happy atmosphere, while during the witches' scene the sound of thunder could be heard in the background.
In the third scene there are five different types of characters. I think that Macbeth and Banquo should both look strong and not cleanly shaven and I think that Macbeth should be very dirty, this would emphasize how 'brave' (1.2.16) and 'noble' (1.3.67) he is. Both Macbeth and Banquo's clothes should be torn in places and looking exhausted. Macbeth could have a bearded? Ross and Angus need to have a clearer appearance and both should be cleanly shaven. All four of these characters should all speak very clearly to remind the audience the time of the setting of the play. I would like the three witches to look extremely ugly with facial hair i.e. moustache, long fingernails, long scruffy hair and warts. The uses of masks could make them look very unattractive. They should speak very 'crockery' and very slowing and abnormal.
I would want to highlight a number of themes, one of them being the theme of supernatural. This theme is brought up during the witch's scene at the beginning of scene three. I would like the audience to believe that they are inhuman and 'weird' (1.3.30). I will create this theme by making the witch's unclear with the use of smoke therefore things which are unclear in that sense are abnormal/supernatural. I will also use special effects to make the three 'witches vanish' (1.3.77). Their general appearance as described above will make them look extremely mythical.
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I think that I would need to highlight the theme 'light against dark', this is what he says to other characters (light) and what he expresses to the audience what other characters can't hear (dark). This theme is used a number of times during the play and is used twice during the third scene. Macbeth hides his excitement and a clear example of this is when Macbeth quotes to Ross, 'Why do you dress me in borrow'd robes?' (1.3.107-108), this robe symbolizes his new title: Thane of Cawdor. While on line 117, Macbeth, aside, appears to be very excited by new potential titles and quotes, 'Glamis and Thane of Cawdor: The greatest is behind.' (1.3.116-117), this statement is only expressed to the audience.
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