Black Lives Matter Essay Topics and Ideas

Table of contents

Black Lives Matter is a movement that promotes the idea that black lives matter, just like any other person’s life. The movement began after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the murder of Trayvon Martin, and since then has picked up steam as more and more people have been killed by police officers. The movement is not just about the police though—it’s about all aspects of racism that affect black people in America.

The Black Lives Matter movement began with three women who were frustrated at how little attention was being paid to the death of Trayvon Martin, and they decided that they weren’t going to be silent any longer. They started writing letters to people who could help them raise awareness of his death, but they soon realized that they needed to do more than just tell their story over and over again—they needed to get other people involved too. This led them to create an online platform where people could share their experiences with racism, which eventually grew into a large group of activists working together on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

How to Сhoose Essay Topic on Black Lives Matter?

If you are trying to choose a topic for your essay on Black Lives Matter, you may have a lot of questions. How do I start? What should I write about? Can I find enough information online?

These are all good questions, and we’ll help you answer them here. We’ve put together a list of great topics that will give you plenty of ideas for your own essay.

The first thing to consider is what kind of essay you want to write. Are you writing an argumentative essay or a narrative one? If you’re writing an argumentative essay, make sure that your topic is relevant to the issue at hand and that it gives you enough material to make it interesting. If you’re writing a narrative essay, choose something that will draw out the emotions involved in the topic—it can be difficult to tell stories about things that don’t evoke strong feelings from readers.

Once you’ve decided what kind of essay you want to write, look at our list below. Each topic has been categorized as either “Possible Argument/Refutation,” “Short Narrative,” or “Long Narrative.” You can use these categories as guidelines when choosing which topic would work best for your own essay.

Argumentative Essay Topics on Black Lives Matter

  1. Why Black Lives Matter: A Look at the Current Social Campaign
  2. Argumentative Essay: police brutality is right or wrong
  3. 6 Arguments For Black Lives Matter And Why They Are False
  4. The Black Lives Matter social movement began as a series of protests ending in police deaths. The movement
  5. The Black Lives Matter Movement
  6. The Black Lives Matter Movement is Working for Social Change
  7. Why We Need Black Lives Matter
  8. 5 Tips to Help You Become an Effective Activist
  9. Black Lives Matter Is Like a War on Cops
  10. 5 Causes Of Police Brutality That Everyone Should Know
  11. High School Students and the Black Lives Matter Movement
  12. 5 Reasons Why All Lives Matter, Including Black Lives
  13. 7 Things You Should Know About the Black Lives Matter Movement
  14. Why Black Lives Matter is a Necessity in America
  15. Dear White People, Here’s Why You’re Wrong About Black Lives Matter
  16. Why Black Lives Matter Matters
  17. What the Black Lives Matter Movement Left Out
  18. How Black Lives Matter is Helping to Reform the Police Force
  19. What’s Problem With The Black Lives Matter Movement?
  20. Black Lives Matter Is NOT a Hate Group…
  21. Arguments on Black Lives Matter
  22. Black Lives Matter And Police Brutality
  23. The Black Lives Matter Debate – Why It Matters
  24. Black Lives Matter Is Justified in Their Fight for Facts
  25. 5 Reasons Why Black Lives Matter Matters
  26. Black Lives Matter is the Latest Social Movement to Arise in the U.S.
  27. 5 Most Controversial Black Lives Matter Memes
  28. Black Lives Matter Movement Needs to Stop Demanding and Start Listening
  29. Why Black Lives Matter Should Matter to You
  30. 7 Ways I Have Become a Better Person Because of Black Lives Matter

