Research on Internet Usage Among Penang Matriculation College
(i) BACKGROUND INFORMATION By the turn of the century, information, including access to the internet, will be the basis for personal, economic, and political advancement. The popular name for the internet is the information superhighway. Whether you want to find latest financial news, browse through library catalogs, exchange information with colleagues, or join in a lively political debate, the internet is the tool that will take you beyond your telephones, faxes, and isolated computers to a burgeoning networked information frontier.
The internet supplements the traditional tools you use to gather information, data graphics, and news and correspond with other people. Used skillfully, the internet shrinks the world and brings information, expertise, and knowledge on nearly every subject imaginable straight to your computer. The internet links are computer networks all over the world so that users can share resources and communicate with each other. Some computers have direct access to all the facilities on the internet such as the universities. And other computers, (e. : privately-owned ones), have indirect links through a commercial service provider, who offers some or all of the internet facilities. In order to be connected to the internet, you must go through service suppliers. Many options are offered with monthly rates. Depending on the option chosen, access time may vary. The internet is what we call a metanetwork that is a network of networks that ps the globe. It is impossible to give an exact count of the number of networks or users that comprise the internet, but it is easily in the thousands and millions respectively.
The internet employs a set of standardized protocols which allow for the sharing of resources among different kinds of computers that communicate with each other on the network. These standards, sometimes referred to as the Internet Protocol Suite, are the rules that developers adhere to when creating new functions for the internet. The internet is also what we call a distributed system; there is no central archive. Technically, no one runs the internet. Rather, the internet is made up of thousands of smaller networks.
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The internet thrives and develops as its many users find new ways to create, display and retrieve the information that constitutes the internet. (ii) OBJECTIVES The main objective of conducting this experiment is to investigate the internet usage among Penang Matriculation College (PMC) students. The survey is designed to answer the following questions; 1) How the students access the internet? 2) How often they access the internet? 3) How many hours they spend time online? 4) What type of website they usually visit while online? 5) Do online affect their performances in studies?
And the most important thing is, by conducting this research; it reveals the reality of online behaviour among PMC students. At the early of the research, we came up with three hypotheses which might be related to the result of the research: Hypothesis 1: a) The majority of PMC students spend 3-5 hours online per week. Hypothesis 2: b) The main online purpose of PMC students is to keep in touch with their family and friends. Hypothesis 3: c) Majority of the students online and study at the same time. (iii) STATEMENT OF PROBLEM There are some problems we discovered that leads to this survey.
We came up with three important questions that it might be related to the results of this research: 1. Does social networking website (e. g: Facebook, Twitter, Blog, etc. ) distract the students in their studies? * With the existence of electronic communication, it seems like the students have become addicted to these invention of public domain such as Facebook and Twitter. Some of them spend more than 3 hours online per day. Thus, does this online behavior affect their performances in studies? 2. How do the students manage their study time with their online behaviour? If students prefer to go study and online at the same time, will they be able to concentrate on their studies? This is the problem as we want to identify does this type of online behaviour affect the concentration of the students? 3. Can they survive their lives without any internet connection? * Internet is one of the important things needed in life, especially for students. It helps a lot as students need it in order to finish up all the assignments and get further information on certain topics. Students also surf the internet to get the latest news on current issues.
How would the students finishing their assignments if there is no internet connection in the college? (i) RESPONDENTS We randomly selected 50 students of PMC which represent 3% of the total students. We believed that majority of the students use internet in their daily lives for education purposes. However, as we all know, in a new era world, students also need some entertainment to cheer up their lives an there is the role of internet as students also can use it to find some entertainment in order to release stress. (ii) INSTRUMENTS
In completing this research, we used various kind of method to gather data obtained: a) Questionnaire * 10 questions about internet usage among PMC students were being asked and the questionnaire was distributed to 50 students of PMC. They were asked to answer the survey in order to complete this research and gain the data. The 50 students were randomly selected among all the total students and they were from different module of courses. b) Internet search * We also made comparison between the internet usage among PMC students and survey made by other international researcher.
