A marriage of convenience is a misnomer because all marriages are the result of someone else's arrangements. The only question is, whose? Whether it was your parents or friends, whether it was a commercial website or a dating app, or whether you did it yourself--either way, marriage is the result of an arrangement.
There is an opinion that arranged marriage is a kind of slavery, but it depends on whether or not there is an element of exploitation in the marriage. There are exploiters everywhere. Sometimes they can even be your parents: they can do things for their own benefit, like prestige, wealth, or other silly things.
Recently someone asked me about choosing a bride for his son. One girl was well educated and beautiful, and the other had a rich father. The parents asked me which of the applicants they should choose. Then I asked a simple question: "Do you want a girl or wealth as a daughter-in-law? It all depends on what your priority is. If the priority is the wealth that will become yours as a result of the marriage, and that is the only thing that matters to you, then choose her. In that case, it will be the life you choose for yourself.
Marriages of convenience and the number of divorces
The success of any case is determined by its outcome. In Luxembourg, a small country that is considered one of the most economically prosperous and free, the divorce rate is 87%. In Spain the divorce rate is about 65%, in Russia it is 51%, in the United States it is 46%. In India it is 1.5%. Decide for yourself where the institution of marriage works best.
People might argue that such a low divorce rate in India is the result of the social discrimination associated with divorce. But, of course, how the decision to marry is made is also an important factor.
When parents take the lead in organizing a marriage, the likelihood of success is somewhat higher because they think ahead. Maybe you just like the way the girl is dressed and you definitely want to marry her today. But maybe tomorrow morning you'll realize you want nothing to do with her! When you're in your 20s, because of various obsessions or peer pressure, you may make a short-sighted decision. Of course, sometimes people are really right for each other, and their union can be successful - that's another matter entirely.
INTRODUCTION Arranged marriage is a type of marital union where the bride and groom are selected by a third party rather than by each other. It was common worldwide until the 18th century. In modern times, arranged marriage has continued in royal families and ethnic …
Arranged marriages: the issues that arise from arranged marriages Arranged marriages. It has been a controversial topic throughout time but many are not aware of the issues that can arise from them, but also the advantages that arranged marriages can bring. Firstly, I would like …
Arranged marriage is happen a lot over seas in the western area, not so much in the United States. There is an article that is called “I’m Happy with an Arranged Marriage” by Gitangeli Sapra. In this article she discusses her view of arranged marriages. …
Arranged Marriages: Wrong or Right? There is a wide spread global dispute about the topic of arranged marriages, many arguing that it is wrong, forced, and inhuman, while others defend them stating that they are socially and traditionally correct with their societies. Both sides fight …
Arranged Marriages Forced Although the modern social norms of western cultures expect marriage to be based on love and a strong bond between two people, this is not the basis for marriage in all cultures or societies. Although the greater parts of arranged marriages aren’t …
Original Essay Marriage is commonly defined as the relationship between two people of opposite sex known as husband and wife, and it is a key to bring them happiness. Therefore, choosing a husband and wife is one of the most important decisions for everyone’s life …
Delilah Crespo Mr. McParland English 101 October 24, 2010 In the article “I’m Happy with an Arranged Marriage” by Gitangeli Sapra it discusses her view of arranged marriages. Ms. Gitangeli is for arranged marriage, she stated that people who get married for “love” has a …
Making two people who don’t love each other get married is horrible. If people get married it should be because they love one another but not because there parents arranged it the marriage. Making a girl obey her father or have to choose between dyeing …
In Westernized societies, physical attraction usually plays a large part in who we initially decide to date and will eventually marry. These chosen marriages are known internationally as ‘Love Marriages’. Arranged marriages – which are in part based on the assumption that young people will …
Last Thursday I attended the 2nd annual Communication Program to meet some of the Communication Department faculty and learn about their research outside of the classroom. It was really well organized which gave me an opportunity to understand what the department was researching in a …
Most of the kids I grew up with in the Greek village of Karpatos were forced into arranged marriages, but I never thought it would happen to me. I didn’t want to get married. I wanted to be a singer. When I was 14, my …
The excerpt “Dating on the DL and Arranged Marriages,” from Desi Land by Shalini Shankar, describes the dating habits of the Desi teen. Shankar uses a myriad of examples to describe the nominal amount of dating that occurs within the Desi communities, prompting the Desi …
Perspective is a person’s point of view. It is important to the study of history because a person’s interpretation of the facts and or situation can sway the tide of events. Selecting a Bride in Renaissance Florence was written by Alessandra Macinghi Degli Strozzi in …
You may consider your parents choosing your spouse a bad and outrageous idea, but in the long run, would it? People should consider arranged marriages because whoever is chosen just may be the perfect match, it may be what your parents want, or it is …
The New camp as we want to call it is a camping site that we plan to introduce for the first time in Bangladesh. The idea is to provide accommodation services to locals and tourists during peak seasons but in a unique way, that is …
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