Julius Caesar: Overview

Category: Anger, Julius Caesar
Last Updated: 23 Mar 2023
Pages: 4 Views: 176

Then fall, Caesar! " These last words of Caesar show the heartbreak and betrayal that he felt inside. The relationship between Brutes and Caesar is bitterly ironic in such a way that the audience can feel the characters emotions. However, it Is somewhat difficult to choose whether you can Justify the actions of the conspirators, or if you fall into the sorrow and anger that is inside those who loved and supported Caesar. Going back to Career's last words, "Et TU Brute?

Then fall, Caesar! " you can start to put an image In your head. Imagine that you were randomly Ewing stabbed by the people you thought liked you so much that they actually wanted to king you. Not only were you stabbed once, but a painful 33 times. And to really put the cherry on top, the last person to stab you was supposedly one of your closest friends. Torturous much? It doesn't stop yet. You dedicate your last words of the feelings of defeat and utter betrayal to your close friend.

It almost seems as If Caesar was reaching out to the morality of Brutes, Caesar desperately wanted Brutes to know that he was important to him, and that there is almost nothing else that loud have pained him so much than to be stabbed lastly by someone that he thought was so close. Once again, bringing it back to Caesar last words, "Et TU. Brute? " is just the English what the translator decided to write. Different translations say something like, muff too, young man? Or "You too, my son? " A popular belief is that Brutes is actually Caesar illegitimate son, as some say there is historical proof that Brutes' mother and Caesar once intimately loved each other. For this to happen Caesar would have to be only 15 when Brutes was born, so it is found unlikely by any. Whether or not Brutes and Caesar were kin by blood, it is still known that they had an in depth relationship with each other. After Career's death, there are oodles of complications.

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After Antonym had given his speech, the crowd rioted and burned down the houses of the conspirators. Antonym, Octavia, and Lipid's had taken charge of Rome. Both Antonym and Octavia agreed to have Lipid's to be the third person in power because of his willingness to agree with what he's told. Such an act reveals the characters of Antonym and Octavia as loaches and avaricious. Before a war has started, Brutes encounters the ghost of Caesar. Some believe that the ghost was lust a dream, but if this were so, then it shows how Brutes really feels towards Caesar.

Caesar was once his close friend, and even though he believed he was participating in the assassination for a cause, he seems to question his motives when he feels convicted by the ghost. War has begun between Antonym and Octavia against Brutes and Cassias. The armless set out, and Antonym army beats Cassias' army, but Brutes' army beats Activation's army. Cassias then sends out Taluses, of his friends, to Investigate. Cassias thought that Taluses was captured, and out of his own guilt and cowardliness to see what was going on for himself, his friend would pay the price.

Cassias committed suicide, even though Taluses wasn't actually captured. Once again, the armies fight. Brutes loses the war this time, and before he is captured and paraded around the streets of his enemy in shame, he decides to commit an honorary suicide by running onto a sword while having one of his soldiers holds it. Ablest Roman of them all: [All the conspirators, save only he, [Did that they did in new of great Caesar; [He only, in a general-honest thought [And common good to all, made one of them. His life was gentle; and the elements [So mixed in him that Nature might stand up [And say to all the world, "This was a man! " Even Antonym, the enemy of Brutes, calls him noble, in which he realizes that Brutes was not in the same reasoning as Cassias. Brutes actually cared about Rome, and even though his viewpoints did not match up with Antonym's, he still was genuine. Throughout the text it is plain to see that Brutes is open minded, but he makes mistakes.

Brutes is human, and relatable. Through his moral, the reader can forgive Brutes' bluntness. In my opinion, Brutes is the one that most people tend to favor because of his realistic and thoughtful character. Viewing the conspirators and how they Justified their decision in killing Caesar is somewhat of a confusing manner. Brutes feels like he's in the right place, he says he loves Caesar well, so this kind of shows Brutes sacrificing is friend for the good of Rome.

Cassias, on the other hand, went on with the murder for purely out of the negativity he feels towards Caesar, rather than doing it for the benefit of Rome. So when choosing a side between the people for and against Caesar, you cannot exactly pick the conspirators as a whole. Instead, one could break it down into three main sides: The people in favor of Caesar, such as Antonym and Octavo's, the positive conspirators, such as Brutes, and lastly the negative conspirators, such as Cassias.

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Julius Caesar: Overview. (2018, Sep 08). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/julius-caesar/

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