Film poster analysis

Category: Film, Genre, Target Audience
Last Updated: 21 Mar 2023
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Undertaking 1 -Film poster- analysis

Film postings are a manner of advancing a movie ; they can be viewed on coach Michigans, the side of coachs, hoardings, E postings and cinema’s. Their purpose is to pull people’s attending so that they can acquire them interested in the merchandise, the movie posting is an of import factor as it is esential for the significance of the movie to be clearly conveyed to the audience. If the targeted audience for the movie is unabled to understand the posting, the movie may free out on possible viewers.A movie posting can incorporate stills from the movie, images of the characters or any objects or points that have relevence to the movies genre or story.The images help to potray the narration of the movies and gives a intimation to the audience about what the movie could be approximately, this is why its ever of import for the message to be clear.In this assignment I will be analysing two movie postings for different genres of movies sing its mark audience, content, codification and conventions and manners of reference.

Case study 1- Sinister

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The first movie posting that I will be analyzing is for the movie‘Sinister’ ( 2012 )directed by Scott Derickson, the movie was released on the 12 October 2012 and belongs to the horror film genre. The mark audience for this movie is people aged 15-35, while the official age evaluation that this film was given was a 15, this mean that the movie contains content that is non suited for anyone of a younger age ; this is a common age limitation that is used for horror films. The genre of horror films is most popular amongst the socio economic group C2, with males and females under the age of 25. The geo-demographic audience for this movie are Americans as this is where the movie was foremost released, it was later on released into other state. The movie has a reasonably low budget and does non incorporate any major histrions or actresses.

The movie posting displays the typical horror movie conventions particularly as the color strategy of the posting is really common with the usage of ruddy and black, movies such as‘Friday and the 13th’( 2009 )and‘Mirrors’ ( 2008) contain these colorss on their posting, doing it really easy to observe the genre of the movie. The posting is really minimalistic, as the chief colors that are used for the background of the posting are dull. Colorss have a big influence within the posting and demo different significance ; the four chief colorss that are used for the posting are ruddy, white, gray and black. The coloring material ruddy represents blood and decease, and contrasts with the dull white background, doing the deformed face stand out. Additionally the color white in the posting appears to be polysemic as the scene of this posting seems to be in white room within a house ; the white coloring material of the wall can stand for an absence of coloring material, which helps to reflect the soulless temper in the posting, instead the color white can besides mean the pureness and artlessness that the small girl possess. The usage of the color black symbolises the darkness and emptiness that can be seen, while the usage of Grey is used to stipulate the dark and eerie nature of the movie, this content is of import to assist reflect the general ambiance of the posting.

The chief rubric is placed in a cardinal place merely above the chief image, the name of the rubric ‘Sinister’ signifies evil and enigma and it appears in the Centre of the page in black. The coloring material of the rubric adds to its dark and shady visual aspect. The rubric is in a seriph fount which is a typical manner used in many supernatural horror posters.The lighting in the posting is ambient doing the posting expression realistic, adding to the disturbing quality, this shows the audience, that supernatural happenings may go on at any minute.

Although it is non clear from the posting where the narrative of the movie is located, the dawdler for the movie shows, that the chief scene of the movie is in a house where a series of slayings have occurred. The immature miss that appears on the posting is besides a stereotyped characteristic of horror movies as girls/women are presented as weak and vulnerable. She appears to be have oning white pajama which represents artlessness and besides has relevancy to the girl’s mental province. She is seen smearing blood across the wall, this may bespeak that the immature miss may mean that she has been taken over by an evil force, a kid is really guiltless but portrayed in a ‘sinister way’ . The immature misss is turned off with her face confronting the wall, doing the audience admiration what she could look like, this adds an air of enigma to the posting. It besides leads the audience to inquire if the miss has been possessed by the evil entity that is smeared in blood across the wall.

The text at the top of the page says ‘from the manufacturer of’ the movies‘Insidious’ ( 2011 )and‘Paranormal Activity’ ( 2011 )these movies were successful, and people may believe that this movie will be as interesting, as they have been produced by the same individual. Because of the low budget of the movie it does non have any noteworthy histrions or actresses in a big or clear infinite on the posting. The building of the content is notably different to Hollywood films, that usually highlight the stars of the movie rather boldly this posting has their names really little at the underside of the page. On the left manus side of the posting at that place person. The posting says that it is “coming soon” by non giving an exact day of the month the spectator of the posting may experience compelled to research the movie to happen out when it will be released.

