Essays on Arranged Marriage

Essays on Arranged Marriage

A marriage of convenience is a misnomer because all marriages are the result of someone else's arrangements. The only question is, whose? Whether it was your parents or friends, whether it was a commercial website or a dating app, or whether you did it yourself--either way, marriage is the result of an arrangement.

There is an opinion that arranged marriage is a kind of slavery, but it depends on whether or not there is an element of exploitation in the marriage. There are exploiters everywhere. Sometimes they can even be your parents: they can do things for their own benefit, like prestige, wealth, or other silly things.

Recently someone asked me about choosing a bride for his son. One girl was well educated and beautiful, and the other had a rich father. The parents asked me which of the applicants they should choose. Then I asked a simple question: "Do you want a girl or wealth as a daughter-in-law? It all depends on what your priority is. If the priority is the wealth that will become yours as a result of the marriage, and that is the only thing that matters to you, then choose her. In that case, it will be the life you choose for yourself.


Marriages of convenience and the number of divorces
The success of any case is determined by its outcome. In Luxembourg, a small country that is considered one of the most economically prosperous and free, the divorce rate is 87%. In Spain the divorce rate is about 65%, in Russia it is 51%, in the United States it is 46%. In India it is 1.5%. Decide for yourself where the institution of marriage works best.

People might argue that such a low divorce rate in India is the result of the social discrimination associated with divorce. But, of course, how the decision to marry is made is also an important factor.

When parents take the lead in organizing a marriage, the likelihood of success is somewhat higher because they think ahead. Maybe you just like the way the girl is dressed and you definitely want to marry her today. But maybe tomorrow morning you'll realize you want nothing to do with her! When you're in your 20s, because of various obsessions or peer pressure, you may make a short-sighted decision. Of course, sometimes people are really right for each other, and their union can be successful - that's another matter entirely.


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Frequently asked questions

What is the arranged marriage?
An arranged marriage is a marriage that is typically arranged by parents or other relatives, rather than by the couple themselves. Arranged marriages are found in many cultures, but they are most common in Asia. In an arranged marriage, the bride and groom's parents or other relatives choose their spouse for them. The couple may or may not have met each other before their wedding day.Arranged marriages have been around for centuries and are still practiced in some cultures today. In many cases, arranged marriages are seen as a way to ensure that families are united and to keep property and wealth within the family. In some cultures, arranged marriages are also seen as a way to protect the honor of the family. In an arranged marriage, the bride and groom may not have a say in who they marry. However, they may be able to veto the proposed spouse.Some arranged marriages are love marriages. In a love marriage, the couple chooses each other and then their parents or other relatives help to arrange the marriage. Love marriages are more common in cultures where arranged marriages are less common.Arranged marriages can be controversial. Some people argue that arranged marriages are a form of forced marriage, because the couple may not have a say in who they marry. Others argue that arranged marriages can be successful, because the couple's families can provide support and resources.
How to write arranged marriage essay?
If you are looking to write an arranged marriage essay, there are a few things that you will need to keep in mind. First, it is important to understand what an arranged marriage is. An arranged marriage is a marriage that is typically arranged by parents or other family members. In some cases, the couple may not have even met each other before their wedding day.Next, you will need to research the topic of arranged marriages. This can be done by reading books, articles, and even talking to people who have been in an arranged marriage. It is important to get as much information as possible so that you can write an informative and well-rounded essay.Once you have gathered all of your information, you will need to start writing your essay. The first step is to introduce the topic of arranged marriages. You should start by giving a brief history of the practice and then explain why it is still practiced today. After that, you should discuss the pros and cons of arranged marriages. Be sure to back up your points with evidence from your research.Finally, you should conclude your essay by giving your own opinion on the matter. Do you believe that arranged marriages are a good thing or a bad thing? Why? Be sure to support your opinion with evidence from your research.
How to start arranged marriage essay?
Arranged marriages are unions in which the bride and groom are selected by someone other than the two individuals getting married. In many cultures, arranged marriages were the only acceptable form of marriage and were common until the 18th century. Arranged marriages are still common in some parts of the world, particularly in South Asia.There are a number of reasons why arranged marriages are still practiced. In some cultures, arranged marriages help to keep families together and strengthen relationships between families. Arranged marriages can also help to ensure that a couple is compatible because their families have similar values and expectations.If you are asked to write an essay on arranged marriage, it is important to be respectful of the cultural practices involved. However, you can also take a critical stance in your essay. You may want to discuss the pros and cons of arranged marriage, or you may want to argue that arranged marriage is a form of discrimination against women.Whatever stance you take, make sure to back up your claims with evidence. If you are writing an argumentative essay, you will want to use statistics, expert testimony, and other research to support your position. If you are writing a more personal essay, you may want to use your own experiences or the experiences of people you know to illustrate your points.No matter what approach you take, remember that your goal is to write a clear and well-argued essay.
What Is Marriage
Marriage is a social institution that typically consists of a legally binding contract between two people that establishes certain rights and obligations between them. The contract usually includes provisions for sexual fidelity, financial support of the spouse, and the division of property in the event of divorce. In most societies, marriage is also a religious or spiritual institution, with rules and regulations that vary between religions.There is no one answer to the question of what marriage is, as it varies greatly between cultures and religions. However, some common features of marriage include a legal contract, financial support, sexual fidelity, and the division of property in the event of divorce.

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