Acknowledgement for training
Praise to God for I undergo my industrial training that begins on early. Technologies India pet Ltd (l), I finally successfully completed my Industrial training. I also would like to extend my thankfulness to the most precious persons In my life, my father and mother for all their moral support. Its a great pleasure to present this report of Industrial training in partial fulfillment of B. Tech Mechanical Engineering from Pundit Adenoidal Petroleum university. I am entrusted to undergo my industrial training at SF for 6 weeks before I can omelet my subject course in order to graduate.
During the 6 weeks of working here I am exposed to many new things which are very valuable for me to learn and carry out with devotion when I face the real world of working in the future. Undergoing for industrial training has become one of the curricular that college student compulsory to attend especially for those who studied at PDP. The motive of this action Is to expose students and let them experience the environment of the real world of working before graduating. For that I am heartily thankful to DRP. H. B. Regained who Is Director of School of Technology at Pendant Adenoidal Petroleum university.
I realize that learning theoretical is never the same when it comes to practice. There are a lot more to master than Just learning from book. Acknowledgement for training By avatar's persons in my life, my father and mother for all their moral support. Its a great Mechanical Engineering from Pundit Adenoidal Petroleum University. To attend especially for those who studied at PDP. The motive of this action is to is Director of School of Technology at Pundit Adenoidal Petroleum University. Completion of this training was not possible. I feel very happy to say my deeply.
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