An extra component of the posting is a movie tape which has been positioned onto the floor beneath the deformed figure on the wall. The tape appears to hold been played and so interrupt, the tape could hold been viewed by the immature miss taking to her ownership.

Beneath the rubric on the posting, the ticket line that is used is “Once you see him, nil can salvage you” , this manner of reference is presented to the audience in an informal manor, as horror films are made to seek and frighten the spectator and does non hold an of import message to present. This is a typical linguistic used for this genre as they want to utilize sentences that add to the horror of the posting, this adds to the enigma of the movie and addresses the spectator of the posting straight. The usage of the word him indicates that ‘him’ may hold relevancy to the figured smeared in blood, it creates enigma of what the movie is really approximately but besides intimations at what can be expected. They have used a simple text, in black that is bold and formidable.

Another characteristic included at the underside of the web site is a nexus to a web site called ; this is used to lure the spectator and adds to the expectancy environing the movie. The image of the face that is seen on the posting is used in all of the publications that were used to advance the film, demoing the consistence of its selling run, this helps the association with the movie more recognizable.

Case study 2-Mean Girls

The 2nd movie that I will be analyzing is‘Mean Girls ' ( 2004) directed by Mark Waters. The movie was released on April the thirtieth 2004 ; the genre of the film is comedy.

The mark audience for this movie is females around the age of 13-20 old ages old, this movie is likely to aim misss who are in the socio economic group E as the audience of the movie will chiefly dwell of adolescents. The geo-demographic of this movie would besides be Americans particularly as the location of this movie is set in a typical American high school. This allows the audience to associate to the character scenarios.unlike the movie‘Sinister’ ( 2012 )the film features chiefly popular histrion and actress and targets a mainstream audience.

The chief coloring material codifications and convections that are used within the posting are normally associated with a ‘chick flick’ this is indicated by pinks and purples used for the posting, which intimation at the female audience of the film. Other movies that show color strategies, like this are‘Bridesmaids’ ( 2011 )and‘Legally Blonde’ ( 2001 )these movies have a female led dramatis personae, the colorss used aid to tie in it to the mark audience. The colorss are really light and bright screening that the film is non of a serious disposition and is a really light hearted movie. The coloring material pink indicates that the film may hold a subject of passion and love affair, where as the darker pink shows the fun nature of the movie. The color pink can besides bespeak friendly relationship ; from this the audience may see that friendly relationship may be formed between the characters. The color purple is used for the background of the posting, this coloring material besides signifies love affair but besides indicates royalty, this suggests that the ‘mean girls’ in the film could be seen as royalty in at that place high school environment.

The images used in the movie posting have the typical conventions of a female oriented film as the images of the characters are all female ; this tells the audience who the chief mark is for the movie is. The characters that appear on the right had side of the posting are portrayed in a typical girly manor with the outfits that they are have oning, they are stood really confidently with one of the misss cardinal bespeaking that she may be the leader as her pose suggests power and authorization. The manner that these characters are presented, gives an thought of the narration of the narrative by demoing that they may be the ‘mean misss ' in the film. This is really different to the other character that appears less confidently, she is portrayed more modestly so the other characters dressed in denims and a shirt. The misss are separated by the rubric this may propose the thought of her being the castaway in the movie. The average misss besides appear to be looking down at the audience of the posting.

The posting features the chief actresses name rather mostly, this is really different to the sinister posting, as Lindsey Lohan was a really succesful actress let go ofing many adolescent movies like‘Freaky Friday’ ( 2003 )and‘Get a Clue’ ( 2002 )to a similar type of demographic at the clip it was relevent to put her name on the movies posting to pull her fans to watch the movie.Another name that is on the posting is Tina Fey, it is relevant that her name was metioned as she has been a successful actress and author on comedy shows such as'Saturday Night Live 'if the audience recognise that she is involved in the movie they may believe that it will be amusing to watch.

The rubric `` Average Girls '' instantly indicates to the audience the thought of what the movie is about and outlines the general subjects that may be, the rubric typography on the page stands out to the remainder of the context, and is placed vertically this seperates the characters, from the manner the characters are presented who are given thought as to who the average misss may be.The rubric uses a pink coloring material which keeps it relevent to the mark audience.On the page, the word “Mean” is bold and in capital letters, puting more accent on the movie this indicates that there may be a batch off issue of struggle in the movie. The word 'girl ' re-addresses the audience once more ; proposing that the movie is aiming girls.The typography makes a statement and helps to reflect the 'bold ' characters that will be seen in the movie.