We found out that the usage of internet among students was high especially in purpose of education such as to do research projects and presentation. However, they also used the internet to keep in contact with family and friends as the existence of social networking site helps a lot in connecting people all over the world. c) Book, newspaper and magazines * Besides, we also looked for points in magazines and newspaper about the latest news of internet usage among college students. How the internet plays its role in students’ lives and how the institution itself provide the nternet connection for the students. (iii) RESEARCH PROCEDURE a) Phase One At the early stage of this research, we made a questionnaire to be distributed to the students. The questionnaire was checked by our English lecturer, Mr. Asokan before being photocopied. The questionnaire which has been checked and approved then be photocopied and distributed to 50 selected students. b) Phase Two The distribution of the questionnaire was made during our recess time. We distributed the questionnaire to the students which came from different modules (Life Science, Physics and Accounting. Basically, the different module of students does not really affect our results of finding as we put our aim on their PSPM results which might be related to their online behaviour. c) Phase Three We took almost 5 days to distribute the questionnaire and collect the data. Every one of group members was very determined in conducting this research. The data collected was kept for further analysis. We gathered during weekend and made further discussion about the findings. ANALYSIS OF DATA & DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS We found out that 5% of the students access the internet through their mobile phone.
We predicted that their mobile phone have the ability to access the internet through the prepaid internet service. 15% of the students preferred to online at the cyber cafe which is most of the students were female students as the cyber cafe only located at female students’ block. Besides, another 37% of the students have their own broadband to access the internet. The rest of 43% students used the Wi-fi provided by the college and also through cafe. We can conclude that students can access the internet through several of ways at anywhere and anytime. They don’t need to be worry as the internet connection is always being available.
The students also can surf the internet for many purposes and the internet connection provided is unlimited except if they access through PMC Wi-fi as the server blocked several websites containing improper contents for the students. Based on the pie chart above, we can see that majority of the students access the internet several times a week which represent 43% of the students. Another 32% of the students access the internet everyday, 13% online once a week, 10% online several times a day and finally 2% of the students online rarely which is once a month or less.
The findings proved that every student have different type of online behaviour. The students who online once in a month or less probably think that internet does not really affect their lives. While for the students who access the internet once a week may be online for important purpose only. As for the rest, they often access the internet may be to update themselves with latest issues or many other reasons. From the data obtained, 54% of the students spent time 3-5 hours online per week. Whereas 34% online more than 5 hours per week while another 12% spent 1-2 hours online per week.
Spent 3-5 hours online per week is the average time for the PMC students to access the internet. They finished up their assignments, keep in touch with family and do other things online within 3-5 hours per week. They did not waste their time do something useless while online as 3-5 hours per week is a short period to access the internet. They managed to make use of the internet wisely. The main purpose of PMC students to go online is to contact their family and friends which cover 31% of the students. Basically, they might keep in contact through e-mails or video call with many types of communicating website such as Yahoo! nd Skype. 28% of the students preferred to surf the social networking site such as Facebook, Twitter and many other. They also were able to keep in touch through those social networking site. 14% of the students access the internet to play games and most of them were male students. Hence, another 11% online with the purpose of finishing the assignments or maybe get update about the latest education topic through PMC portal. There were also some students who spent their time online to read online newspaper (3%), downloading music or videos (6%), and others (7%).
From the findings, we found out that there was correlation between students’ online behaviour with their studies performance. 46% of PMC students spent less than 10 hours on studies per week. This may due to the activity involved by the students itself. As class was finished in the late evening, students need more time to rest in order to prepare for the tomorrow class. At night, they had to finish their tutorials and made some revision for next topic. We can conclude that half of the PMC students spent more than 10 hours on studies per week. 9% spent more than 15 hours whereas another 25% spent time on studies between 10-15 hours. Different students have different ability to make revision. Some can study for more than 3 hours continuously per day while some cannot. It depends on the ability of the students itself. From the data collected, it was proven that most of the students did not preferred to study and go online at the same time. They felt better if go study and online separately. Meaning, they might think that online while studying was such a waste of time, as students will be more focus to the internet compare to the books.