Interesting Essay Topics on Black Lives Matter

  1. List of Black Lives Matter Quotes and Sayings
  2. 5 Facts to Know About Black Lives Matter
  3. The Black Lives Matter Movement: Where It Started and How It Continues to Grow
  4. 5 Eye-Opening Facts About Black Lives Matter Movement
  5. What is Black Lives Matter? Here are 5 Facts You Need To Know
  6. The Black Lives Matter Movement Is Fighting Against White Supremacy
  7. Locating the main idea in a paragraph is hard because there are many ideas. The purpose of a
  8. Black Lives Matter: Interesting Essay Topics for Students
  9. The Black Lives Matter Movement: A Development Analysis
  10. Black Lives Matter: An Introduction
  11. The History Behind Black Lives Matter
  12. Top Ten Reasons Why Black Lives Matter
  13. Movement or Moment? A Discussion on Black Lives Matter
  14. Black Lives Matter Or Blue Lives Matter?
  15. 5 Ways the Black Lives Matter Movement Can Improve the Black Community
  16. Police Brutality Against Blacks
  17. How Black Lives Matter Has Made Police Officers More Vulnerable
  18. Some Interesting Facts about Black Lives Matter Movement
  19. 25 Interesting Facts About Black Lives Matter
  20. A Look at the Underlying Causes of Black Lives Matter
  21. 10 Interesting Facts that You Might Not Know About Black Lives Matter
  22. 8 Basic Facts About The Black Lives Matter Movement
  23. Black Lives Matter in a Positive Perspective
  24. The Many Different Lives of Black Lives Matter
  25. What Black Lives Matter Means to Me
  26. Misconceptions About Black Lives Matter
  27. The Protests We Need to End Racism
  28. 10 Facts About Police Brutality That Will Stun You

Informative Essay Topics on Black Lives Matter

  1. The Social Justice Movement Black Lives Matter
  2. Police Brutality With No Justice: Black Lives Matter
  3. The Black Lives Matter Movement
  4. The Unveiling of Black Lives Matter
  5. The Black Lives Matters movement has caused quite a stir over the last few years, causing racial tension and
  6. Donald Trump, Black Lives Matter and Why Society Still Doesn’t Get the Movement
  7. So You Want to Start a Protest?
  8. The 2016 Election: Why African Americans Should Vote for Hillary Clinton
  9. Reparations in America: Debunking the Lies
  10. What are Some Informative Essay Topics on Black Lives Matter Movement?
  11. The Black Lives Matter Movement and the Public Response
  12. Black Lives Matter: The Most Influential Protestor Group of Our Time
  13. Black Lives Matter: A Global Movement for Equality
  14. A Recent Cry for Justice: Black Lives Matter
  15. Top 10 Things You Should Know About Black Lives Matter
  16. Can a Police Officer Shoot a Black Man Unarmed?
  17. Black Lives Matter and the Facts About Police Brutality in America
  18. 7 Challenging Questions Surrounding The Black Lives Matter Movement
  19. What is the Black Lives Matter Movement?
  20. What is Black Lives Matter All About?
  21. 5 Ways to Reduce the Amount of Police Brutality
  22. In the past few years, there has been a fierce increase in support for and against the Black Lives

Black Lives Matter Essay Questions

  1. What is the Black Lives Matter Movement?
  2. What is Black Lives Matter? Where Did it Come From?
  3. An Open Letter to the Police: Why I’m Proud To Say Black Lives Matter
  4. Why is Black Lives Matter important in today’s times?
  5. What’s Your Perspective on Black Lives Matter?
  6. Restorative Justice: A Remedy for Police Brutality
  7. What are the causes and effects of violence in black communities?
  8. Black Lives Matter Issue Argumentative Essays
  9. Advanced Placement Literature Review – Black Lives Matter
  10. Which Black Lives Matter Essay Topic Should You Choose?
  11. How Could the Black Lives Matter Movement Change America’s Criminal Justice System?
  12. Why Do Only Black Lives Matter?
  13. The People Vs. Police Brutality
  14. In your own words, describe what you think Black Lives Matter is fighting for.
  15. Should the Black lives Matter movement be stopped?
  16. 5 Tips of Writing an Essay on Black Lives Matter
  17. Will Black Lives Matter?
  18. Black Lives Matter: Fact or Fiction?
  19. 5 Ways to End Police Brutality
  20. What is the situation at hand?

Special Tips for Writing Black Lives Matter Essay

Here are some tips for writing your Black Lives Matter essay:

  1. Be sure to use a lot of examples, such as instances in which a white police officer shot and killed an unarmed black person.
  2. Make sure you mention the names of the victims, like Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown.
  3. Make sure that you include information about how many times this has happened recently (like every day or every week).
  4. You can also include statistics that show how often police officers kill black people in comparison to how often they kill white people (like ten times more often).
  5. You should also include information about how many times black people have been arrested for things like jaywalking or littering when white people who committed similar crimes did not get arrested at all (like every day or every week).

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