If you were a thief, would you rather steal from people with guns or without guns? I’m here to persuade you that gun bans are not what will protect Americans. My main points will be as follows: guns allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves, …
Gun Control is when you keep firearms plus guns away from people. Many people think that gun control is right because they think keeping people away from guns will reduce the amount of deaths each year. They also think that guns cause many of the …
The Second Amendment “Our greatest strength lies in the fact that so many of our people not only posses weapons but also understand their use, and above all they are prepared to defend them selves against any sudden attack by an enemy. You will remember …
Gun control assumes some fundamental things to hold true. It assumes that all people are law abiding, responsible, and well intended; we know this is not the case or their would not be a gun debate. Since the above does not hold true we have …
I originally intended to put information for and against gun control here, but after much research, I have found that there is absolutely nothing for gun control that portrays the slightest bit of common sense. Is owning a gun a protected act under the constitution? …
On April 20, 1999, in Littleton, Colorado, two students at Columbine High School carried out a murderous rampage that left fifteen dead and millions in shock Exactly one month later, a suicidal fifteen year old from Heritage High, in Conyers, Georgia opened fire into a …
Gun control is regulation by the government that is supposed to reduce crime by placing strict guidelines on firearms. The topic produces much debate between groups like the National Rifle Association and Handgun Control Incorporated. Congress has passed many laws on the subject, none of …
Should the mere fact that criminals committing crimes with the use of guns infringe the national right of the innocent to possess guns. This is a question that arouses everywhere and no matter which way it is viewed the controversy will always go on. “A …
One of the biggest issues in the United States that I would change is gun control. The government is slowly chipping away at our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. This action puzzles me because I do not see why this is happening. Gun …
Gun control isn’t about guns its about control. Laws that forbid the carrying of arms. disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants, they serve rather to encourage …
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