This type of online behaviour was not really good for students as it might affect student’s performance in studies. Thus, our third hypothesis which was the majority of the students online and study at the same time should be rejected as it was totally different from the result obtained. However, there were 39% of PMC students who still preferred to go study and online at the same time. It was how the student itself managed their study time and online time and in returns, there should be no problem with their studies performance.
The final finding of this research was the PSPM 1 of PMC students. As we believed there was correlation between internet usage among PMC students and their studies performance, we noticed that 53% of the students achieved pointer of 3. 00-3. 99 in their PSPM 1. There was also 24% of the students’ success by achieved pointer of 4. From the above pie chart, it showed that the students were able to manage their time in studies and access the internet. As majority of them succeed by getting pointer of 3 and above. It proved that it depends on the student itself on how to manage their time.
As the 16% of the student who got pointer of 2-2. 99 and 4% got 1. 99 or less, it might not because of the internet. They should work harder and lessen the internet usage if it was really affect their studies performance. CORRELATION BETWEEN ONLINE BEHAVIOUR AND STUDIES PERFORMANCE (i) CONCLUSIONS This study was intended to clarify the use of the Internet and its effect on studies performances of PMC students. Thorough investigation of three primary questions revealed there is correlation between the amount of time spent on the Internet and their studies performances.
Additionally, the purposes of access the internet among PMC students showed that majority of the students online in order to keep in contact with family and friends and also to surf the social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Blog and many more. One finding of note was that the perception of the students about their studies performance was still not significantly influenced by Internet use. The seeming implication of this study is that the Internet, like so many other aspects of daily life, is merely a tool that individuals access and use in ways that they can choose. ii) RECOMMENDATIONS Throughout this research, we found out that internet was not the main factor that affect student’s performance. Students should put more effort in order to achieve excellent results in examination. Determination is very important as a saying goes “when there’s a will, there’s a way”. This research teaches us a lot from the perspective of team work and responsibility. Our hope is, future research can be carried in all the matriculation colleges in the country so that we can compare how internet affect student’s performances in studies do. REFERENCES Websites: 1. http://www. endeley. com/research/internet-use-among-female-and-male-college-s tudents/ 2. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Internet 3. http://www. jsu. edu/dept/geography/mhill/research/resrept. html 4. http://www. adelaide. edu. au/writingcentre/learning_guides/learningGuide_writingAResearchReport. pdf ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to every person who has made the completion of this project research. Without the help from them, we won’t be able to finish this research successfully. First of all, we would like thank our English Lecturer, Mr.
Asokan, for his vital encouragement and support. Thank you for giving us the chance to conduct this experiment as we learnt a lot throughout this research. Thank you also for helping us and guide us on how to make a complete and good report. Besides, thank you to all the practicum members for giving us support and helping us in finding information. We discuss and share any important information that could help in comleting this project. Last but not least, thank to God, who made all things possible. That’s all. Thank you TABLE OF CONTENT TitlePage 1. 0 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Background Information . 2 Objectives 1. 3 Statement of Problem 2. 0 METHODOLOGY 2. 1 Subject/Respondents 2. 2 Instruments 2. 3 Research Procedure 3. 0 FINDINGS & DISCUSSION 4. 0 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS 5. 0 REFERENCES & APPENDICES RESEARCH ON INTERNET USAGE AMONG PENANG MATRICULATION COLLEGE (PMC) STUDENTS GROUP MEMBERS: * MUHAMMAD ALIFF HAIQAL BIN MUHAMMAD NASIR (MS1113508572) * MUHAMMAD AZREE IZUDDIN BIN AZMAN (MS1113508640) * SHARIFAH NURFADHLIN AFIFAH BINTI SYED AZHAR (MS1113510255) * SITI HAJAR BINTI HASSAN (MS1113510322) PRACTICUM: H1P2 LECTURER’S NAME: MR. ASOKAN
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