Importance of Negotiation: Planning

Category: Negotiations
Last Updated: 17 Aug 2022
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Negotiation Strategy: Planning is Critical University of Phoenix Krystal Torrez Week 2 In negotiation the underlying interest of the party is equally as important as the outcome of acheivment. To meet the desired goals negotiators must be aware of the uniquely different needs and accomodations each desired goal requires. By accepting the differences between each desired goal the team will be better prepared in finding appropriate strategies and solutions. Negotiation should always be approached in a serious, well thought out manner to result proactively.

Lack of planning often appears at the negotiating table as too much reliance on demands and ineffective attempts to persuade the opponent (Cronin-Harris, 2004). Author Cathy Cronin-Harris discusses good planning based on five strategies below, which may be the difference between effective negotiation and failed negotiation. In effective negotiation, establishing and ranking priority interests, assessing opposing parties’ priorites, understanding the representation of money, careful planning of factual inquiries and principle based money moves are the five strategies of planning in negotiation.

Prior to negotiation each party should thouroghly study possible outcomes, priority interests, and the ranks of importance all the different interest of the desired outcome may have. The reason for ranking items by importance is to have less important items to offer as trade during the process of the actual negotiation. Understanding the opposing parties’ desired outcome and priorities is also significantly inportant in planning for a smooth negotiation process.

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By understanding the desired outcomes of both parties involved a possible solution may be achieved benefiting both parties. Prior to the process of a negotiation the negotiator must undertsand what money is representing if money is a possible outcome for either party. Most times money is only considered a substitute of satisfaction. However, by being aware of what the money is being used as a substitute for may allow the negotiator to creatively offer other ooptions more closely related to the real underlying issue.

Allowing problem solving to be more beneficial to both negotiators. The careful planning of factual inquiries may result in the surfacing of new data. By allowing time to be curious and asking questions the negotiator may find a different plan of action. Although, all negotiators fear being taken advatnage of, information may result in outcomes positively affecting both parties. Lastly, prior to the launch of the negotiation appropriate money moves must be established. By establishing reasonable offers a negotiator may be more successful in receiving the amount set out for.

In closing, proper nplanning in regard to negotiation may not only lead to professional confidence but acheivment of the desired outcome. By appropriately planning a strategy for a negotiable scenario, both parties may receive desired results, rather than, repeatitive bargaining. Works Cited Cronin-Harris, C. (2004, December). Negotiation Strategy: Planning Is Critical. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from www. phoenix. edu: http://search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct=true&db=bth&AN=15290421&site=bsi-live

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Importance of Negotiation: Planning. (2018, Feb 07). Retrieved from

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