The tagline that is used in the movie is is “Watch your back” ; it is positioned on the posting underneath the three misss which suggests the possible narration for the film.It besides gives the thought that are struggle may originate between the chief characters that are included on the posting. This lingual is used as it is a typical average thing to say.altough the tagline isnt a cardinal characteristic on the page like a standered convection it is still stands out and appears larger than a typical film posting of this genre It besides has the release day of the month underneath it in bright pink and this makes it more seeable to the audience. Unlike the ‘Sinister’ ( 2012 ) posting there is non any demand for them to keep back this day of the month to assist with suspence, as they would desire the audience to cognize when the movie was being released so that people can portion the day of the month with friends and portion the posting.

Similarly to the sinister film, the charge block used for the movie in a really little, a web site is provided leting viewing audiences to look at extra content that is associated with the film and to happen out more about. It besides states the film is distributed by paramount images which instantly suggests that the movie has a big budget.

Undertaking B

Once a media merchandise is made it is of import to garner feedback about it to see what an audience thinks, this can be done with focal point groups, reappraisals and tests and proving, this research can give the movie company the necessary feedback to do any accommodations sing the film.

Focus group

One manner of acquiring feedback from an audience is by utilizing a focal point group, a focal point group is a signifier of qualitative research in which a group of people will discourse there sentiments, beliefs, outlooks and attitudes towards are product/service they are used on a regular basis while in the procedure of marketing a movie. It is good to hold a focal point group treatment for a movie so that a manufacturer can acquire a good elaborate response from the mark audiences of the movie. From this they can take in the audience’s feedback and expression at doing any accommodations to the parts of the movie. For illustration the manufacturer of the movie may sit down with participants and inquire them inquiries such as ‘opinions of the characters? ’ and ‘if they like the general thought of the movie ' .


Reappraisals are conducted after the release of the movie, but are indispensable for the movie company to see the idea and sentiments of the audience. Reviewing can fall into two classs these are user generated to reappraisals and critics reappraisals. A critic reappraisal is normally written by an official referee who will be paid to make it, they will normally acquire to see the movie in progress so that the reappraisal will be released in clip, for the general audience. The reappraisal gives the audience an sentiment of the movie so that they can bet on whether or non they want to travel and watch it. A professional reappraisal will look at facets including things such acting, composing, filming and way. User generated reappraisals are a manner for the movies audience to reexamine a movie this is usually done on societal networking, IMDB and rotten tomatoes, this is a utile manner for the movie company to have reappraisals from its targeted audience to see their response to it and what they need to differently following clip.

Trial and proving

Before let go ofing a movie it is of import to how the audience reacts to it, a trial showing is a prevue of the movie that is carried before the general release of the movie to bet on the general audience reaction. The prevue audiences are normally selected from the mark audience for the movie, after the testing the audience are asked to react to the movie, by either finishing a questionnaire or any other signifier of feedback. for illustration after the movie'Titanic ' ( 1997 )was screened the audience thought that the movie lasted excessively long, this resulted in 45 proceedingss of the movie being cut from the concluding version. Other movies such as ‘Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle’ ( 2003 ) failed to make any trial showing which is frequently thought as the ground why it was unsuccessful.


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on Film poster analysis

How do you Analyse a movie poster?
When analyzing a movie poster, it is important to consider the elements of design, such as color, composition, typography, and imagery. Additionally, it is important to consider the message the poster is trying to convey, such as the genre, tone, and themes of the movie. Finally, it is important to consider the target audience and how the poster might appeal to them.
What are the 7 elements of movie poster making?
The seven elements of movie poster making are composition, typography, color, imagery, text, layout, and branding. Composition is the arrangement of elements on the poster, typography is the style of text used, color is the palette of colors used, imagery is the visuals used, text is the words used, layout is the overall design of the poster, and branding is the logo or other identifying marks used.
What are the features of a film poster?
A film poster typically features the title of the film, the names of the actors and director, and a visual representation of the film's theme or characters. It may also include a tagline or other promotional text, as well as a rating or release date.
What is the message of a movie poster?
The message of a movie poster is typically to advertise the movie and entice viewers to watch it. It usually includes the title of the movie, the names of the actors, and a brief description of the plot. It may also include a tagline or slogan to further emphasize the movie's message.

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